The difference between a life fulfilled and one that missed the mark has nothing to do with scope. I wouldn’t have said that in 1939 or 1999. But after examining where I came from and how I got here, my views have changed. As I look back on experiences, a number of things come to mind. First and foremost is that I was always the happiest when I was helping someone else. I can’t explain it. There is just something about seeing others succeed that makes me feel better. To be a part of another’s success is special. When they appreciate what you have done for them it’s even better. There are people who understand it. And because of their existence, others have been allowed to breathe easier. Mary was one of them. She had nothing, but gave everything.

As I’ve navigated my way I’ve been taught so many things. I learned that hard work was its own reward, that being proud of what you do makes you proud of who you are, that doing better was more important than becoming better off.

Not long ago I was asked to speak at a graduation. The students were about to shed their security blankets for body armor. I knew they were looking for flowery words and energizing repartee. Heck, I’m a country boy. I didn’t have any. I do carry around an action plan that is suitable for any adventure.

Get Prepared. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Life is a four-ring circus and you never know what the ringmaster has in store for you. Skill and capability give you options. When you are prepared you control your destiny. I’ve never met anyone that didn’t want to be in charge of what happens to them. Many aren’t because they believe opportunity lies at some distant juncture. There is plenty of time to prepare. They don’t understand opportunity lives in the moment. Here and now is all that matters. When the invitation to play is extended, it is expected you take it. If you are not properly prepared you’ll have to pass. One pass turns into two, two becomes four, four becomes many. Before you know it you’ve passed on life.

Embrace Risk. There is no adventure in the status quo. If you want a thrilling life, take a walk on the wild side. Risk and reward are inextricably linked. The smart guys understand it. They also know that with failure there is pain and there is hurt. Failure will remove your smile. But failure is seldom fatal, so don’t be afraid. Failure is a right of passage. You cannot win if you have not failed and you will not fail if you have not tried.

Dare to Be Different. If the urge arises go against the flow.

Stay Nimble. Flexibility is crucial in avoiding the potholes that come with any journey. The game plan you’ve created will have to be changed. Count on it and go with it. Staying nimble involves nothing more than recognizing that in all things alternatives exist. More often than not, you’ll find the new deal is the deal you really wanted. The Titanic was glorious. The Titanic was fast. The Titanic wasn’t nimble.

Play By the Rules. Rules exist for a reason. They protect us against chaos. They might need to be stretched, modified, or bent but they should never be broken. When you break a rule you have established a relationship with dishonor and it’s only a matter of time before that association takes you down.

Confront Injustice. Injustice is wicked. Injustice is a slimy, nasty thing. It is an insidious cancer that kills the human spirit. Injustice is a coward that preys on the weak. It is a menacing beast that has never elevated anything and never will. When injustice exists, everything is worse. I hate injustice. It took Raymond Tefteller for me to understand how much. If you want to be on a team that flourishes, be on the lookout for injustice. It will slink into the environment when you least expect it. It may masquerade as a friend. Injustice is friend to no one. Injustice has no right to exist. If you see it, get your gun.

Be Kind. The world is filled with nastiness. Jerks live. There is no need to be one. Some people associate being kind with being soft. I can tell you some of the toughest, most disciplined people that walk this earth are also kind, considerate, and thoughtful. You’ll find when you treat people like you would want to be treated, they will treat you like they want to be treated. You help me, I’ll help you and together we will get something done.

I’ve learned some other things in navigating life:

♦ The natural order does not adhere to your time schedule.

♦ When the stakes are high, patience can be a liability.

♦ The best friends are found under the worst circumstances.

♦ Focusing on everything achieves less.

♦ There is no greater gift than kindness.

♦ People are often the inverse of their façade.

♦ No touchdown has ever been scored on the sidelines.

♦ Opportunity seldom arrives on schedule.

♦ People who are unwilling to compromise are on a road to conflict.

♦ Courage is discounted when the stakes are low.

♦ Deceit is the frontrunner to disaster.

♦ Preparation is the first step in turning wishing into winning.

♦ On the ladder of life, failure is one rung below success and one rung above it.

♦ Character is not a product of circumstance.

♦ Overcoming adversity never made anyone weaker.

♦ When respect is given carte blanche it loses its value.

♦ Direction without goals is a trip to nowhere.

♦ Ignorance and temptation are inextricably linked.

♦ Action is the catalyst for everything.

♦ Apathy is a curse.

♦ You will burn up more calories in a two-hour workout than a lifetime of being nice.

♦ Greed is the catalyst for gloom.

♦ Everything is temporary.