Devo 56

Giving When It Hurts

Today’s Verse—Psalm 4:5

Offer sacrifices to the Lord in the right way. Trust in him.

Joe the Pharisee was pretty proud of himself. He walked into the temple with a huge bag of coins. He knew this would be impressive. As he reached the offering box, he peered around him to see who was looking.

Everyone. Good.

He pulled out his coins. “Augh!” he said with some serious exaggeration to show its heft. Instead of dumping the entire bag at once, he decided to take out the coins one by one. That way everyone would see that he wasn’t just giving small copper coins. These were denarii! A whole day’s wages.

He placed each coin in the box until the entire bag was empty. He looked around at all the impressed people and then went to the back of the temple with his head held high.

Then an old widow walked in. She wore raggedy clothes and sandals that were falling apart. This was a woman who had practically nothing. She shuffled slowly to the offering box and raised her hand. Out fell two copper coins, which were worth about a penny.

Joe scoffed quietly. Two copper coins! Pathetic!

Jesus, who was standing behind Joe, began talking to His disciples. Joe eavesdropped. Jesus said, “What I’m about to tell you is true. That poor widow has put more into the offering box than all the others.”

What? Joe thought. Didn’t He see how much I put in?

Jesus went on. “They all gave a lot because they are rich. But she gave even though she is poor. She put in everything she had. She gave all she had to live on.” (See Mark 12:41–44.)

Joe walked away, sulking.


Whit and Wisdom

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). It sounds like a nice little proverb, but it’s often hard to put into practice. We love receiving presents at Christmas or on our birthdays. It’s harder to reach into your pocket and take out that money we hope to spend on what we want and give it to someone else for what they need. The phrase “give until it hurts” one for giving sacrificially. And yet, according to the Bible, is an accurate one for giving sacrificially. And yet, according to the Bible, that kind of giving brings greater blessing in the long run than indulging ourselves. Try giving up your time, your belongings, or your money to others and see what happens!

Family Challenge #8—Giving Game

Decide as a family how you can give. Make a list of things you can give away. Then make a list of things you can do to serve your community, your church, your extended family, or your neighbors. Have a bake sale or a car wash, or put up a stand and sell lemonade. Then give all the proceeds to the charity of your choice. It’ll be a great way to spend a day with your family, and it’s a wonderful way to serve God!

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Giving Theme Memory Verse—Acts 20:35, by the apostle Paul

In everything I did, I showed you that we must work hard and help the weak. We must remember the words of the Lord Jesus. He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”