FINAL GIRL SUPPORT GROUP, Notes by Dr. Carol Elliott. Session No. 188. September 2010. ATTENDING: Marilyn Torres, Adrienne Butler, Dani Shipman, Lynnette Tarkington, Heather DeLuca, Julia Campbell. Presession notes: Surprised to see that this month marks the 16th anniversary of regular group sessions. Facilitating this group falls outside my normal workload, but these women have been my patients in one way or another longer than my children have been alive. Sad to note that years of strong rapport and good group cohesion has fallen off over the past twelve months. Recent sessions marked by crosstalk, incessant argumentation over minor matters, and relentless interpersonal criticism. Adrienne remains practically a co-­facilitator, constantly modeling effective behavior, but Marilyn and Dani seem restless and irritable. Heather’s attention-­seeking and improvisational approach to recovery cause constant conflict. Lynnette’s hyperarousal seems unimproved. What remaining purpose does group serve after all this time? Who will be the first to terminate? Should I take steps to bring this to an end myself?

—Dr. Carol Elliott, private notes on group session, September 2010