Devo 14

Hope Returned

Today’s Verse—John 3:16

God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son.
Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.

In the Odyssey episodes “The Imagination Station, I and II” (album 5), Digger Digwillow was transported via one of Whit’s inventions to the day when Jesus was put to death. Digger saw Jesus being unjustly beaten, whipped, mocked, and hung on a cross to die. The scene brought Digger to tears.

But God had bigger plans than the disciples (or Digger) could imagine. “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life” (John 3:16).

And on the third day after His death, Jesus emerged from the tomb. The disciples couldn’t even believe it at first. They’d given up. Some had left town. One had denied even knowing Him. But hope had returned, bigger and better than ever.

God’s plan wasn’t about conquering the Roman Empire. It was all about redeeming the world and giving us the opportunity to live with Him forever.

Daily Challenge

Journal about the time you accepted the Lord as your Savior, and share what you write with a friend. If you’ve never asked Jesus into your life, talk to your parents or pastor about how you can do this.

Family Challenge #2—Parable Charades

Write down the following Scripture references on separate scraps of paper: Matthew 7:24–27 (The Wise and Foolish Builders); Matthew 18:10–14 (The Lost Sheep);


Whit and Wisdom

At Whit’s End the other day, one of the kids asked me, “Why did Jesus have to die?” I thought it was a great question. I explained that God is perfect and holy and when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, they separated all of humanity from Him (Isaiah 59:2). They also introduced death into the world.

For thousands of years, the only way people could connect with God was through the death of specially chosen animals who would spill their blood as a payment for their sins (Hebrews 10: 1–2). But God knew that the only way to destroy the power of sin and death in mankind was to offer the perfect sacrifice: His only Son Jesus (John 3:16). Jesus was perfect and holy, and His death covered all of our sins. More than that, Jesus rose again from the dead three days later, proving that He was more powerful than our sins, than evil, even death itself. Because of Jesus, we can have new life. And the power of sin no longer holds us in its death-grip. In fact, we’re dead to sin! (Ephesians 2:1–6). That’s just one reason why they call the gospel the “good news!”

Matthew 20:1–16 (The Workers in the Vineyard); Mark 4:3–9 (The Sower); Luke 10:30–37 (The Good Samaritan); Luke 14:7–14 (The Wedding Feast); Luke 15:8–10 (The Lost Coin); Luke 15:11–32 (The Prodigal Son).

Then divide your family into teams. Each team secretly selects a “parable passage,” checks the Bible, and acts out the parable. See if other family members can guess which parable you’re reenacting. Then talk about it. What does this parable tell you about God’s character? In what way does it encourage you?

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Learning About Jesus Theme Memory Verse—John 8:12

[Jesus] said, “I am the light of the world. Those who follow me will never walk in darkness. They will have the light that leads to life.”