Chapter 13

I told Laura what I could do. There wasn’t time for an in-depth sharing, since Belinda still hovered beside Lily, but Laura got the idea.


“We need to combine our energies.” She gripped my hand tightly. “Is she by Lily?”

“Yes.” Only one-word answers for me. I had to watch Belinda.

“Be gone, be gone, it is your time to move on,” Laura chanted. She jutted her chin at me to join in.

“Be gone.” I repeated it several times, each one more forceful than the one before. Belinda’s eyes blazed as my voice grew louder. I didn’t care. I wanted her away from Lily. The aura around her radiated. My skin seared, but I refused to back down. “Be gone!”

Eyes red, Belinda wrapped her shimmery arms around Lily. She pulled Lily toward her, squeezing tighter and tighter. Lily’s face drained of color. She began to wheeze, fighting for air.

Belinda tightened her grip.

“Stop it, Belinda! Get away!” I screamed. What was I thinking? I couldn’t control this spirit. She was much more powerful than I was. I scrambled frantically toward Lily.

“Belinda?” Lily’s voice was so normal-sounding that I stopped. “Belinda, can you hear me?”

“What are you—?” I began, but Lily spoke over me.

“Belinda, is this your bedroom? It’s so pretty. I love how you can see the sun set over the lake.” Lily twisted around and forced a smile.

Belinda loosened her hold, clearly captivated by the melody of Lily’s words.

“You are so pretty. Does everyone tell you that?” Lily continued.

The crimson dimmed from Belinda’s eyes as she listened to Lily.

“Go on,” I whispered. Laura nodded, clearly confused by the turn of events.

“You must have so much fun here by the lake,” Lily said.

“Maggie . . . oh, Maggie!” a strained cry escaped from Belinda’s pale lips.

I looked to Laura and Lily. Neither heard her.

Belinda trembled as she repeated the name. Then she touched Lily’s hair again and cried, “Play with me, Maggie.”

“What’s going on?” Laura hissed, reaching for my shoulder.

“Belinda thinks Lily’s her sister,” I whispered.

“Margaret?” Laura asked.

“She calls her Maggie.” I hesitated, not wanted to freak Lily. “She’s touching your hair. She wants to play with you.”

“Oh, I’d love to play, Belinda. Just you and me.” Lily didn’t miss a beat. She didn’t sound scared, although I couldn’t figure out why. “But I am not Maggie. My name is Lily Randazzo. Maggie is your sister, right?”

The temperature of the room dropped at the mention of her sister.

“I’m not Maggie.” Lily leaned forward. “Maggie died a long time ago.”

The once-dark TV screen suddenly crackled to life, filling the room with a white static buzz. The digital clock on the bedside table blinked rapidly. 10:14. 10:14. 10:14. Through the bathroom door, we heard the shower turn on with a rush of water.

Belinda pulled her arms into herself and raised her shoulders. Her red hair fanned out as the glow returned, more intense than before.

“She’s upset,” I said. My skin once again burned with her emotions.

“We need to leave,” Laura announced hastily above the roar of the TV and the shower.

“No, not yet,” Lily protested.

“I can’t do it.” Laura’s voice trembled as she watched the clock flash the same number over and over. “I can’t fix this problem.”

“Laura’s right,” I agreed. “She’s going to hurt us.” I should’ve listened to Lady Azura, I realized. We never should have messed with this spirit.

“It’s locked!” Laura cried as she tried desperately to twist the doorknob. “It shouldn’t be locked, but it is!”

“Sara, look!” Lily pointed toward the floor. Thin wisps of smoke snaked up from beneath the door.

I raced to the window and tried to pry it open. It wouldn’t budge. I struggled with the wooden frame as the heat deepened around us.

“Don’t waste time. We need to break it,” Laura commanded from behind me. She pulled off her leather clog and began to pound at the pane with the rubber-soled heel.

“I can’t breathe,” I rasped. Tears welled in my eyes.

“Wet a washcloth! Put it over your face!” Laura cried.

I wanted to run to the bathroom, but I couldn’t move. All I could do was stare at Belinda as my stomach churned. Her body shone, as if the glow were illuminated from within her. Her fists balled at her sides, and she stared with a burning intensity.

I felt her anger. Her disappointment. Her grief. So many emotions boiling at the surface.

So much pain.

I remembered what Lady Azura said. Her emotions caused her to start fires.

“She’s upset about her sister.” I coughed. Smoke stuck in my throat. “We need to calm her!”

Laura continued to smack the glass harder, but Lily turned toward where I pointed. “It’s okay, Belinda. I’m here. You’re not alone. We can be friends. . . . ”

Lily’s voice grew fuzzy as thick smoke filled my eyes. I tried to see the spirit’s reaction to Lily’s words, but everything turned hazy and began to spin. My knees buckled and my body swayed. Then the smoke covered me like a blanket, and I closed my eyes.