‘Alvar Aalto’, by Richard Weston, Phaidon, 1995.
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‘Arkitekten Carl Petersen: der Tegnede Faaborg Museum’, by Hakon Stephensen, Copenhagen, Arkitektens Forlag, 1979.
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‘Arts and Crafts Architecture’, by Peter Davey, Phaidon, 1995, p. 220.
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‘The Battle of the Styles: Society, Culture and Design of a New Foreign Office, 1855–1861’, by Bernard Porter, Bloomsbury, 2011.
‘Building a New Europe – Portraits of Modern Architects’, by George Nelson, 1935–1936.
‘The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism 1928–1960’, by Eric Mumford, MIT Press, 2002.
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‘Classicism in Copenhagen: Architecture in the Age of C.F. Hansen’, edited by Hanne Raabyemagle and Claus M Smidt, Gyldendal, 1998.
‘Classicism in Copenhagen: The Architecture of C.F. Hansen’s Time in Copenhagen’, edited by Poul Ingemann, Gyldendal 1999.
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‘Contours of Finnish Architecture’, by Riitta Nikula, Otava, 2005.
‘Contrasts’, by Carl Petersen, published 1919.
‘Crafts, Art and Design from 1895 to 1975’, by Dag Widman from, ‘Art in Sweden’, (1991) Ed: Sven Sandström, 2nd edn, Norstedts.
‘Danish Architecture since 1754’, by Martin Keiding, Marianne Amundsen and Kim Dirckinck-Holmfield, Danish Architectural Press, 2007.
Edvard Thomsen by Villads Villadsen, in Danish Biographical Lexicon, 3rd ed., Gyldendal 1979–84.
‘Der Deutsche Werkbund. 1907–1934’, by Joan Campbell, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 1981.
‘Design Museum’, Alvar Aalto Profile, designmuseum.org.
‘Efforts in Architecture’, by Nils Erik Wickberg, Otava, 1963.
‘Finland: Modern Architectures in History’, by Roger Connah, Reaktion Books, 2005.
‘Finnish Architecture and the Modernist Tradition’, by Malcolm Quantrill, Taylor and Francis, 2012.
‘Finnish Summer Houses’, by Jari Jetsonen and Siirkaliisa Jetsonen, Princeton Architectural Press, 2008.
‘Funkis’, by Ingrid Sommar, Bokforlaget Forum, 2006.
‘German and Scandinavian Protestantism 1700–1918’, by Nicholas Hope, Oxford University Press, 1995.
‘A Guide to Finnish Architecture’, by James Maude Richards, Evelyn, 1966.
‘Hack Kampmann’, by Lisbet Balsev Jorgensen Architectural Review, January 1983 http://www.copenhagenet.dk/CPH-History.htm.
‘Heinrich Tessenow 1876–1950’, by Marco De Michelis, Electa, 1991.
‘A History of Architecture’, by Sir Banister Fletcher, The Athlone Press, 1975 (18th edn).
‘A History of the Modern Movement: Art Architecture Design’, by Kurt Rowland, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1973.
‘The History of Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland’, by T.K. Derry, Swedish Pioneer Historical Society, 1979.
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‘Industrialisation, Democratisation and Nationalisation, Approx.1810–1920’, Norden.org.
‘Ivar Tengbom: Byggnadskonst pa Klassisk Grund’, by Anders Bergstrom, Byggforlaget, 2001.
‘JS Sirén – Architect – 1889–1961’, (Exhibition Catalogue).
‘JS Sirén – Architect –1889–1961’, by Osmo Lappo, Finland, 1989.
‘JS Sirén’, Museum of Finnish Architecture, mfa.fi.
‘JS Sirén, 1889–1961, Arkkitehti’, by Severi Blomstedt, Suomen Rakennustaiteen Museo, 1989.
‘Kauno S. Kallio’, Museum of Finnish Architecture, mfa.fi.
‘Kobenhavns Politi Politigarden’, Udgivet af Kobenhavns PolitisInformationsafdeling, Politigarden, www.kbhpol.dk.
‘Kritisk Revy’, Editor Poul Henningsen, July, 1926.
‘Last Landscapes: The Architecture of the Cemetery in the West’, by Ken Worpole, Reaktion Books, 2004.
‘La Ville Radieuse’, by Le Corbusier, Editions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, 1933.
‘The Match King: Ivar Kreuger and the Financial Scandal of the Century’, by Frank Partnoy, Bradshaw, 2009.
‘Materials, Form and Architecture’, by Richard Weston, Lawrence King, 2003.
Martti Valikangas, Museum of Finnish Architecture, mfa.fi.
‘Modern Architecture: A Critical History’, by Kenneth Frampton, Thames and Hudson, 1985.
‘Modern Architecture since 1900’, by William JR Curtis, Phaidon, 1982.
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‘Modernism in Scandinavia: Art, Architecture and Design’, by Charlotte Ashby, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.
‘Morphlogy’ (a lecture by Sirén), reproduced in ‘JS Sirén, 1889–1961, Arkkitehti’, by Severi Blomstedt, Suomen Rakennustaiteen Museo, 1989.
‘Neoclassical and 19th Century Architecture’, by Robin Middleton and David Watkin, Faber and Faber, London 1987.
‘Nordic Classicism 1910–1930’, by Simo Paavilainen, Helsinki Museum of Finnish Architecture, 1982.
‘Northern Arts: The Breakthrough of Scandinavian Literature and Art, from Ibsen to Bergman’, by Arnold Weinstein, Princeton University Press, 2010.
‘Oiva Kallio’, by Timo Jeskanin and Pekka Leskela, Finnish Museum of Architecture, 2000.
‘Plockross’ Skole og Oregard Gymnasium, 1903–2003’, by Helle Askgaard and Kamma Haugan, Gylling, Denmark, 2003.
‘Rationalism and Classicism’, by Eva Eriksson, Prestel, 1998.
‘Sigurd Lewerentz’, by Colin St John Wilson, Electa, 2002.
‘Sigurd Lewerentz, Church of St Peter, Klippan, 1963–66’, by Peter Blundell-Jones, Architectural Review Quarterly, No.6.
‘Sigurd Lewerentz, 1885–1975’, edited by Nicola Flora, Paolo Giardiello and Gennaro Postiglione, Phaidon, 2001.
‘Sources of Modern Eclecticism’, Demitri Porphyrios, Academy Editions, 1982.
‘A State That Failed: On the Union of Kalmar, Especially Its dissolution’, by Harald Gustafsson, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 31.
‘Suomen Eduskuntatalo’, by JS Sirén, Helsinki, 1938.
‘Svenska Tandsticks Aktiebolagets Huvudkontor’, by Ivar Tengbom, Nordisk Rotogravyr, 1931.
‘Urban Space in Theory and Practice’, Rob Krier, AAM Brussels, 1975.
‘The Viennese Secession’, by Klaus H. Carl and Victoria Charles, Parkstone Press Limited, 2011.
‘Vers Une Architecture’, by Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, Reprint, John Rodker Publisher, 1931.
‘Villa Oivala – the Architect’s Self-portrait’. by Pekka Leskelä, Arkkitehti, Vol. 94, No. 4, 1997.