Devo 46

A Historical Apology

Today’s Verse—Matthew 6:12

Forgive us our sins, just as we also have
forgiven those who sin against us.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson are a part of American history. They both declared America’s independence, and they both became US presidents. They were also good friends.

At first they believed many of the same things and helped each other. They even spent time in France together. They wanted the French government to help the American colonies fight their war for independence.

Over time these two men found they also had differences. For a while they figured out ways to have opposite opinions and be friends. But then they each went too far with their differences, and their friendship ended.

One day years later, Jefferson heard that Adams had complimented him. Jefferson wrote Adams a letter, and Adams wrote back. These two men chose to forgive each other and become friends again. They remained friends for the rest of their lives.

When you’re close to someone, it doesn’t mean you like all the same things or always want to do the same stuff. It also doesn’t mean that you won’t mess up or treat each other poorly. But it does mean you’ll have the opportunity to forgive each other.

In the Odyssey episode* “Call Me If You Care” (album 43), Connie learned how easy it is to become estranged from someone in your family that you love. After forgiving her father, Connie tried to find a way to reconnect with him.


Connie’s Corner

I try to treat people well, but sometimes I offend somebody even when I don’t mean to. In those cases, forgiveness is like a secret weapon that can set things right. When I say I’m sorry and ask for forgiveness, I let go of my emotions and can see the situation in a new way. This helps my friend and me enjoy each other’s company once again.

Like Connie, you may realize that your family and friends aren’t the same as you. And they don’t always act as you expect them to. The solution: You can allow them to be the people they are and forgive them when they disappoint you. Because Jefferson and Adams forgave each other, they were able to enjoy a close friendship for many, many years. In their later years, they wrote letters to each other. Surprisingly they died on the same day.

Daily Challenge

Write down three ways you might accidentally hurt a friend. Remember these things the next time someone upsets you. It may help you forgive this person.

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Forgiveness Theme Memory Verse—Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done.

* Want to listen to more episodes written by Nathan Hoobler, as this one was? Visit www.whitsend. org/vault and look for the area that says “Browse by Production Crew.”