Acquisti, Alessandro, 7
Activia, 177
Agassi, Shai, 72
benefits of, 102
building across the business, 97–101
large-scale initiatives, 96–97
operating architectures and, 98–100
sequencing the transition to, 93–96
talent acquisition and motivation and, 100–101
AI (artificial intelligence), 20–21, 43–59
employee skills for working with, 58–59
fashion personalization and, 61–70
humans assisting machines, 45–47
machines assisting humans, 47–52
operational transparency and, 103–120
reimagining your business for, 52–58
Airbnb, 172
air rage incidents, 114
Alibaba, 20
Allure Magazine, 177
Alta Gracia, 117
Amazon, 85
agility at, 88
Alexa, 46
automation at, 104
initiative profitability at, 95
Nest Labs and, 20
operating architecture at, 98
technology choices at, 74
Nike and, 20
Siri, 46
Watch, 20
architectures, operating, 98–100
Aron, Arthur, 8
about aging workforce, 166–169
about women in the workplace, 28–29, 31–32, 33, 37, 39–41
in agility and annual planning, 101
identifying for strategy innovation, 17–19
AT&T, 59
Audi, 23
Aulet, Bill, 83
authority, 160
Avante, 132
baggage tracking, 116
Bain, 100
Balliet, Daniel, 31
Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 174, 176
Barclays Bank, 103
Barden, Mark, 23
BBVA, 109
A Beautiful Constraint (Morgan & Barden), 23
Bernanke, Ben, 163
Bernstein, Ethan, 110–111, 113
Best Buy, 176
Better Place, 72
closed questions in introducing, 5, 7
gender difference perceptions and, 27–42
judgment of mistakes and, 35–36
mistakes by women vs. men and, 32–33, 35–36
multigenerational workforces and, 171–172
biomimetics, 24
black-box problem, 46
blank slate individuals, 130
blockchain, 20
board members
CEO time with, 157
Bonjean, Bernardo, 132
Boston government, 108
brand loyalty, 70
Brandt, Anthony, 19
Branson, Richard, 72
“Break Free from the Product Life Cycle” (Moon), 16
Brescoll, Victoria, 36
“Bringing Science to the Art of Strategy” (Lafley, Martin, Rivkin, & Siggelkow), 83
Brooks Brothers, 171
budgeting cycles, 101
Burstein, Arielle, 166
Business Model Generation (Osterwalder & Pigneur), 83
Byrnes, James, 32
Cambridge Analytica, 115
cancer treatment, human/AI collaboration and, 48
capabilities, 74
career development
CEOs in, 151
dual-purpose strategy and, 132–133
multigenerational workforce and, 170–171
for women vs. men, 29–30, 37–38, 39–40
Carnegie, Dale, 2
Carstensen, Laura, 168
casino management, human/AI collaboration and, 49
accessibility of, 154
constituency management by, 155–156
constraints and challenges facing, 137
direct reports to, reliance on, 147–148
executive assistants and, 144–145
face-to-face interactions with, 141–143
importance of successful, 162
management mechanisms of, 149–151
routine duties of, 146
workday length of, 140
resistance to, 19
strategy innovation and, 19
Chun, Jinseok, 11
Citizens Connect, 108
co-creation, human/AI, 53
cognitive distance, 16
cognitive errors, 33
intellectual property and, 76–78
start-up strategy and, 76
combination strategy, 16, 19–21
listening in, 2
architectural strategy for, 81–82
decisions about for start-ups, 74, 75
disruption strategy and, 78–80
intellectual property and, 76–78
trade-offs and strategy for, 76–77
value chain strategy for, 80–81
feedback and development of, 38
myths about women and, 31–32, 34–35
confirmation bias, 33
Congressional Budget Office, 166–167
Conley, Chip, 172
Connan, Jean-François, 129, 135
CEOs and, 159
strategy innovation and, 16, 21–23
strategy innovation and, 16–17, 24–25
for women vs. men in the workplace, 30, 33, 38–40
contrast, strategy innovation and, 16, 17–19
Co-opetition (Nalebuff & Brandenburger), 20
corporate social responsibility, 121–136
setting goals and monitoring progress in, 122–128
Counter Culture Coffee, 117
creativity. See also innovation
human/AI collaboration and, 51
identifying assumptions and, 17–19
agility and, 101
CEOs and finding time for, 155–156
decisions about for start-ups, 74, 75
disruption strategy and, 79
focusing on experience of, 95–96
operational transparency and, 103–104, 107–109
customer service, human/AI collaboration and, 49
CVS, 171
The Daily (podcast), 109
Daimler, 20
Dannon, 177
Danske Bank, 55
data science, at Stitch Fix, 65–70
DeCelles, Katherine, 114
decision making
with dual-purpose strategy, 133–134
human/AI collaboration and, 49, 51, 56–57
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 117
delegation, 140–141, 147, 151, 153
Deloitte, 168
DeLong, Tom, 141
de Mestral, George, 24
demographic transformation, 163–177
dependency ratio, 167
Detroit Neighborhood Improvement Tracker, 109
differentiation, 81
digital twins, 57
Disciplined Entrepeneurship (Aulet), 83
disease prediction, human/AI collaboration and, 49
Disneyland, 114
diversity. See also women
judgment of mistakes and, 36
promotion and retention rates and, 39–40, 18
Dove, 177
Dreamcatcher, 51
dual-purpose strategy, 121–136
engaging the board in, 134–135
organizational structure and, 126–128
roadblocks to, 135
setting goals and monitoring progress in, 122–128
Duhigg, Charles, 16
Dwyer, Peggy, 32
Eagleman, David, 19
emotional intelligence, questions in improving, 1
CEO contact with, 148
for dual-purpose strategies, 129–133
operational transparency and, 109–112
skills for collaboration with AI, 58–59
entrepreneurial strategy compass, 72–77
definition of, 72
ENVIE, 127
environmental issues, 117
Equifax, 115
equipment maintenance, human/AI collaboration and, 49, 57
ergonomic workplaces, 171
ethics. See also dual-purpose strategy
AI and, 47
dual-purpose strategy and, 131–132
human/AI collaboration and, 59
operational sustainability and, 116–118
E*TRADE, 169
extreme-user strategies, 24–25
failure, treatment of women vs. men for, 32–33, 35–36
assumptions about women vs. men and, 28–29
CEOs and time for, 145
fashion industry
human/AI collaboration in, 50
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 168
feedback, to women vs. men, 32–33, 36–37
financial services
agility in, 88
aging population and, 175
human/AI collaboration and, 49, 51–52
operational transparency in, 109
flexibility, human/AI collaboration and, 48, 54–55
Frankenstein (Shelley), 21
fraud detection, human/AI collaboration and, 48, 55
Gavetti, Giovanni, 16
gender and gender differences, 27–42
persistence of belief in, 33
Stitch Fix and, 65
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 46, 47
Getty Images, 78
GGH Morowitz, 49
Gigster, 48
Global Human Capital Trends, 2018, 168
Global Impact Investing Rating System, 126
Global Reporting Initiative, 126, 135
Global Social Enterprise Initiative, 176
GNS Healthcare, 53
goals, setting social, 122–126, 9
Google Docs, 65
Google Duplex, 118
Government Accountability Office, 166
Grameen Bank, 122
Grameen Veolia Water, 122–123, 125–126
graphical user interface (GUI), 24
GreatCall, 176
group dynamics, questioning and, 10–11
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 113
Hastings, Reed, 79
have-to-dos, 146
HAX, 25
health, time for, 141
health care
agility in, 94
cancer treatment, 48
disease prediction in, 49
human/AI collaboration in, 48, 49, 50, 53
operational transparency in, 108–109, 119
Hill, Colin, 53
for dual-purpose strategy, 129–130
Home Depot, 171
“How Strategists Really Think: Tapping the Power of Analogy” (Gavetti & Rivkin), 16
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 2
HR (human resources)
hiring, asking questions in, 3–4
human/AI collaboration in, 49–56
recruiting for fusion skills, 58–59
talent acquisition and motivation and, 100–101
taxonomy of teams and, 93
Hybrid Designs, 68
hybrid organizations
definition of, 122
setting goals and monitoring progress in, 122–128
Hyundai, 52
IBM, 82
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 49
identity, 74
disruption strategy and, 79
IDEO, 26
CEOs’ access to, 148
networks, connection to for women vs. men, 32, 34–35
ING Netherlands, 94
operational transparency in, 118–120
ownership of, 90
combination approach to, 19–21
constraints approach to, 16, 21–23
context approach to, 16–17, 24–25
contrast approach to, 16, 17–19
questions in encouraging, 1
emotional, 1
interviews, asking questions in, 3–4
Jenkins, Jo Ann, 169
Jobs, Steve, 16
job shadowing, 131
Kalkanci, Basak, 117
key performance indicators (KPIs), financial and social, 124–126
Koko, 46
KPIs. See key performance indicators (KPIs)
KPMG, 172
Lafley, A. G., 83
Lane, Julie, 11
leaders and leadership
agile teams and, 98
aging workforce and, 173
CEOs, time management by, 137–162
dual-purpose strategy, 133–135
operational transparency and, 104
pipeline for, 151
staying connected with other, 147–148
The Lean Startup (Ries), 83
with KPIs, 125
questions in encouraging, 1, 2–3
Legere, John, 169
legitimacy, 160
Lehman Brothers, 32
leverage, 159
Liebert, Carl, 93
Life Alert, 169
listening, 2
Livingston, Robert, 36
Loewenstein, George, 7
longevity strategy, 166, 173–177
Looma Project, 117
Los Andes S.A. Caja de Ahorro y Préstamo, 130
machine learning. See AI (artificial intelligence)
management. See also time management by CEOs
with broad integrating mechanisms, 149–151
of multigenerational workforces, 170–173
by trust and empowerment vs. command and control, 99–100
Mariadassou, Shwetha, 116
Martin, Roger L., 83
Mason, Malia, 11
Mazei, Jens, 31
McKinsey Global Institute, 26, 174–175
management of, 145
number and composition of attendees in, 153–154
videoconferencing vs., 142–143
women compared to men in, 35–36
Mercer’s Multinational Client Group, 169
mere exposure effect, 33
at Stitch Fix, 69
Michelin, 171
Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, 166
Millennials, 172
Milligan, Patricia, 169
MIT Media Lab, 46
mobile payment platforms, 19–20
Mohan, Bhavya, 107
Moon, Youngme, 16
Morgan, Adam, 23
Morgan Stanley, 49
Morillon, François-Ghislain, 133–134
Muthuram, Vidhya, 111
Nalebuff, Barry, 20
National Institutes of Health, 171
questioning in, 7
spaces of, dual-purpose strategy and, 127–128, 131–132
transparency vs. secrecy in, 11–12
Neiman Marcus, 80
Nestlé, 176
networks, connection to for women vs. men, 32, 34–35
New CEO Workshop, 138–139, 160–161
New Nordic Food manifesto, 23
New York Times, 109
Nike, 20
Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, 20
911 services, 71–72, 75, 83–84
Nissan, 171
Noma, 23
norms, gender, 33
Norton, Michael, 12, 105–106, 108, 114, 115
NPR, 109
Ocean Medallion, 58
Oftalmología salauno, 131, 132, 134
Okhuysen, Javier, 131, 132, 134
online dating websites, 115
operating architectures, 98–100
operational transparency, 103–120
anxiety from, 113
magic destroyed by, 114
relationships damaged by, 114
when to reveal, 119
opportunities, for women vs. men, 32, 34–35
Orellana, Carlos, 131, 132, 134
organizational culture
aligning structure and, 150
decisions about for start-ups, 74, 75
treatment of women vs. men and, 27–42
organizational structure
CEO time management and, 149–151
dual-purpose strategy and, 126–128
treatment of women vs. men and, 27–42
Osterwalder, Alexander, 83
Parthenon Group, 62
PayPal, 17
human/AI collaboration and, 43–44, 48–50
questions in improving, 1
performance appraisals
multigenerational workforce and, 173
of women vs. men, 30
personality traits, 33
of ads, 114
human/AI collaboration in, 50, 57–58
Pew Research Center, 107
Pfau, Bruce, 172
Philips, 176
Pigneur, Yves, 83
planning, agility and, 101
PNC Financial Group, 172
Porter, Ethan, 108
Postmates, 169
power, 160
Predix, 57
Premier Health Plans, 118
sequencing initiatives and, 93–96
answering questions and, 11–13
human/AI collaboration and, 47, 59
operational transparency and, 108–109
CEO time management and, 149–151
human/AI collaboration in, 52–58
ineffective, operational transparency and, 115
strategy innovation and, 25
productivity, human/AI collaboration and, 43–44
designing, human/AI collaboration and, 48
operational transparency and inferior, 116
strategically combining/connecting, 19–21
Proff, Kevin, 166
agility and, 95
dual-purpose strategy and, 121–136
strategy innovation and, 21
profit allocation, 134
public safety, human/AI collaboration and, 48
purpose, strategy choice and, 84
Qualcomm, 78
questions and questioning, 1–13
encouraging employee, 132
follow-up, 5
full-switch, 5
introductory, 5
mirror, 5
in sales, 9
types of, 5
Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center, 119
Raman, Ananth, 111
Rana Plaza, Bangladesh, 117
Randolph, Marc, 79
R&D, context and innovation in, 25
recognition programs, 101, 132–133
human/AI collaboration and, 49, 56
relationships. See also family
CEOs in developing, 151
human/AI collaboration and, 47, 51–52
operational transparency and, 114
questioning in developing, 2, 4, 8–9
market, 73
for setting social goals, 123–124
Revolution Foods, 126–127, 132–133
Richmond, Kristin, 126–127, 133
Ries, Eric, 83
Rios, Jéssica Silva, 126
questions in mitigating, 1
robots, 52
Roche, 48
Rosette, Ashleigh, 36
Rumsfeld, Donald, 53
The Runaway Species (Brandt & Eagleman), 19
Sadun, Raffaella, 138
operational transparency and, 107
power of questions in, 9
SAP, 95
human/AI collaboration and, 49, 54, 55–56
Schweitzer, Maurice, 7
Shell, Michelle, 113
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 21
Siggelkow, Nicolaj, 83
silver tsunami, 167
Singapore government, 48
Slepian, Michael, 11
Smarter Faster Better (Duhigg), 16
social capital, 151
socialization of employees, 130–133
social responsibility. See dual-purpose strategy
software development, human/AI collaboration and, 48
Sparrow, Tammy, 95
speed, 55
Standard & Poor’s, 163
Starbucks, 58
architectural strategy for, 81–82
competitive trade-offs and, 76–77
context for learning and growth for, 25
disruption strategy for, 78–80
entrepreneurial strategy compass for, 72–77
exploration and commercialization by, 71–72
intellectual property and, 76–78
value chain strategy for, 80–81
Steelcase, 171
Stop & Shop, 81
CEO time management and, 149
combination approach to, 16, 19–21
competitive trade-offs and, 76–77
constraint approach to, 16, 21–23
context approach to, 16–17, 24–25
contrast approach to, 16, 17–19
identifying assumptions in, 17–19
on intellectual property, 76–78
longevity, 166
sunshine laws, 107
supply chain sustainability, 116–117
SurveyMonkey, 65
surveys, 7
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, 126, 135
symbolic influence, 160
interaction of with the organization, 97–101
readiness of, 96
values and principles for, 97–98
architectural strategy and, 81–82
collaborative intelligence with, 43–59
combinatorial possibilities in new, 20–21
customer perceptions of value and, 103–104
decisions about for start-ups, 74, 75
human combinations with, 20–21
humans assisting machines, 45–47
machines assisting humans, 47–52
operational transparency and, 103–120
Templeton, Chuck, 82
3M Health Information Systems, 94, 95
time management by CEOs, 137–162
constituency management and, 155–156
delegation and, 140–141, 147, 151, 153
face-to-face interactions and, 141–143
management mechanisms and, 149–151
personal well-being and, 141
reliance on direct reports and, 147–148
routine duties and, 146
T-Mobile, 169
Toyota, 98
train-cleaning service, 110–111
for dual-purpose strategy, 131
for women vs. men, 38
answering questions and, 11–13
trash collection, 113
travel, 141
operational transparency and, 107
questions in encouraging, 1
Tsay, Chia-Jung, 110
unknown unknowns, 53
UPS, 119
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 119
created by operational transparency, 108–109
customer perceptions of, 103–104
operational transparency and, 104–105
value chain, 18
agile, 102
VanEpps, Eric, 7
Velcro, 24
video rental industry, 17–18, 63, 79
Virgin Trains, 49
Vivractif, 128
Vox Capital, 126, 130, 131–132
Wagner, Sebastian, 95
Webvan, 80
Wegner, Daniel, 11
alternative explanations for workplace accomplishments of, 37–38
assumptions about family and, 28–29
changing the context for, 38–40
“fixing,” 37
parity of, failure to achieve, 27–28
performance appraisals and, 30
popular myths about, 31–32, 33
questioning the narrative on, 37
at Stitch Fix, 65
as opportunity vs. crisis, 173–177
workweek, redefining for the aging workforce, 170–171
World Bank, 167
Xerox, 171
Yabe, Teruo, 111
Yip, Jeremy, 7
Zheng, Yanchong, 116