Whenever the Kingdom comes into a place, it impacts and overrides the culture of that place, not with violence or heavy-handed tactics, but with love and an unshakable confidence in the absolute legitimacy, superiority, and supremacy of Kingdom government. We are not supposed to dress like the popular culture, or live like the popular culture, or take a light view of sex and morality like the popular culture. We are supposed to set the standard, the higher standard of the Kingdom. We are supposed to override the popular culture. We are supposed to exercise self-control and moderation in all things and impact the people around us. We should not allow the environment to change us.
Instead, we should change our environment and bring it into conformity with God’s Kingdom. The apostle Paul said, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2a). Once transformed in this manner, we then transform our environment wherever we go until it is a clear reflection of the Kingdom.
(God’s Big Idea, Chapter Ten)
1. Fill in the blanks according to the differences between God’s Kingdom and the kingdom of the world:
God’s Kingdom | world’s kingdom |
Sexual purity | Immorality |
Respect | __________________ |
Order | __________________ |
Honesty | __________________ |
Truthfulness | __________________ |
Love | __________________ |
Peace | __________________ |
Freedom | __________________ |
2. Transformation of the popular culture will come only from communities of Kingdom citizens who refuse to remain silent. What are two topics you can speak out about and make a positive difference?
3. “We must become proactive in reproducing Garden communities of the Kingdom wherever we are and wherever we go in the future.” How will today’s Garden communities be different from the Garden of Eden?
4. In Chapter Ten’s example about the manager who turned a failing restaurant into a success, name five things that she did to transform the business. Were lives transformed as well? Who and why?
5. Transformation begins with you. How can you transform yourself, your family, your neighborhood, your church, your state, and your nation for His glory? Write at least one idea for each area.
No coexistence. Transformation of the popular culture will come only from communities of Kingdom citizens who refuse to remain silent; who refuse to sit idly by, uninvolved and disengaged, while the agents of the “powers of this dark world and…the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12) set their agenda and run the show. We must speak up. We must step out. We must get involved. We must become proactive in reproducing garden communities of the Kingdom wherever we are and wherever we go in the future. That is our calling, and our assignment from the One who commanded us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19-20a).
(God’s Big Idea, Chapter Ten)
Transforming from inside out is the biggest challenge—start today.
Then start outside tomorrow.