API reference /
Finding documentation, help, and updates
modifying /
Modifying the application
Modifying the application
application modifications
about /
Modifying the application
face swapping /
Swapping faces in one camera feed
face, copying /
Copying faces between camera feeds
64-bit Python
installing /
Using CMake and compilers
creating, by <opencv_createsamples> running /
Creating <binary_description> by running <opencv_createsamples>
basic I/O scripts
about /
Basic I/O scripts
image file, writing /
Reading/Writing an image file
image file, reading /
Reading/Writing an image file
raw bytes, converting /
Converting between an image and raw bytes
image, converting /
Converting between an image and raw bytes
video file, writing /
Reading/Writing a video file
video file, reading /
Reading/Writing a video file
camera frames, capturing /
Capturing camera frames
camera frames, displaying in Windows /
Displaying camera frames in a window
binary installers
using /
Using binary installers (no support for depth cameras)
blit() method /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
creating, by <opencv_traincascade running /
Creating <cascade> by running <opencv_traincascade>
improving /
Testing and improving <cascade>
testing /
Testing and improving <cascade>
cameo /
Project concept
CameoDepth class /
Modifying the application
CameoDepth function /
Modifying the application
frames, capturing /
Capturing frames from a depth camera
CaptureManager class /
Abstracting a video stream – managers.CaptureManager
Applying everything – cameo.Cameo
Modifying the application
cascade /
Conceptualizing Haar cascades
CascadeClassifier class /
Testing and improving <cascade>
channel mixing
about /
Channel mixing – seeing in Technicolor
Technicolor /
Channel mixing – seeing in Technicolor
sample /
Channel mixing – seeing in Technicolor
RC color space, simulating /
Simulating RC color space
RGV color space, simulating /
Simulating RGV color space
CMV color space, simulating /
Simulating CMV color space
Close button /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
using /
Using CMake and compilers
using, via customized readymade script /
Using CMake via a ready-made script that you may customize
using /
Using CMake and compilers
convolution matrix /
Custom kernels – getting convoluted
copy operation
masking /
Masking a copy operation
cubic spline interpolation /
Curves – bending color space
color space, bending /
Curves – bending color space
formulating /
Formulating a curve
caching /
Caching and applying a curve
applying /
Caching and applying a curve
object-oriented curve filters, designing /
Designing object-oriented curve filters
photo films, emulating /
Emulating photo films
custom kernels
about /
Custom kernels – getting convoluted
depth map /
Capturing frames from a depth camera
disparity map /
Capturing frames from a depth camera
mask, creating /
Creating a mask from a disparity map
highlighting /
Highlighting edges
embossed effect /
Custom kernels – getting convoluted
equalizeHist() function /
Tracking faces
tracing /
Tracking faces
filter2D() function /
Custom kernels – getting convoluted
capturing, from depth camera /
Capturing frames from a depth camera
Fuji Provia
emulating /
Emulating Fuji Provia
Fuji Velvia
emulating /
Emulating Fuji Velvia
Haar cascade
conceptualizing /
Conceptualizing Haar cascades
data, obtaining /
Getting Haar cascade data
modules, creating /
Creating modules
isGray() /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
kernel /
Highlighting edges
KEYDOWN event /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
Kodak Portra
emulating /
Emulating Kodak Portra
used, with readymade packages /
Using MacPorts with ready-made packages
used, with custom packages /
Using MacPorts with your own custom packages
Homebrew, using with readymade packages /
Using Homebrew with ready-made packages (no support for depth cameras)
Homebrew, using with custom packages /
Using Homebrew with your own custom packages
subclassing /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
managers.WindowManger class /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
max() function /
Simulating CMV color space
min() function /
Simulating RGV color space
creating /
Creating modules
Creating modules
creating /
Creating <negative_description>
negative training images
about /
Gathering positive and negative training images
generating, on Windows /
On Windows
generating, on Ubuntu /
On Mac, Ubuntu, and other Unix-like systems
generating, on Mac /
On Mac, Ubuntu, and other Unix-like systems
numpy.where() function /
Masking a copy operation
object-oriented design
about /
An object-oriented design
video stream, abstracting /
Abstracting a video stream – managers.CaptureManager
keyboard, abstracting /
Abstracting a window and keyboard – managers.WindowManager
window, abstracting /
Abstracting a window and keyboard – managers.WindowManager
Cameo class /
Applying everything – cameo.Cameo
Official OpenCV forum /
Finding documentation, help, and updates
onKeypress() method /
Applying everything – cameo.Cameo
OpenCV 2.1 Python Reference /
Finding documentation, help, and updates
OpenCV project concept /
Project concept
installing /
Using CMake and compilers
downloading /
Using CMake and compilers
open source software (OSS) /
Using MacPorts with ready-made packages
creating /
Creating <positive_description>
photo films
Kodak Portra, emulating /
Emulating Kodak Portra
Fuji Provia, emulating /
Emulating Fuji Provia
Fuji Velvia, emulating /
Emulating Fuji Velvia
cross-processing, emulating /
Emulating cross-processing
pip /
Using Homebrew with ready-made packages (no support for depth cameras)
point cloud map /
Capturing frames from a depth camera
Portfile /
Using MacPorts with ready-made packages
positive training images
about /
Gathering positive and negative training images
private /
Abstracting a video stream – managers.CaptureManager
protected /
Abstracting a video stream – managers.CaptureManager
installing, ways /
Installing Pygame
API documentation and tutorials, URL /
Documentation and tutorials
managers.WindowManger, subclassing /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
application, modifying /
Modifying the application
uses /
Further uses of Pygame
pygame.display.set_mode() /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
pygame.event.get() /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
Pygame 1.9.1
URL, for installing /
Installing Pygame
URL, for downloading /
Installing Pygame
Pygame 1.9.2
URL, for installing /
Installing Pygame
URL, for downloading /
Installing Pygame
Pygame window console /
Subclassing managers.WindowManager
hierarachy, defining /
Defining a face as a hierarchy of rectangles
pasting /
Tracing, cutting, and pasting rectangles
cutting /
Tracing, cutting, and pasting rectangles
tracing /
Tracing, cutting, and pasting rectangles
rects.outlineRect() function /
Tracking faces
repository /
Using MacPorts with ready-made packages
resize() function /
Tracing, cutting, and pasting rectangles
run() method /
Applying everything – cameo.Cameo
running /
Running samples
SensorKinect 0.93
installing /
Using CMake and compilers
setup tools
for Windows /
Making the choice on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
for Mac /
Making the choice on Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Mac OS X Lion, or Mac OS X Mountain Lion
for Ubuntu /
Making the choice on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Ubuntu 12.10
for Unix-like systems /
Making the choice on other Unix-like systems
stereo disparity /
Capturing frames from a depth camera
swapRects() function /
Masking a copy operation
time.time() function /
Abstracting a video stream – managers.CaptureManager
tracking type
defining /
Defining a face as a hierarchy of rectangles
Tutorials /
Finding documentation, help, and updates
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS /
Making the choice on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Ubuntu 12.10
Ubuntu repository
using /
Using the Ubuntu repository (no support for depth cameras)
update() method /
Tracking faces
utility functions
adding /
Adding more utility functions
V (value) channel /
Designing object-oriented curve filters
valid depth mask /
Capturing frames from a depth camera
window size /
Conceptualizing Haar cascades
Xcode Developer Tools
setting up /
Making the choice on Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Mac OS X Lion, or Mac OS X Mountain Lion