Devo 11

Being Sheepish

Today’s Verse—John 10:11

[Jesus said,] “I am the good shepherd. The good
shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”

True or False?

• Former president Woodrow Wilson owned a sheep that chewed tobacco.

• One pound of sheep wool can make ten miles of yarn.

• Sheep are mentioned in the Bible more than any other animal.

Believe it or not, they’re all true. And even more significant, Jesus often referred to His followers as sheep, and Himself as a shepherd.

In John 10:11 Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.” In Jesus’ day, sheep were an important part of the culture. Just as we see people walking their dogs today, the people in biblical times saw shepherds leading their flocks of sheep. And people in those days knew what it meant to be a “good shepherd.”

A good shepherd in Bible times knew all his sheep. He recognized which ones belonged to him, and he knew each sheep by name. If even one sheep was missing, he’d search long and hard to find it. A good shepherd protected his sheep from wild animals, even if it meant putting himself in danger. He led his sheep to pastures that were safe so the sheep could graze freely. He even nursed sick sheep back to health and bandaged the wounds of any that were injured.

In Bible times, Jesus was a shepherd of people. He taught them, guided them, and cared for them. If you belong to Jesus, He is your “Good Shepherd” too. He knows you by name and watches over you. He cares deeply for you and wants to lead you to safe places where you can grow. Jesus is a shepherd you can trust.


Loquacious Learning with Eugene

Do you know that if a sheep tips over on its back, it can’t get up because of the weight of its wool? If left alone, it could actually die. A shepherd must be nearby to help the sheep get back on its feet, often using the crook of his staff. Indeed, sheep very much need their shepherds.

Daily Challenge

Look up Psalm 23 and read it. Pay special attention to the parts about the Lord as your Shepherd. Write down all the ways He “shepherds” you.

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Learning About Jesus Theme Memory Verse—John 8:12

[Jesus] said, “I am the light of the world. Those who follow me will never walk in darkness. They will have the light that leads to life.”