
A/B testing, 104

accountability, 20

additive manufacturing, 6173

advantages of, 6365

approaches for, 7071

big area, 65

operations and, 62, 66, 6869

patents, 67

platforms, 6972

product offerings, 62, 66

reconfiguring ecosystems for, 6263, 69

revolution in, 7273

strategy, 6263, 6569, 7071

advice, seeking out, 53, 132

aerospace industry, and 3-D printing, 66

agility, 7982

Airbnb, 149

algorithms, in decision making, 57, 59


in chain of command, 88

with strategy, 7679

Allen curve, 147

alternative energy, 44

Amazon, 21, 149

ancillary effects, 108

Apple, 3435, 38

AT&T, 149

authenticity, 89101

cultural differences and, 99

development and, 95, 96100

leaders and, 89101

training, 95

automotive industry, and 3-D printing, 66, 68, 70

Bank of America, 168

Belk, 25

Bernstein, Ethan, 1527

big data, 103, 113116

blinding, in decision making, 57

blind tests, 113

blue-collar jobs. See labor force

boards of directors, 33, 34, 4243

boundaries, 1627

around teams, 1722

around time, 2627

between decision rights and improvement rights, 2326

between feedback and evaluation, 2223

Buckingham, Marcus, 114

business experiments, 103119

A/B testing, 104

big data and, 113116

blind tests, 113

causality and, 117118

checklist for, 106107

clear purpose for, 105108

control groups, 114115

conventional wisdom, 118119

dependent variables, 105, 110

doability of, 109111

independent variables, 105, 110

organizational priorities and, 109

randomized field trials, 111112

reliability of results in, 111116

sample size for, 111

stakeholder commitment and, 108109

targeted rollouts of, 116

value of, 116118

business models, 155157, 167, 169170

business process management. See operations strategy, for 3-D printing

buybacks. See stock buybacks

capital investments, 2930

Capital One, 112

Caradigm, 165

causality. See business experiments change

adaptation to, 7980, 81

customer reactions to, 103

leadership development and, 97100

checklists, in decision making, 57, 59

chief executive officer (CEO). See also corporate executives

board of directors and, 43

compensation of, 42

role of, 37

cloud computing, 154, 161, 167

cognitive biases, 4759


benefits of, 121128, 133

leadership for, 134136

multidisciplinary, 122128

obstacles to, 128130

in professional services firms, 121137

research on, 124

revenue and, 122123, 125126, 133

strategies for, 130136


collaboration and, 132

digital, 146148

elements of successful, 142143

physical distance and, 147

of strategy, 8284

compensation decisions, 56

conflict resolution, 8788

connected devices, 155, 157. See also digital ubiquity

contract service agreements (CSAs), 157

control groups, 114115. See also business experiments

coordination, 7778, 80, 8586

corporate culture, 8486

corporate executives. See also chief executive officer (CEO)

compensation of, 30, 33, 3945

self-serving, 3940

strategy execution and, 8688

corporate profits, 2930, 45. See also stock buybacks

corporate values, 84

coworking spaces, 148151

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, 117118

creative thinking, 24, 139

creativity, 139, 144145, 148

crowdsourcing, 163, 166

cultural norms, 91, 99

customer engagement, 164

Daimler, 167


big, 103, 113116

performance, 611

D’Aveni, Richard, 6173

decision making

biases in, 4759

blinding and, 57

decision point and, 58

estimates and, 5052

future projections and, 4953

objectives and, 5254

one-off decisions, 5859

options and, 5456

overconfidence and, 56

misweighting and, 57

possible outcomes and, 4952

System 1 thinking and, 47, 49, 54

System 2 thinking and, 4748, 54, 58

trip wires and, 5658

decision rights, 2326

dependent variables. See business experimentation

deregulation, 35

digital blueprints, in 3-D printing, 62

digital communication, 146148

digital monitoring, 21

digital ubiquity, 153170

digital workspaces, 146

disinvestment, 82

distributed leaders, 8788

dividends, 29, 30, 37

Dodd-Frank Act, 42

downsize-and-distribute approach, 31

Downtown Project (Las Vegas), 150151

DriveCam, 2223

drug prices, 4445

earnings per share (EPS) targets, 30, 33

economic growth, 3132

economic prosperity, 29, 30, 45

employee evaluations, 23, 56, 2223. See also performance management


digital tracking of, 21

engagement by, 95

improvement rights for, 2326

observation of, 15, 1718, 21

underperformance by, 8485

employee stock options, 3637, 3940

employment relations, 32


communication and, 142143

customer, 164

employee, 95

E.ON, 164165

estimates, in decision making, 5052

evaluation, joint, in decision making, 55

evaluations, performance, boundaries in, 2223

executive compensation, 30, 33, 3945

experimentation, 9697, 103119. See also business experiments

Exxon Mobil, 34

Facebook, 139

face-to-face interactions, 139, 140, 143146

Family Dollar, 107108

federal subsidies, 44


anonymous, 2223

boundaries between evaluation and, 2223

internal, 2

negative, 94, 96

360-degree, 5, 26

financial crisis, 31, 170

financial forecasts, 4950

flexograms, 27

Flextronics, 2425

Ford Motor, 167

Foundry, 149

free cash flow, 3738

future projections, 4952

Gardner, Heidi K., 121137

General Electric (GE), 67, 153155, 157167

Giant Bicycles, 26

goals, 2, 76, 98. See also objectives

Goodall, Ashley, 114

Google, 139, 155, 158

group performance, 145146

Harrah’s, 21

hedging, 49

high-performing teams, 45

high self-monitors, 92

hiring decisions, 84, 134

Homkes, Rebecca, 7588

horizontal management, 7879

Iansiti, Marco, 153170

Ibarra, Herminia, 89101

IBM, 67

ideas, selling your, 9394

identity, 90, 91, 100

idiosyncratic rater effect, 3, 5

impressions, managing, 22

improvement rights, 2326

income inequality, 31

independent variables. See business experimentation

industrial internet, 153155, 159167

ING Direct, 149

innovation, 2325, 27, 67, 72, 103, 139, 166

inside view, in decision making, 52

internal feedback, 2

internet, 72, 104

industrial, 153155, 159167

internet of things, 154, 156, 157

intuition, 47, 49

inventory management, 68

J.C. Penney, 103, 119

joint evaluation, of options, 55

joint ventures, 165166

just-in-time inventory, 68

Kohl’s, 106107, 108, 118

labor force, 32

Lakhani, Karim R., 153170

Lazonick, Willliam, 2945


as architects, 135136

authenticity and, 8996

buy-in for, 9394

as coaches, 134135

collaboration and, 134136

distributed, 8788

new, 9293

playful attitude for, 9697

processing of negative feedback by, 94, 96

role models for, 9798

team, 79

trust in, 95


machine, 114

setting goals for, 9899

through imitation, 9798

Lindsay, Greg, 139151

loss aversion, 58

low self-monitors, 9293

Magnolfi, Jennifer, 139151

management by objectives, 76

manufacturing jobs. See labor force

Manzi, Jim, 103119

maximizing shareholder value (MSV), 3738

Microsoft, 154, 167

Milkman, Katherine L., 4759

misweighting, in decision making, 57

motivated biases, 5659

multicultural environments, and authenticity, 99

nanotechnology, 44

narrow thinking, 4759

negative feedback, 94, 96

Nest, 155, 158, 168

networking, 94

Norfolk Southern, 161162


cycling through your, 54

management by, 76

strategic, 8284

thinking about, 5254

observation, 15, 1718, 20, 21

office design, 139151

one-off decisions, 5859

open-market repurchases, 3343

operations strategy, for 3-D printing, 6669


thinking about, 5456

vanishing options test, 56

outcomes-based business models, 169170

outside view, in decision making, 5152

outsight, 9697

overconfidence, in decision making, 56

partnerships, 165167

patents, and 3-D printing, 67

Payne, John W., 4759


checking in on, 710

culture, 8486

goals, 98

group, 145146

snapshots, 611

workspace design and, 139141

performance management

data collection, 56

purpose of, 5, 710

redesign of, 114

ratings, 23, 14

transparency and, 1114

performance snapshots, 611

personal information, and transparency, 21

personal narratives, and authenticity, 99100

personnel decisions, 8485

Petco, 109, 113, 116, 118119

pharmaceutical drugs, 4445

planning fallacy, in decision making, 52

platforms, and 3-D printing, 6972

playful attitude, and authenticity, 9697

possible outcomes, in decision making, 4952

postmortems, 51

Predictivity, 161162

premortems, 51

present bias, 58

privacy, 1527

product development, and digital ubiquity, 163

productive deviance, 2324

productivity, 18, 27, 32, 45, 145146

product strategy, for 3-D printing, 62, 66

professional identities, 90, 91, 100. See also authenticity

professional services firms, 121137

profits, 2945

promotion decisions, 8485

prosperity, 29, 30, 31, 33, 45

Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), 161

Publix Super Markets, 109, 113, 116

Quirky, 166

randomized field trials, 111112

ratings, performance

debate over, 14

science of, 23

reconsideration, in decision making, 5051

referrals, work, 125127

regulatory agencies, and digital ubiquity, 170

reinvestment, of dividends, 39

repurchases, stock, 3343

resource allocation decisions, 3033, 45, 8081

retain-and-reinvest approach, 3031

retained earnings, 38

role models, and authenticity, 9798

Rule 10b-18, 34, 35, 45

Rypple, 22

Samsung, 139

SAP, 154

Seagate Technology, 5253

Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC), 35, 41, 42, 45

Securities Exchange Act, 34, 35

senior management

lack of collaboration by, 121137

See also corporate executives

shareholders, 2931, 33, 3738, 43, 45

SmartWool, 163

social media, and authenticity, 91

social spaces, and workspaces, 144

software companies, and digital ubiquity, 154

Soll, Jack B., 4759

stakeholders, and experimentation, 108109

St. Luke’s Medical Center, 161

stock buybacks, 2930, 3343

justifications for, 3539

reform of, 4143

types of, 3335

stock options, 3637, 3944

stock-price manipulation, 34, 38

Stratasys, 67

strategy execution, 7588

alignment and, 7679, 88

communication and, 8284

coordination and, 7778, 80, 8586

failures in, 7982

importance of, 75

myths about, 7688

performance culture and, 8486

plans for, 7982

research on, 78

top executives and, 8688

strengths, individual, 45, 9

Sull, Charles, 7588

Sull, Donald, 7588

sustainable prosperity, 31

System 1 thinking, 47, 49, 54. See also decision making

System 2 thinking, 4748, 54, 58. See also decision making

Taleris, 165166

targeted rollouts, and experiments, 116

taxpayers, 38, 43

Tax Reform Act, 43

team leaders, 710


boundaries around, 1722

high-performing, 45

weekly check-ins with, 710

Telenor, 142143, 146147

tender offers, 3334

Tesco, 21

Therics, 67

Thomke, Stefan, 103119

3-D printing, 6173

advantages of, 6365

approaches for, 7071

operations and, 62, 66, 6869

patents, 67

platforms, 6972

printer farms, 70

product offerings, 62, 66

product strategy, 62, 66

reconfiguring ecosystems for, 6263, 69

revolution in, 7273

strategy, 6263, 6569, 7071

3D Systems, 67

360-degree feedback, 5, 26

time boundaries, 2627

transparency, 1114, 1527

acting and, 17

Uber, 168

underperformance, and strategy, 8485

unions. See labor force

UPS, 21, 68

U.S. economy, 30, 45

validity testing, 1213

value capture, 155157, 169

value creation, 3033, 38, 155157, 169

value engineering, 116117

value extraction, 3033, 38

Valve Software, 1920

vanishing options test, in decision making, 56

visibility, 16, 24

Waber, Ben, 139151

wages, 3132

Wawa, 108

weekly check-ins, with teams, 710

white-collar workers. See labor force

work environment, transparency in, 1527

workspaces, 139151

Yahoo, 139

yes-no framing, in decision making, 5455

Zappos, 150

Zipcar, 167