Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Aaron, descendants of, 129
Abgar V of Edessa, 27–28
Abraham, 5, 50
historical call to, 52
relationship with Sarah and Hagar, 51
sacrifice of Isaac, 61, 135, 139
Achilles Tatius of Alexandria, 176
Achtung Baby (album), xv
Acts, 107–108
The Acts of Judas Thomas, 37, 76
The Acts of Thecla, 36–37
The Acts of Thomas, 208–209
Adam, 162, 171, 178, 188, 191
fault/sin of, 199
writings of, 33
Adultery, 203–204
Against Marcion (Tertullian), 61
Agape, 106
accusations against Herod Antipas, 235–236
arrest of, 256
death of, 256, 257, 276
on death of Germanicus, 241, 255
Agrippa I, as King of the Jews, 230, 234, 245
Ahab, King of Israel, 90
Akeldama, 123
Akiva, Rabbi, 97–98
Albigensian Crusade, xiv
Albinus, 274
Alphaeus, 118
Ancient Synagogues—Archaeology and Art: New Discoveries and Current Research (Hachlili), 134
Androgyny, 190
Anna (mother of Mary of Nazareth), 153, 199
Annas, 303–304
crucifixion of Jesus, 272–273
opposition to Jesus, 262
stoning of James (brother of Jesus) by, 274–275
violent death of, 274
Anointed One, 240
Antigonos of Karystos, 193
Antioch, 49
Paul in, 106
Antipas. See Herod Antipas
Anti-Semitism, 270
Antitheses (Marcion), 53
Antonia (mother of Livilla), 243–244
Aphrahat, 27, 73
treatment of Joseph as Jesus figure, 59–60
Apicata, 243–244
Apocrypha, 33
Apocryphal and pseudepigraphal writings, 33, 41
Apollo, 84, 107, 132
Artemis and, 119
Apollonius of Tyana, 120
Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane, 115
Aptowitzer, Victor, 300–301
Aramaic (language of Jesus), 3
Syriac as dialect of, 27
Arav, Rami, 14
Archives of Edessa, 28
Aretas IV, King of Nabataeans, 115, 231, 252, 253, 254
Arians, 23
Aristophanes, 111
Aristotle, 112
Arius, edict against, 300
Ark of the Covenant, 162, 168
Armageddon, 141
Armenia, problems in, 250
Arminius, 250
comparison with Jesus, 254
marriage to Thusnelda, 254
Artabanus II, King of Parthia, 232
Artemis, 107
Apollo and, 119
conflict with Judaism, 107
iconography of, 117
Jesus Movement and, 117
parallels between Mary the Magdalene and, 112, 114, 190
statue of, 115
temples of, 107
as Tower Lady, 109
Artemis Agrotera, 107
Artemis Limnaia (Lady of the Lake), 93, 97
Artemis Soteira, 120
Asceticism, 164, 210, 303
Aseneth, 64–82
Artemis as model for, xiii
as “Bride of God,” 9, 39–40, 42, 88–89
as City of Refuge, 109
conspiracy to abduct, in Joseph and Aseneth, 17–18
embrace of monotheism, 65
identification of Mary the Magdalene with, xii, 89–90, 289
Joseph’s prayer for transformation of, in Joseph and Aseneth, 6–10
life of, in tower, 7, 64, 72
marriage to Joseph, xi, 5, 8–9, 15–16
meeting of Joseph in Joseph and Aseneth, 6–10, 83–88
as monotheist, 194
as non-Jew, 194
“Pharaoh’s son” plot to kill, 217–219
preparation for wedding, 154
rebirth of, in Joseph and Aseneth, 10–15, 64–65
symbolism associated with, xii, 63, 65
as “the Church of the Gentiles,” 74–77
use of, as cipher, 6
wealth of, 101
Asexuality, 149–150
Asher (son of Jacob), 17
Asherah, 116, 117
worship of, 116
Askelon, dog burials in, 86
Assyrian Church of the East (Nestorian), 27
Assyrians, 94
Astrology, study of, 136
Astronomy in calculating holidays, 266–267
Atargatis, 119
Nabataean worship of, 115–116
Athanasius of Alexandria, 152
as bishop of Alexandria, 25
burial of library codices under his authority, 26
Festal Letter of 367 C.E., 25
selection of authoritative books by, 25
Athronges, 202
Attis, 168
Augustine (philosopher), 199
Augustus (Roman emperor), 232
adoption of Tiberius, 241
death of, 240, 250
Herod’s disappointment with, 230
launch of Imperial Cult, 240
Pax Romana of, 240
reign of, 240
succession plan of, 240–241
Autoparco excavation, 106
Azariah, Prayer of, 30
Ba’al, 84, 114, 122
Baalzebub, 114–115
Bagatti, Bellarmino, 304
Bagnall, Roger, 296
Balaam, 97
Baptism, 164
of Constantine, 3, 20
crossing of Red Sea as type of, 50
of Jesus, 24, 29, 98, 99, 200
of John the Baptizer, 24, 29
of Mary the Magdalene, 99
need for water, 166
washing as reminiscent of, 99
Bar Kochba, 98, 291
Bar Kochba revolt, 210, 211
Barnabas, 284
Basilica of St. John, 107
ethnic origins of, 197
marriage of, 197
Batiffol, Pierre, 33, 43, 44, 62–63, 301
Bauckham, Richard, 301
Bees. See also Honey; Honeybees; Honeycomb
Aseneth and, xii–xiii, 10–15, 55, 88–89, 109–112, 113–114
association with souls, 102
Baalzebub, 115
breasts and, 112–119
cultic purpose of, 117
honey and, 105–109
in Odes of Solomon, 183
resurrection and, 193
swarming of, 113
as symbol of Immaculate Conception, 112
as virginal, 205
Beit Alpha
mosaics of, 85, 134, 135–136
synagogues at, 285
Beit She’an, 117
excavations in, 142–143
Beit Zafafa, 226
Bel, 30
Bengisu, Rose Lou, 93
Benjamin (Joseph’s brother), 17, 218
Benjamin, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Beor, 97
Bernice (Agrippa’s sister), 239, 245, 246, 260
Beroea, 20
Bethsaida, 14, 94, 229, 230
material culture in, 207
Biblical cities of refuge, 51
menstrual, 177–178, 179, 180
prohibition against drinking, 177
Boaz, 197
Bohak, Gideon, 40–41, 42, 300
Book of Baruch, 165
Book of Enoch, 33
The Book of Margery Kempe, 286
Borborites, 180
Brandon, S. G. F., 265
“Bread of life,” 62
Breasts, bees and, 112–119
Brenner, Athalya, 73
Bridal chamber
consummation of sacred sex in, 287, 290
imagery of, in Joseph and Aseneth, 34–35, 79, 164
sacrament of, 166, 167
“Bride of Christ” Movement, 285–289
“Bride of God”
Aseneth as, 9, 39–40, 42, 88–89
Mary the Magdalene as, xiv, 111
Bridgewater House, 289
British Library, 3, 45, 133, 309
British Library Manuscript 17,202, 3–5, 310. See also Joseph and Aseneth
dating of writing, 31–37
information about, 19–30
restoration of, 304–305
British Museum, 3
Brock, Ann Graham, 67, 81, 112
Brooks, E. W., 43, 44, 103
Brothers of the Covenant, 56–57
Brown, Dan, ix, 153, 302
resurrection and, 193
Bulls’ testicles, 113
Burchard, Christoph, 33
Burke, Tony, 311
Caesarea, 115
Caesarea Philippi, 230
“cleansing of temple” and, 262, 265–266, 271–272
as high priest, 219, 246, 251, 259, 260, 261
Jesus as threat to, xvii, 270
Caligula (Roman emperor), 230, 234, 239, 262, 275–276
Callimachus, 93
Cambiasi, Lusa, depiction of Venus and Adonis by, xv
Cana, wedding at, 67–68, 149, 153, 155, 156–157, 174–175
Canaanites, 71
Cannibalism, 175–176, 180
Canonical Gospels, 4
depiction of Pharisees in, 224
Jesus in non-Jewish territory in, 284
Mary the Magdalene in, 66–69, 219–220
Capernaeum, 207
Cappadocia, 252
Capri, Tiberius on, 242–243, 244, 248–249, 258
Carthage, 92
Category mistake, 49
Cathars, 145
Catherine of Siena, 288
Cato the Elder, 93
Catullus, 168
Celibacy, celebration of, 215–216
Celsus, 75, 202, 203, 302
Censorship, 311
Čéplö, Slavomir, 311
Cernay, Pierre Vaux de, xiv
Chadwick, Henry, 186
Chadwick, John, 105, 114
Chariot, sign of, 84
Charlesworth, James, 33, 41, 182–183
Cherubim, 162
Chesnutt, Randall, 43
Chilton, Bruce, 201
Chrism (anointment), 164
Christens-Barry, William A., 309
Christian asceticism, 208
Christian Attisism, 169
Christian Communion, actions of, 103–105
Christian Gnosticism. See also Gnosticism
Church of the Gentiles and, 77
as Egyptian-based, 164
rise of, 36, 213–214
Christian Hauptbegriffe, 43
Christian interpolation, 38
Christianity. See also Jewish Christianity; Pauline Christianity; Syriac Christianity
borrowing of imagery from Mithraism, 133
different forms of, 282–290
Eastern, 49, 54, 156
fish as symbol of, 93
Monophysite, 24
Nicene, 283
non-Pauline version of, 43
pre-Pauline, xi
Christian Judaism, 282
Christian narrative
Joseph and Aseneth as, 40–45, 62, 289–290, 301
Christian parabiblical composition, 38–39
Christian symbolism, grafting of, onto earlier Jewish text, 63
Christian text, encoding secrets in body of, 38
Christ Movement, Paul as leader of, xvi, 77, 283
Christos und die Minnene Seele, 287
Church History (Zacharias), 25
Church of Mary the Magdalene, 124, 125
Church of St. Mary, 106
Church of St. Prisca, 133
Church of the Gentiles, 211–216, 313
emergence of, 285
Mary the Magdalene as leader of, 74–77, 214, 285, 293
pre-Paul, 284
Church of the Nativity, 199
Chuza (Herod’s steward), 230, 238, 245, 253
as impediment to conversion to Judaism, 195, 196
of Jesus, ix, 151, 199
Claudius, 121
Cleansing of the temple, 262, 265–266, 271–272
Clement of Alexandria, 169
Cneius Piso
appointment as governor of Syria, 252–253, 254
suicide of, 255, 256
Cohen (priest), 196
Collaborationist tactics, 263
Coming-of-age ceremonies, 97
Commagene, 252
Communion, 160
Constantine (Roman emperor), xvi, 152, 282
alignment with Pauline Christianity, 276
conversion and baptism of, 3, 20
edict against Arius, 300
as first Christian emperor, 22–23
Coptic language, 295
Correggio, 87
Council of Ephesus, 106, 125
acclamation of Mary as theotokos, 26
Council of Nicea, 23, 57
Creation, 162
Creticus Silanus, removal of, 251–252
Herculaneum, 14
on honeycomb, 88–89
symbolism of, 14–15, 141
of Jesus, ix, x, 191, 221, 227, 239, 240, 246, 262, 263–264, 266, 271, 272–273
power politics behind, 257–277
of Simon (Jesus’ brother), 264, 276
“Cup of immortality,” 40
“Cup of life,” 62
Cybele, 168
Cyprian, 74
Dalmanutha, 71
Dalmatia, 240
Damascus, 206
Damascus Document, 180
Dan (Joseph’s brother), 17, 217, 218
Daniel, Book of, 30
David, 52
Davidic descent, 131
Da Vinci Code-type speculations, xv
Davis, Nathan, 92
Dead Sea Scrolls, 32, 84, 146, 180, 212, 261, 304
“Liar” in, 281
similarities between Essenes and, 110
story of messianic figure in, 222
“Teacher of Righteousness” in, 223, 281–282
“Wicked Priest” in, 281
writers of, 110
Dead Sea Scrolls community, 281
Decapolis, 206, 230
Decius (Roman emperor), persecutions of, 23
DeConick, April, 163
Delft, Lisbeth van, 288
Delos, island of, 107, 119
Demetrius, 107–108
Demonstration 21 (Aphrahat), 73–74
“Demonstrations” (Aphrahat), 59
d’Este, Sorita, 93, 107
Deuteronomy, Book of, 61, 205
Dialogue of the Savior, 26
Dialogue with Trypho (Martyr), 181–182
Didache, xi, 35
Diocletian, anti-Christian policies of, 23
Dionysians, 165
Dionysus, 168, 176, 188, 210
virgin birth of, 199
Doctrine Commission of the Church of England, 301
Domitian (Roman emperor), 276
Dormition narratives, 160, 313
Dragon, 30
Drusilla, Livia, 121
attraction to Mary the Magdalene, 249
murder of, 241–242, 244, 248–249, 258
relationship with wife, Livilla, 249
Dura Europos, 118, 119
Eastern Christianity, 49, 54, 156
Ebionites, xvi, 23, 35, 210, 211, 212, 283, 299–300
Ecclesiastical History, 28
Edessa, 27, 49, 56, 60
Edict of Milan (313 C.E.), 23
flight of Jesus’ family to, 200
Joseph’s burial in, 60
visit of Germanicus to, 253
Eiffel tower, 92
Ein Gedi, 146
Eisenman, Robert, 212, 275, 284
Elephantine, 253
Eleuthia, goddess of childbirth, 114
Elias, 143, 144
Elijah, miracles performed by, 128
Elior, Rachel, 84
Elisa, miracles performed by, 128
Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptizer), 153
Ellesmere, Lord, 289
Artemis of, 108
Basilica of St. John in, 107
home of Mary in, 106–107
as important seaport, 107
link of early Christians to, 121
Paul in, 106, 107–108
statue of Artemis in, xii–xiii
Temple of Artemis in, xii, 108, 110
Ephesus Museum, 108
Ephrem (son of Joseph and Aseneth), 8, 9
Ephrem the Syrian, 56–59, 73, 301
Hymn 21 of, 73, 74, 81–82
hymns of, 27, 28, 57, 131, 139
imagery used by, 102–103, 130–131
on Mary the Magdalene, 74–77
as Orthodox in beliefs, 57
on parallels between Joseph and Jesus, 57–59
poetic eloquence of, 57
sermons of, 57–58
Ephres, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Epiphanius of Salamis, 180
attack on heresy, 172–173
Essenes, 41, 110, 223, 273
as enemy of Jesus, 225–226
etymology of, 110
similarities between Dead Sea Scrolls and, 110
Esther, Book of, 28, 30
Eucharist, 89, 164, 166, 175
in the Didache, xi
significance of, 102–103
Eusebius (church historian)
on Ebionites, 212
on hunt for King David’s family, 276
on leaders of Jesus Movement, 211
on Pilate’s suicide, 275
Eve, 162, 171, 178, 188, 191
Excerpts of Theodotus, 163
Exegesis on the Soul, 165
Exodus, Book of, 51
Eye of faith, 50
Ezra, writings of, 33
Fairchild, Mark, 195
Family purity laws, Jesus’ annulment of, 180
Feast of Tabernacles, 239, 269, 270
Fecht, Gerhard, 296, 297
Felix, Minucius, 182
Females, differences from males, 189
Festival of Chanukah, 269
Festus, death of, 273–274
First Letter of Peter, 138–139
Fish, as symbol of Christianity, 93
Fishing, association with Jesus, 141–142
Fitzgerald, Gerald Milne, 142, 144
Five Books of Moses, 267
Forgery charges, 297–298
Foucault, Michel, 102
Fra Angelico, 87
Fra Bartolomeo, 87
Freke, Timothy, 154
Freund, Richard, discovery of 1st-century cross in situ, 14
Friedman, David, 303
The Frogs (Aristophanes), 111
Gad (Joseph’s brother), 17, 217, 218
Gadara, 115
Galilee, 94, 304
Gentile activity in, 284
Herod Antipas as ruler of, xvii, 229, 238–239, 251
movement of Jesus in, 229–230
non-Jews living in, 206, 285
Gandy, Peter, 154
Gaulanitis, 229, 230, 234
Gehazi, 87
Generation of Animals, Book III (Aristotle), 112
Genesis, Book of, 5, 8–9, 12, 51
conversion to Judaism, 194–195
Jesus and, 194–216
participation in synagogue activities, 195
Germania, 240
Germanicus, 249–256
as consul, 250–251
interest in women, 254
murder of, 241, 242, 244, 257, 258
as “Pharaoh’s son,” 257, 259, 266, 304
plan to murder Mary the Magdalene, 257
in plot against Jesus, 255
popularity of, as general, 250
Tiberius’ adoption of, 249, 271
travels through Middle East, 252–254
as villain, 238–256
Gimbutas, Marija, 193
Gnostic Gospels
Mary the Magdalene in, 69–71, 152
redemption in, 161–193
Gnosticism, xiv, xvi, 23, 283, 288–289, 302. See also Christian Gnosticism; Valentinian Gnosticism
androgyny in, 190
bisexuality in, 190
bridal chamber and, 126
Church of the Gentiles and, 77
link between Jesus and, 36
link between Jewish mysticism, Jewish Christianity, and, 34
lovers in, 286
marriage of Jesus and Mary the Magdalene in, 157–161
Mary the Magdalene in, 70–71, 190–191, 210
origins of, 285
potential for licentiousness in, 190
sacred sex in, 167–168
sex and, 117
theology of redemption in, 285
God-fearers, 194–196
Good, Deirdre, 313
Goodenough, Erwin, 9
Good Shepherd, 85
Gospel of Mary, 187, 295
Gospel of Mary Magdalene, 69, 70, 75
Gospel of Peter, Mary the Magdalene in, 69
Gospel of Philip, 26, 164–165, 170–171, 172, 187, 188, 296
Mary the Magdalene in, 70
Gospel of Thomas, 26, 99, 162, 189–190, 214–215, 227, 295
Gospel of Truth, 26
Gospels, 293. See also Canonical Gospels; Gnostic Gospels
date of crucifixion and, 267, 268
dates of, 4
hair-drying in, 96–97
language of, 193
oldest surviving manuscripts of, 22
Synoptic, 269
“Great Artemis,” 108
Great Revolt, 210
Greek (language), 26
The Greek Magical Papyri, 123
Green, Bernard, 36, 70
Gregory, Pope, 91
Gregory, Rabia, 287
Hachlili, Rachel, 134
Hagar, 50
Abraham and, 51
drying of, in the Gospels, 96–97
drying of Jesus’ feet with, 154
Halfi, 118
Hammath Tiberias
mosaics of, 134, 136, 141
synagogues at, 285
Hanan, 303–304
Haqanah, 180
Harp of the Holy Spirit, Ephrem as, 57
Harris, J. Rendel, 182
Harvard Theological Review, 297
Hasmoneans, 130, 260–261
Heal, Kristian, 56, 61
Hebrew Bible, as coded language, 281
Helena, 125, 126
Heliopolis, 79
Helios (Sun god), 84, 85
Jesus as, 132–133, 201
and the zodiac in ancient Jewish synagogues, 134–140
Hellenism, 22, 95, 96
Heraclitus, 120
Herculaneum, 14
Heresy, attack on by Epiphanius of Salamis, 172–173
Hermas, 78
Herod Antipas, 270
Agrippa’s accusations against, 235–236
city built by, 206
conspiracy of, with Sejanus, 235, 239–240
crucifixion of Jesus and, 238, 246
defensiveness of, 271
downfall of, 234, 239
as enemy of Jesus, 228–232
execution of John the Baptizer by, xvii, 225, 254
exile to Gaul, 275
flip-flop policy of, 259
friendship with Pilate, 235, 275
Germanicus and, 251
influence of, 239
as King of the Jews, 258, 260, 262, 271
Livilla’s ambitions for, 245
marriage of Herodias and, 235, 239, 253
marriage of Joanna to, 259
as political player, 238–239
rebellion planned by, 234
rule of Galilee and Peraea, xvii, 219, 229, 238–239, 251
Herodian party, opposition to Jesus, xvii
Herodians, 230–231
as enemies of Jesus, 232–233
Herodias, 246
execution of John the Baptizer and, 245, 254–255
Herod Antipas’ marriage to, 231, 235, 239
Herod the Great, 94, 131
death of, 151, 158, 200
flight from wrath of, 200
Hill, Jonathan, 34, 50
Hillel, 223, 224
Hippolytus, 75, 169
testimony of, 106
writings of, 125
Hiram, King of Tyre, 72
Holy Ark of the Covenant, 135
Holy Communion, 89, 100–106
Homosexuality, 287
Honey. See also Bees
Aseneth and, 10–15, 55
bees and, 105–109
Communion and, 104
exclusion from list of sacrificial offerings, 39
as kosher food, 205
manna and, 100
Massenet and, 172
in Odes of Solomon, 183
as offering to the gods, 114
symbolism of, 113, 115
Honeybees. See also Bees
symbolism of, 205
Artemis and, 114
Aseneth and, 11–12, 13
Christian character of, 43–44
cross in blood on, 14–15, 38, 43, 88–89
Eucharist and, 62, 103, 104
as food of eternal life, 102
liturgy of, 62
magical, xii
ritual eating, 39
symbolism of, 10–15, 100, 105, 183, 287
Honeycomb ceremony, 100–101
Honey-making industry, 117
Honey tablets, 114
Horus, 84, 168
Hypatia of Alexandria, 145
Iconium, 37
Immaculate Conception. See also Virgin birth
bees as symbol of, 112
doctrine of, 198–199
of Mary of Nazareth, 36, 124–125
Imperial Cult, 240
Infancy Gospel of James, 36, 198
birth narrative in, 199
Infancy Gospel of Thomas, 36
Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 294
Interfaith marriages, 42
Intermarriage, 44
International Congress of Coptic Studies, 294–295
Irenaeus, writings of, 125
Isaac, 138
sacrifice of, by Abraham, 61, 135, 139
Isfiya, mosaics at, 134
Isis, 116, 167–168
Islam, 283
international power politics in Northern, 232–236
Lost Tribes of, 94
Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), 122, 142
Israelite nation, 117
Jacob, writings of, 33
Jacob of Nisibis, 57
James (brother of Jesus), 273–275, 283–284
as leader of Jesus Movement, xvi, xix, 76, 211, 215, 273
meeting with Paul, 213
as Nazirite, 224
stoning of, 211, 264, 274–275, 303–304
theology of, 212
James (early follower), Ebionites and, 299–300
Jamesians, 283
Jefferson Airplane, xv
Jeremiah, 116
Jerome, 273
Babylonian destruction of, 13, 116
as “City of the Lord,” 13
destruction of, in 70 C.E., 276
Essene quarter and gate in, 226
false priests and false teachers in, 226
Jesus’ arrival in, ix, 246–247, 257–260, 267, 268–269, 272
Jesus’ family’s trek to celebrate Passover in, 151–152
pilgrimage holidays in, 267
reunification of, in 1967, 300
Jerusalem Talmud, writing of, 87
Jerusalem Temple, 51
destruction of, 158–159
as “The alpha and the omega,” 292
angels accompanying, 162–163
anointment of body, 68
anointment of head with nard, 117–118
arrival in Jerusalem, 246–247, 257–260, 272
association with fishing, 141–142
attempted assassination of, 217
Baptism of, 24, 29, 98, 99, 200
betrayal of, by Judas, 219, 220
birth of, ix, 5, 128, 133, 151, 196–197, 261
boyhood adventures of, 36
brothers and sisters of, 151, 153, 258
burial of, 275
as celibate, 290–291
children of, ix, x
circumcision of, ix, 151, 199
as “City of Refuge,” 76
cleansing of the temple and, 262, 265–266, 271–272
comparison with Armanius, 254
connection of breast-touching episode to, 87
crowds attracted by, 243
crucifixion of, ix, x, 191, 221, 227, 239, 240, 246, 262, 263–264, 266, 271, 272–273
death of, and virgin birth, 200–201
disciples of, 220–222
discussion of Torah, 152
divinity of, 290
as emissary of God, 53
enemies of, xvii, 223–232
family observance of Passover, 151–152
family of, 149–150, 222
family purity laws and, 180
as 1st-century Jewish rabbi, 194
as fully human, 290–293
gap in biography of, ix–x
genealogies relating to, 200
and a gentile, 194–216
as God incarnate, 150
as Great Angel, 160
hometown accusations against, 181
human side of, xv–xvi
iconography of, 98
identification of sun imagery with, 84, 132–133
intercourse with Mary the Magdalene, 188–189
Joseph as prefiguration of, 120
knowledge of life of, 151–153
lack of sexual relations with Mary the Magdalene before marriage, 155
Last Supper of, 160, 175, 178–179, 180
letter written to Abgar V of Edessa, 27–28
as “Light of the World,” 132
link between Gnostic Christianity and, 36
as mamzer, 202–207
Mary the Magdalene at death of, 208
Mary the Magdalene’s wiping of feet by, 97, 154
Mary the Magdalene’s visit to tomb of, 87, 191–192
matrimonial home of, 188
ministry of, ix–x, xviii–xix, 71, 152, 220–221, 244, 246–247, 264–266
miracles of, 128
mono or single nature of, 24
mystical relations with, 285–286
in non-Jewish territory, 284
opportunity for, to be Messiah, 260
parables of, 149, 221
parallels between Joseph and, 57–60
Paul’s version of message of, xvi
personal life of, xvii, 62
plot to destroy temple, 262
as political figure, xviii, 220–223
private life of, xvii, 62
prostitution and, 181–182
real-life relationship between Mary the Magdalene and, 209
reconciliation of different “Jesuses,” 264–265
as redemptive figure, 56
reentry into Jerusalem with Mary the Magdaene, 269, 275
reference to the temple, 138
representation of, 127–129
revelation of, to Mary the Magdalene, 68
riot on Temple Mount, 259–260
as the Roman emperor, 129–130
Satan’s temptation of, 233–234, 263
self-control in, 188
Sermon on the Mount of, 224
sexual theology of, 183
Sign of Jonah and, 146
sinfulness of, 24
as son of God, 191
Syro-Phoenician woman and, 86, 88, 173
thoughts of, as asexual, 149–150
as Torah-observant Jew, 53, 148, 175, 212
travel to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, ix
trial of, 236
as the true vine, 130–131
turning over to Pilate of, 238
visits to Phoenicia, 207
Jesus Bar Abba, release of, 236
Jesus Family Tomb, 122, 123, 294, 298
“Jesus Had a Son” (song), xv
Jesus Movement, 77
Artemis and, 117
James (brother of Jesus) as leader of, xvi, xix, 76, 215, 273, 283
leaders of, 211
Mary the Magdalene’s status in, 120
origin of, 102
role of sexuality in, ix
Stephen as member of, 22
as Torah-observant, 283
Jesus Wife papyrus, 296, 298
Jewish Christianity, 34, 282
link between Jewish mysticism, Gnosticism, and, 34
Jewish Diaspora, 196
Jewish laws
family purity, 177
mamzer in, 201
religious affiliation in, 205
Jewish mysticism, 84
link between Jewish Christianity, Gnosticism, and, 34
Jewish nationalism, 95
Jewish talk, 95–96
Jezebel, 90, 91
Joachim (father of Mary of Nazareth), 153, 199
Joanna (Chuza’s wife), 246, 253, 259
Mary the Magdalene and, 245
support for Jesus, 230, 238, 262
John (disciple), 283
burial place of, 107
Jesus’ disclosure on creation to, 161
John, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
John, Gospel of, 90
date of, 4
modeling of Jesus on Logos, 128–129
overwriting of, 268–269
John the Baptizer, 153, 181
Baptism of, 24, 29, 200
crowds attracted by, 243
decapitation of, xvii, 225, 231, 238, 245, 254, 260, 264
mission of, 257
movement of, 222
as Nazirite, 224
John the Elder, 214
Jonah, escape from whale of, 50–51, 85
Jones, Allen, 71, 111
Joseph, 56–63, 127–147
Aphrahat’s treatment of, 59–60
Batiffol, Pierre, on, 62–63
as bull, 192–193
conspiracy to kill, in Joseph and Aseneth, 17–18
death and burial of, in Egypt, 60
description of, 10
Ephrem the Syrian’s treatment of, 56–59
as Jesus figure, xii, 59–60
Kraemer on, 62–63
as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
marriage to Aseneth, xi, 5, 8–9, 15–16, 60
meeting of Aseneth in Joseph and Aseneth, 6–10, 83–88
parallels between Jesus and, 57–60
“Pharaoh’s son” plot to kill, 217–219
prayer for Aseneth’s transformation, 6–10
as prefiguration of Jesus, 120
rebirth of Aseneth, in Joseph and Aseneth, 10–15
as redemptive figure, 56
sale of, by brothers into slavery, xi
as savior-figure, xii
son of Gorion, 274
as stand-in for Jesus, xii
stature of, 36
as the Sun god, 127–129
as surrogate figure, 57
in Syriac Christianity, 56–59
Tertullian’s treatment of, 61–62
as Torah-observant, 10
use of as cipher, 6
Joseph (Mary of Nazareth’s husband)
age of Mary at marriage to, 149
on Mary’s virgin birth, 198
Joseph and Aseneth
bridal chamber imagery in, 34–35, 79, 171–172
as Christian narrative, 40–45, 62, 289–290, 301
clues in, 49–55
connection between Odes of Solomon and, 182–183
date written, 31–37, 300
decoding, 282, 292, 301
as encoded gospel, 174
episode 1: the meeting in, 6–10, 83–88, 315–328
episode 2: the rebirth in, 10–15, 88–95, 328–355
episode 3: the marriage in, 15–16, 95–100, 356–363
episode 4: the murder plot in, 17–18, 364–376
Germanicus as “Pharaoh’s son” and, 248, 249, 254, 255–256
Greek versions of, 101–102
hidden meaning of, 21, 38–45, 49, 54–55
imagery encountered in, 79
insistence that Mary the Magdalene is non-Jew in, 205
intrigue and counter-intrigue in, 259
Joseph in, 87, 129–130
manuscript trail of, 31–32
messianic language in, 62
as midrash, 41
misnaming of, 281
Moses of Ingila’s translation of, 20–21, 31
mystical ceremony in, 103–105
numerous manuscripts of, 28–30
origin of, 4, 32–37
plot against Jesus and family in, 217–237
political Jesus in, 220–223
popularity of, 28–30
preservation of, xi, 44, 49, 54
real-life world described in, 244–245
scholars examining, xi
son of Pharaoh as central character in, 219
symbolic language of, 120–121, 131
Syriac language of, 26–28
tower imagery in, 72–73
translation of, 20–21, 33, 285, 309–376
typology of, 193
world-changing event reported in, 19–26
Joseph Bar Matia, 265
Joseph of Arimathaea, burial of Jesus and, 22, 275
Josephus (Josephus Flavius) (Jewish historian), 202, 246, 265–266
Essenes and, 110
on gentiles, 194–195
on Queen of Sheba, 146
on Tiberius, 248
upkeep on Temple in Jerusalem, 195–196
Vespasian and, 77, 266
writings of, 265
Zealots and, 264, 265
Jubilees, 33
Judaea, xviii
Pilate in, 243
revolts against Roman rule, 158
taxes in, 250
wars against Rome, 210
Judah, 202
son of Hezekiah, 231
Judah the Galilean, uprising in Nazareth and, 261
animal sacrifice in, 179
Christian, 282
conflict with Artemis, 107
conversion of gentiles to, 194–195
hair in, 96
marriage and birth status in, 196–197
marriage as two-step process in, 154–155
613 Commandments of, 64, 196
syncretic fusion of, with Artemis worship, 116
Judas (Jesus’ brother), 276
Judas, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Judas Iscariot (Judas the Sicarius), 67, 227, 265
betrayal of Jesus, 219, 220, 262, 263
suicide of, 123, 262
Judas Thomas, 28
Judeo-Phoenicians, 95
Julia, a Herodian princess, 123
Julian (Roman emperor), 132
assassination of, 132
Julii family, 85
Justinian (Roman emperor), reign of, 135
Justus, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Kamiros, 114
Kampen, John, 110, 115
Kempe, Margery, 286
Kidron Valley, 123
King, Karen, 69–70, 215–216, 294–295, 296–298
King Messiah, 184–185, 186
Kings, Biblical Books of, 90
Kiya Maria, 143
Knees as euphemism for penis, 102
Knossos, 114
Kosbi, 116
heresy of, 168
Kosher sex, 180, 197
Kraemer, Ross Shepard, 9, 29, 32–33, 38–40, 44, 62–63, 99, 133–134, 136, 139, 163, 196, 209, 256, 301
Kraft, Robert, 44
Kyria, 123–124
Land, J. P. N., 310
Last Supper, 160, 175, 178–179, 180
Latin (language), 26
Lazarus, resurrection of, 101
Lebanon, 93
Leto, 119
Letrinoi, 118
Levi (Joseph’s brother), 17, 217
Levi, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Liber Requiei, 122
Libra, 136–137
The Life of Joseph, 28–29
The Life of the Virgin (Maximus the Confessor), 192
“Light of the World,” Jesus as, 132
Lilith (Adam’s first wife), 162
Lipinski, Edward, 119
Literary tradition, 80–81
Livias, 206
Livilla, 246
Drusus’ relationship with, 249
as object of Sejanus’ attention, 258
poisoning of Drusus and, 243, 244, 245
seduction of, 242
“Living forever,” 62
Logos, 128–129
Long John Silver (album), xv
Lucan (Roman poet), 176
Lucian (Roman writer), 105
Luijendijk, Anne Marie, 296
Luke, Gospel of, 29
date of, 4
Jesus’ circumcision in, 199
Macarios Monastery (Egypt), location of manuscript in, 3
Maccabean revolt, 33, 94
Maccabees, 42, 95, 130
Maccoby, Hyam, 179
Madonna and child, Christian representations of the, 149
Maenads, 168, 176
Magdala, 93, 136, 206, 253
fish-processing plants in, 208
Gentiles in, 207
land ruins of, 92
material culture in, 207
visit of Germanicus to, 253
Magi, 133
Maier, Paul, 246–247
Maimonides, 203–204
Males, differences from females, 189
Jesus as, 202–207
in Jewish law, 201
Manasseh (son of Joseph and Aseneth), 8, 9
Manhood of Christ, 286
Manuscript trail, 31–32
Mara, 122, 124, 256, 284
Marcion, 53–54
Mark, Gospel of, 29
date of, 4
lack of mention of Jesus’ birth, 197
various endings to, 29
double, 163
between Jesus and Mary the Magdalene, ix, xv, 35, 145, 148–151, 153–161, 187–189, 194, 205–206, 302–303, 304, 313, 314
in Judaism, 154–155, 196–197
as redemptive, 186–193
right age for, 148–149, 153
for Valentinians, 170
Mar Saba Monastery, library of, 29, 101
Martha (sister of Mary of Bethany), xii
Martyr, Justin, 120, 181–182
writings of, 125–126
Mary (sister of Jesus), 153
Mary of Bethany, xii, 154
Mary of Nazareth (mother of Jesus), 124
acclamation of, as theotokus, 26
affair with Pantera, 202
age of, at marriage to Joseph, 149
immaculate conception of, 36, 124–125
as Mother of God, 106
as Mother of Jesus, 26–27, 106
perception of, as virgin, 198
special birth and, 198
Mary the Magdalene, 246
application of “City of Refuge” to, 75, 76
Artemis as model for, 112, 114, 190, 201
association of Aseneth with, 89–90, 289
baptism of, 98, 99
as “Bride of God,” xiv, 111, 290
as Bride of Jesus, 67, 68
burial site of, 144–145
in the Canonical Gospels, 66–69
Cathars and, 145
connecting to the Essenes of Artemis, 111–112
as co-redemptrix, 191
cracking code of, 106
as daughter of God, 191
disappearance from the canonical texts, 219–220
Drusus’ attraction to, 249
Ephrem the Syrian on, 74–77
feast day of, xiv
as gentile, 284
Germanicus’ plan to murder, 257
in the Gnostic Gospels, 69–71
as goddess, 120–126
hostility of Peter to, 295–296
intercourse with Jesus, 188–189
with Jesus at his death, 208
as koinonos, 70
lack of coverage in New Testament, 208
lack of sexual relations with Jesus before marriage, 155
as leader of the Church of the Gentiles, 74–77, 214, 285
learning about, 152–153, 207–211
as “living spirit,” 296
marriage to Jesus, ix, xv, 35, 145, 148–149, 150–151, 157–161, 187–188, 187–189, 194, 205–206, 302–303, 304, 313, 314
matrimonial home of, 188
as mother of the virgins, 190–191
as non-Jew, 194, 205
Paul’s hostility to, xix
as priestess, 71–72, 86, 89–95, 293
as prostitute, 189
Queen of Sheba as, 146
real-life relationship between Jesus and, 209
reentry into Jerusalem with Jesus, 269
renouncement of pagan ways, 98–99
revelation of Jesus to, 68
role within Gnosticism, 70–71
status of, in Jesus Movement, 120
as tower lady, 66
transformation of, 206
Tucher, Katharina, and, 287
virginity and, 124
visit to Jesus’ tomb, 87, 191–192
washing of Jesus’ feet, 97, 154
weeping and, 90
writing out of history, 112
Mary the Magdalene Movement, 214
Mass, 89
Massilia, 107
Matthew, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Matthew, Gospel of, 29, 97
date of, 4
encounter between Jesus and Syro-Phoenician woman, 86, 88
flight to Egypt in, 199–200
forms of, 30
Maximilla, 193
Maximus the Confessor, 192
Mazor, Gaby, 142–144
McGowan, Andrew, 176
Megiddo, 141
mosaics at, 141
Mei niddah, 179
Melissai, 109
Menstrual blood, 177–178, 179, 180
“Merkavah” chariot tradition, 84
Messianic line, 197
Meyer, Marvin, xvi, 150, 164, 172, 176
Michelangelo, Pieta of, xiv–xv
Midianite nation, 116–117
Midrash, 41
Migdal Nunia, 93
Minoans, 111
Mithraism, 133
Mithras, 84, 119, 133, 199, 210
followers of, 192
virgin birth of, 199
Mithras symbolism, 84
Monophysite Christianity, 24
Monotheism, 42, 193, 195, 196
Montanus, 193
Montau, Dorothea von, 286
Morning star, appearance to Aseneth/Mary the Magdalene, 98
Mosaic law, 176, 284, 299–300
at Beit Alpha, 85, 134, 135–136
at Hammath Tiberias, 134, 136, 141
at Isfiya, 134
at Megiddo, 141
at Na’aran, 134
secrets of, 140–147
at Sepphoris, 134, 137
symbolism in, 135–136
at Tel Istaba, 142, 143, 144–145
of Tiberias, 134, 135
Moses, 5, 282
giving of Torah to, 51
writings of, 33
Moses of Ingila, xix–xx, 45, 310, 311, 312
letter to, and reply, 20, 377–384
translation of Joseph and Aseneth, 20–21, 31
Moses the Nisibene, 310
Mount Vesuvius, eruption of, 14
Munro, Peter, 296, 297
Muratorian Canon, 78
Murray, Robert, 112
Museo dell’Opera del Duomo (Florence), xiv
Mycenaeans, 105
“Mystery” religions, secret teachings and rituals of initiation in, xvi
Mysticism, Jewish, 34, 84
Mytilene, Bishop of, 24
Na’aran, mosaics at, 134
Naassene Gnostics, 169
Nabataea, 253
Nabataean Peraea, 229
Nag Hammadi, 289
Gnostic texts found at, 26, 160, 292
Nag Hammadi Gospel, 294
Nakedness, 96–97
Naomi, 197
Naphtali (son of Jacob), 17
Narsai, 60
Nazarenes, xvi, 211, 283
Nazareth, 94, 131, 137, 156, 181, 206
uprising in, 261
Nazarites, 224
Neghels, Eefce, 288
Nehunya, Rabbi, 180
Neo-Platonistic thinking, 51
Nero (Roman emperor), 158, 252
New Testament, 113
ambivalence of Pharisees in, 224
changes in, 29, 30
documents making up, 209–210
lack of coverage of Mary the Magdalene in, 208
silence on Jesus’ marital status, 302
Nicene Christianity, 283
Nicene Creed, 23, 57, 201, 282
decision to go underground, 23
pairing with Stephen and, 22
preparation of Jesus’ body for burial by, 22
relics of, 20, 22
Nir, Rivka, 32, 43, 44, 106, 155, 301
Nisibis, 49, 56
theological school at, 60
Nitrian Valley, 3
Noahide laws, 213
Notzrim, 131
Numbers, Book of, 97
Nusaybin, 56
Odes of Solomon, 182–183
“Oil of incorruption,” 40, 62
Old Testament, 113
ancient writings excluded from, 32–33
as coded text, xviii, 282
characters of, as prototypes of characters in New Testament, 49
dispensing with, 53–54
figures and events from, 49
God of the, 53
Torah-observance as central message of, 52–53
typological analysis of, 51
value placed on, 52, 61
Olive tree, image of, 130–131
“On Joseph the Most Virtuous” (Ephrem the Syrian), 57
Onkelos, 195
Oppenheim, Gustav, 310
Ordination, 166
Orphic Hymn, 97
Osiris, 167–168
Ostia, synagogue at, 195, 196
Pacho, Auguste, 3
Paganism, 137–138
Pagels, Elaine, 70
Pannonia, 240
Mary’s affair with, 202
military career of, 203
tombstone of, 203, 207
“Parable of the Wedding Feast,” 149
Parthenon, 108
Parthia, 284
problems in, 250
Passover, 267
crucifixion of Jesus on, 266, 270–271
Jesus’ family’s observation of, 151–152
androgyny theology of the sexes and, 189
as assimilated Jew, 158
birth of, in Tarsus, 157
on birth of Jesus, 197
on circumcision, 53
contrast between the “World of Appearance” and the “World of Reality,” 51, 52
family of, 157–158
hostility of, to Mary the Magdalene, xix
on Jesus’ message, xvi, 38
as leader of Christ Movement, xvi, 77, 283
letter to the Galatians, 50, 189
meeting with James (brother of Jesus), 213
on misunderstanding of writings, 282
on preparation for the Sabbath, 53
as Roman citizen, 158
setting up of synagogues by, 196
spreading of his version of Christianity, 158–159
substitution of suffering for sex, 189
teachings of, 37, 169
theology of, xvii, 208
use of Ephesus, 106
version of Christianity, 210–211
vision of the risen Christ, 196
Pauline Christianity, xvi, xvii, 80, 158–160, 303
alignment of Constantine with, 276
on Artemis’ titles, 124–125
asceticism in, 164
celibacy in, 215–216
iconography of, 168–169
Pausanias, 107, 108
Pax Rinaba, 240
Peck, Russell, 289
Pentecost, 267
Peraea, Herod Antipas as ruler of, xvii, 229, 231, 238–239, 251
Perfect One, 161
Perga, 123
Person of Christ, 23–24
Peter (disciple), 284, 300
denial of Jesus by, 262, 263
discovery of empty tomb and, 191–192
hostility to Mary the Magdalene, 295–296
“Pharaoh’s son,” 247–248
death of, 218
desire for Aseneth, 217
Germanicus as, 257, 259, 266, 304
plot to kill Joseph and Aseneth, 217–219
rape of Aseneth, 301
Pharisees, 273
as enemies of Jesus, xvii, 223–225
Philip, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Philo, 110, 111, 246
Philonenko, Marc, 33, 42, 311
Phoenicians, 206
Jesus and, 71–72, 207
Phrygia, 168, 193
Pieta of Michelangelo, xiv–xv
Pilate. See Pontius Pilate
Pinchas, 117
Pisces, 141
Pistis Sophia, 219
Pius, bishop of Rome, 78
Plancia Magna, 123
Plancina, 252
Plato, 128, 132
Platonism, 51–52
Pliny, 110, 111
Pollock, Griselda, 179
Pompeii, 14, 119
Pontius Pilate, 219, 271
appointment of, 258
crucifixion of Jesus and, 239, 246, 275
defensiveness of, 271
as enemy of Jesus, xvii, 219, 236–237
friendship with Herod Antipas, 235, 275
in Judaea, 243
vulnerability of, 247
appearance in Vatican window, 91
Gregory, 91
Porphyry, 105, 168
Potiphar, 7
encouragement of Joseph kissing Aseneth, 8
estate of, 7, 8, 9, 83
Potnia Theron, 123
Praetorian Guard, 249
“Precious treasure,” 287
Pre-Pauline Christianity, glimpse of, in Didache, xi
Priestess, Mary the Magdalene as a, 71–72, 89–95
Priscilla, 193
Jesus and, 181–182
Mary the Magdalene and, 189
Psalm 45, 184–185, 186
Psalms of Solomon, 33
Pseudepigrapha, 33
Pseudo-Zacharias Rhetor, 19, 24, 309, 310
Punic Wars, 92
Purity, 177
“Q,” 283
Qualls-Corbett, Nancy, 189
Queen of Sheba, 146
The Questions of Mary, 173
Quirinius, Roman governor of Syria, 271
Quispel, Gilles, 34
Qumran, 226
Rabbi Jesus (Chilton), 201
Rachab, 197
Rachel, 7, 9
Raetia, 240
Rape, 202, 203, 225, 232, 247, 301
Rashi, 203–204
Rebecca, 7, 9
Reconstruction, 260–264
Redemption, Gnostic view of, 161–193
Redemptive, marriage as, 186–193
Red Sea, crossing of, as type of Christian Baptism, 50
Refutatio (Hippolytus), 75
Rehov, 117
Rennes-le-Château, xv
The Republic (Plato), 133
Resh’aina, 20
Resurrection, Jesus’ appearance to Mary the Magdalene at, 208
Revelation, Book of, 149
Rhea, 116
Rhodes, island of, 114
Roman Empire
“mystery” religions of, xvi
power of, xvi
The Round Dance of the Cross, 165
Ruth, 197
Ryle, Gilbert, 49
Sabbath keepers, 195–196
Sacraments, defined, 166
Sacred sex, 180, 184, 285
consummation of, in bridal chamber, 287, 290
Gnostic view of, 167–168
Sacrificial lamb, 178
St. Ambrose, 112
St. Barbara, 79–80
St. Christina, 79, 80
St. Irene, 79, 80
St. Mary Deipara, 310
St. Peter’s Basilica (Rome), 84
Salome, 246, 292
plot against John the Baptizer, 254
Salome (sister of Jesus), 153
Samaria, 229
synagogue in, 142–143
Samaritans, 86
Sanliurfa, 56
Santa Rosa excavation, 106
Sarah, 7, 9, 50, 51, 138
Sardis, 107
Satan, temptation of Jesus by, 233–234, 263
Saul, 52. See also Paul
Saunière, Bérenger, xv
Schaberg, Jane, 76
Schäfer, Peter, 172
Scribes, as enemies of Jesus, xvii
Sea of Galilee, 206
Second John, 214
Second Zacharias, 19–30, 31, 40
The Secret Book (or Apocryphon) of John, 161, 169, 187
The Secret Gospel of Mark (“Secret Mark”), 29, 101, 102, 297
Secrets of Christianity (film), xi
Sedition, as political crime, 221
ambitions of, 241
as anti-Semite, 246
Apicata as spurned first wife of, 243–244
close-up view of, 246–247
as commander of the Praetorian Guard, 241–242
conspiracy with Herod Antipas, 236, 239–240
as de facto ruler of Rome, 239
demise of, 232, 237, 246–247, 257, 266, 272
execution of, 244, 270–271, 272, 274
as godsend to Jewish people, 258
interest in Middle East, 243
Livilla’s desire to marry, 245
marriage to Livilla’s daughter, 242
murder of Tiberius, 271
power grab of, 256, 258, 259, 260, 291
role in promotion of Germanicus, 250
seduction of Livilla by, 242
surge of opponents, 243
Self-control, Jesus’ power of, 188
Seneca, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Sepphoris, 206, 230, 231, 285
mosaics at, 134, 137
synagogue at, 285
Sermon on the Mount, 51, 224
Seuse, Heinrich, 287
“Seven Sleepers of Ephesus,” legend of, 4, 20, 23, 26
“the Seventy-two,” 222
Kosher, 180, 197
as redemptive, 163
sacred, 167–168, 180, 184, 285, 287, 290
Sexual activity, as threat to early church fathers, 210
Sexual initiation, 102
Sexual intercourse, 165, 188–189
Sexuality, role of in Jesus Movement, ix
Sexual liberation, 181
Sexual relations, 162, 163
slung leg as Renaissance code for, xv
Shammai, 223, 224
Shekhina, 170
Shem-Tob ben-Isaac ben-Shaprut, 30
The Shepherd of Hermas (Hermas), 78–81
Shisha-Halevy, Ariel, 296
Shoemaker, Stephen, 75, 122–123, 166, 313
Sicarii, at crucification of Jesus, 263–264
Sidon, 71
Sign of Jonah, 146
Simon (Jesus’ brother)
crucifixion of, 264, 276
as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Simon (Joseph’s brother), 17, 212, 217
Simon, as Messiah claimant, 291
Simon Bar Cosiba, 98
Simonians, 126
Simon in Peraea, 202, 261
Simon Magus, 125–126
Simon Peter (disciple), marriage and family of, 222
Simon Zealotes, 227, 265
Sin offering, 178
Sisters of the Covenant, 57
Sistine Chapel, 107
Slung leg, as Renaissance code for sexual relationship, xv
Smith, Morton, 29, 71, 101, 183–184, 197, 283–284, 287, 297, 299, 304
Smithsonian Channel, 298
Socrates, 120
Sol Invictus, 84, 132
Solomon, 52, 72, 146
Song of Songs, 69, 209, 289
“Sons of Tzadok,” 110
Sophia, 161–163, 169, 187
Sparks, H. F. D., 33, 41, 42
Sparta, 120
Sperlonga, 242
Starbird, Margaret, 124, 141, 219–220
Star language, 98
as Christian martyr, 22, 23
as Hellenist, 22
as member of Jesus Movement, 22
pairing with Nicodemus, 22
relics of, 20, 22
The Storie of Asneth, 289
The Story of Joseph the Just and Aseneth his Wife, 4–5. See Joseph and Aseneth
Strabo, 107
Stylobate, 107
Suetonius, 243
Sukenik, Eleazer, 304
Sun god, 127–129
Helios as, 132–133
Sun imagery, identification of with Jesus, 84
Susanna, 30
Syene, 253
Sylvester, Bishop of Rome, 20
Syncretism, 84
Synoptic Gospels, 269
Syria, taxes in, 250
Syriac (language), 4, 26–27
British Library Manuscript 17,202 in, 3
Syriac Christianity, 283
Joseph in, 56–59
on Old and New Testament, 58–59
origins of, 27–28
representation of, as religious tradition, 27
theological schools of, 49
Syriac Orthodox Church, 27
Syro-Phoenician priestess, Mary the Magdalene as, 86, 125
Syro-Phoenician tower, 92
Syro-Phoenician woman
Jesus and, 86, 88, 125, 173
parallel between Aseneth/Mary the Magdalene and, 89
Tabernacles, 267
Tacitus, 158
Talmud, 202, 203
creation in, 162
Talpiot, 226
Jesus family tomb in, 122, 123
Tamar, 197
“Teacher of Righteousness,” 223, 281–282
Tel Istaba mosaic, 142, 143, 144–145
Temple Mount, Jesus’ riot on, 259–260
Ten Commandments, 53
Tertullian, 61–62, 106, 169
Textual interpretation, typology in, 49
Thaddeus (also known as Addai), 28
Thanksgiving Psalms, 226
Thebes, 253
Theodore of Mopsuestia, 103
Theodosius, xvi, 282
Thera, 114
Therapeutae, 41–42
Thomas (disciple), 283
awareness of Jesus’ teachings, 165
Thomas (Jesus’ twin brother), 208–209
Thusnelda, sequester of, in tent, 254
Thyatira, 182
Tiberias, 206, 230, 231, 285
mosaics of, 134, 135
Tiberius (Roman emperor), 121, 203, 232
adoption of Germanicus, 249, 271
on Capri, 242–243, 244, 248–249, 258
conspiracy with Herod Antipas, 236
death of, 228, 239, 271
as emperor, 231, 240–241
execution of Sejanus by, 244
fall of, 260
hedonistic interests of, 241, 242–243, 258
removal of Creticus Silanus, 251–252
rise to power, 241
Titus (Roman emperor), 195
Tobias, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Jesus’ nullification of, 175
Noahide laws of, 213
Pharisee interpretation of, 223
study of astrology and, 136
Torah-observance, 95, 283
as central message of Old Testament, 52–53
indications of, in manuscript, 42
menstrual blood and, 177–178
Toth, Michael, 309
Tower, Aseneth/Mary the Magdalene and, 7, 72, 109
Tower of Babel, 51
Trajan (Roman emperor), 276
Transmutation, 175
Trinitarian disputes, 36
Trinity, doctrine of the, 24
Tucher, Katharina, 286–287
The Twelve Caesars (Suetonius), 243
Typology, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 60, 61, 127, 146, 302
Tyre, 71, 72
U2, xv
Valentinian Gnosticism. See also Gnosticism
bridal chamber and, 34–35, 171
focus on celebrating vitality and offspring, 186–187
Joseph and Aseneth in, 186–187
marriage as central to, 170
marriage of Jesus and Mary the Magdalene and, 153, 187–189, 302
as metaphorical, 167
rejection of virgin birth, 170
sexual intercourse and, 165
theology in, 163, 216
virginity for, 170
Valentinians, 160–161
Valentinus, 34, 70, 160–161, 162, 214, 303
birth of, 215
Valerius Gratus, 251, 259, 271
Varius, 261
Vatican, 107, 140
Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 294
Ventris, Michael, 105
Vespasian (Roman emperor), 97, 266, 276
Via Maris, 93, 253
Virgin birth, 128, 170, 196–201. See also Immaculate Conception
menstrual blood and, 179
Virginity, 170
Aseneth as symbol for, 63
Vitellius, Roman governor of Syria, 232
A Volume of Records of Events Which Have Shaped the World, 3, 19, 24–25, 309–310
War Scroll, 225–226
Wedding celebrations, length of, 156
Weeping, Mary the Magdalene and, 90
Western Christian orthodoxy, 63
The Wisdom of Faith, 219
“Woman in the window” motif, 90–91
Word incarnate, 129
Wright, William, 310
Xenophon of Ephesus, 117–118
Ya’akov (James, brother of Jesus), 153, 273
Yaldabaoth, 161–162
Yehudah, Rabbi, 155
Yeshua, 151
Yosé (Joseph) (brother of Jesus), 153
Zaccheus, as leader of Jesus Movement, 211
Zacharias, 19. See also Pseudo-Zacharias Rhetor; Second Zacharias
as Bishop of Mytilene, 24
Zacharias Rhetor, 19, 24
Church History, 24, 25
Zadok, 261
Zadokites, 260–261
as enemies of Jesus, 226–228, 263–264
ideology of, 263
Zechariah (father of John the Baptizer), 153
Zeus, 107, 119
Ziggurats, 73
Zimri, 116
heresy of, 168
Helios and, in ancient Jewish synagogues, 134–140
sign of, 84