Devo 22

The Best Friend

Today’s Verse—Psalm 5:3

Lord, in the morning you hear my voice. In the
morning I pray to you. I wait for you in hope.

Jeff and Drew grew up together as next-door neighbors. Their houses were close enough for them to talk on walkie-talkies at night before bed. They played and talked and were the best of friends. As teenagers they listened to music together, pigged out on pizza on the back porch, and shared their dreams.

Jeff loved Drew with all of his heart. Drew was a great friend to have. Drew listened to everything Jeff told him. Whenever Jeff followed Drew’s advice, everything would work out. Drew laughed when Jeff was happy and cried when Jeff was sad. Immediately after talking to Drew, Jeff would feel stronger. He would feel as if he could do anything.

High school graduation came, and Jeff and Drew went separate ways. At first Jeff called Drew every day. But after a while, Jeff got distracted with college life, and the conversations between Jeff and Drew happened less frequently. By the time Jeff graduated from college, he barely talked to Drew at all.

Then Jeff ’s life started to change. He no longer had the great advice giver around him. He began to make decisions on his own. He took a job he shouldn’t have taken, and he was miserable. He moved to a big city and felt lonely.

Then Jeff was fired from his job. He had no friends and had nowhere to turn. Finally, with tears in his eyes, he picked up the phone. He was certain that Drew was angry with him for never calling.

Drew answered. “Hello, Jeff. It’s so good to hear from you!” Drew was willing and ready to be Jeff ’s friend.

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Connie’s Corner

I set my alarm for 6:15 every morning. On good days I get up, pray for ten minutes, shower, eat breakfast, and head out the door. But some days I hit the Snooze button, sleep until 6:24, and then pray for one minute, shower, breakfast, and head out the door. On bad days I hit the Snooze button four times, get up at 6:51, skip everything, and head out the door.

When I skip praying, I always feel yucky all day. Praying gets my head right.

And this is how it is with prayer. We have a friend near us at all times—God. He will always listen. He has great advice for us. He has the power to help us in any situation. And yet, how often do we forget that He’s there to talk to! We get busy with our lives, and we ignore the One who can make a difference in us.

Don’t lose touch with the best Friend we could ever have.

Daily Challenge

Find a small sticker and put it on your watch or on the back of your hand (anywhere it won’t fall off). Every time you look down and see the sticker today, say a short prayer. It can be about anything. Just talk to God, and He will be listening.

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Prayer Theme Memory Verse—1 Thessalonians 5:17

Never stop praying.