
I have been fortunate while researching and writing this book to have had the assistance and encouragement of a considerable group of people, ranging from the current custodians of many of the wonderful buildings featured in the book, to several photographers who have kindly provided illustrations and friends and family who have supported and encouraged me.

I’d like to thank the following people in particular:

Oregaard School – Birgitte Hansen and Bent Johnson

Tandstickspalatset – Karin Johansson, Christer Nilsson and Stefan Andersson

Stockholm Concert Hall – Karina Svensson

Jyvaskyla Workers Club – Maija Nurminen

Copenhagen Police Headquarters – Sofie Sidor

Finnish Parliament House – Rainer Hindsberg

And finally my wife, Sue, for her constant support, encouragement, research as well as the compilation of the index.

John Stewart