CHRISTINE MERCER: Then Matty tried to stop him but he hit him with that axe.       JOHN STRYCHER: Did you see what happened next?       CHRISTINE MERCER: I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I was running, I don’t know. I ran away. I’m so sorry.       DONALD THOMPSON: Take your time.       JOHN STRYCHER: Can you tell us what happened to Alexandra Cathcart?       CHRISTINE MERCER: Alex is hurt?       DONALD THOMPSON: We can’t comment on her condition.       CHRISTINE MERCER: Is she dead? What happened? You have to tell me. What happened?       DONALD THOMPSON: We don’t know anything for sure right now.       JOHN STRYCHER: We need you to tell us what happened next, Miss Mercer?       DONALD THOMPSON: Miss Mercer? Do you need some time?       JOHN STRYCHER: Miss Mercer, did you hear me? Can you tell us what happened next?       CHRISTINE MERCER: What was always going to happen next. The monster came and gobbled them all up.

—transcript of RCMP officers John Strycher and Donald Thompson interviewing multiple murder survivor Christine Mercer, November 6, 1986