After entering the gate to their borrowed training compound, Johan directed the driver to the front of the barracks. He jumped out of the cab, went around to the back, and said, “Andy, have the men break down the kit. You take Chris to the medic. I’m going to find Colonel Armstrong.”
Andy nodded and said, “I don’t think it’s broken. He’ll still be good.”
Johan went up the steps, saying, “We’ll see,” over his shoulder. He entered the barracks and went to the office in the back, hearing voices. He knocked and waited. Armstrong came outside, closing the door behind him.
He said, “What the hell took so long? It’s almost four in the morning.”
“The damn driver couldn’t find the drop zone even with a GPS. He was supposed to be waiting on us when we hit the ground. We got nothing. The stand-ins you found happened to know the area, and they’re the ones who located the DZ. If that happens in Lesotho I’m going to fucking gut him.”
“It’ll be better in Lesotho. He knows that terrain like the back of his hand, like our stand-ins did here. He won’t even need a GPS.”
“He’d better not, or he’s dead.”
Armstrong said, “What else is bothering you?”
“The jump was a bit of a cluster as well. The pilot offset on the wrong side of the DZ, forcing an extra pass, something I don’t want to do over Lesotho airspace. Then Chris came in hard. He fucked up his ankle.”
“Will he be able to execute the op?”
“I don’t know. They’re checking him out now, but as far as final rehearsals go, this one didn’t give me a lot of confidence.”
The door to the barracks opened, and Andy came in. He nodded at Armstrong, saying, “Sir.” Then to Johan: “Chris is okay. Bruised patella and sprained right ankle, but the doc says he can wear a brace in his boot.”
“Can he jump?”
“Doc said he didn’t advise it. Chris said he’s going.”
Johan smiled and said, “Get me an up on the kit; then we’ll do an after-action review. Make sure that fucking driver is there.”
Andy left, and Johan said, “Well, sir, I’ve got other issues to take care of. I’m going to go find that stupid pilot. Straighten his ass out.”
Armstrong said, “Before you go, I have someone I want you to meet.”
“The new future ruler of Lesotho. Deputy Prime Minister Makalo Lenatha.”
“Why the fuck do I have to meet him? He’s not paying the bills.”
Armstrong scowled and said, “He wanted to meet you. He wants to meet the man who’s going to receive him on the airfield when I bring him in. He’s been waiting up all fucking night for you to get back; now, get in there and shake his hand.”
Johan rolled his eyes and said, “He’s going to fly in like a king after I’ve done the killing, and I have to start kissing his ass before that’s even happened?”
“Yes. No smart-ass comments.”
Armstrong opened the door to the office, ushered in Johan, and said, “Prime Minister Lenatha, this is Johan van Rensburg. He’s the ground-force commander for the operation, and the one who will meet us on the airfield.”
Johan saw four security stiffs glowering at him, and a man in a suit, about five foot seven, with a narrow hatchet face. Johan took an immediate dislike to him.
Lenatha came forward, sticking his hand out and saying, “It’s good to meet the man who will help our country get rid of a tyrant.”
Johan shook the hand and said, “So, you’re going to bring progress and hope to the country? Or just get rich?”
Lenatha’s smile faded. Armstrong quickly said, “Johan’s full of humor.”
Johan said, “I am. Just try me.”
Lenatha smiled again, weakly, and said, “So, was the rehearsal good? You’re ready tomorrow night?”
Armstrong glared at Johan, and Johan said, “Yes. It was fine. We’ll go tomorrow night.”
Lenatha said, “Good, good. I wish you the best of luck.”
Johan said, “With those dumb fucks you’ve given us, we’re going to need every bit of it.”
Armstrong grabbed Johan’s bicep and began ushering him to the door, saying, “Johan’s got some final planning to do.”
Lenatha said, “I completely understand. I’ll see you on the airfield.”
Armstrong opened the door, and Johan said, “You will, rest assured.”
Armstrong got him back outside, closed the door, and said, “What the hell was that all about? I told you no bullshit.”
Johan said, “Sir, I’ll do the killing, but I’m not going to make that guy think he’s a savior. He’s a fucking mercenary, just like me.”