Devo 58

Earning Your
Right to Speak

Today’s Verse—1 Peter 2:12

People who don’t believe might say you are doing
wrong. But lead good lives among them. Then they will
see your good works. And they will give glory to God.

You’re having trouble with history class. All those dates and names and wars and treaties are killing you. A few days before an exam, you see an ad in the school newspaper that reads, “History Tutor: $3.00 an hour. Call Edward Tanner.” The ad also gives a phone number.

You think this ad sounds like a good deal. Three dollars an hour isn’t bad. If you study with this kid for three hours, and for less than ten bucks, you can get an A on the history test. You’ve never met Edward, but Edwards are usually smart, right? So you give him a call, and you agree to meet with him at the library after school.

At the library he introduces himself, and he seems like a nice guy. You take out your history book and put it on a study table. He reaches into his bag and pulls out some papers. You happen to notice a piece of paper on the top. It’s a history test with the name Edward Tanner on it. And written in bright red ink underneath is “43% F.”

When Edward goes to the restroom, you take a closer look at the test. One of the questions is “What was the Gettysburg Address?” and his answer is “1313 Gettysburg Road.”

When Edward gets back to the study table, you quickly say, “You know, I don’t think I need to study anymore.” You plop down a dollar for twenty minutes of study time and run out of the library as fast as you can.


Wandering with Wooton

There’s this one guy on my mail route who didn’t know about Jesus. One day he said to me, “How come you never stop to talk to me like you do with Mrs. Randolph?” I wanted to say, “Because your pet bird gives me the evil eye,” but I didn’t. I felt bad. I realized I need to be friends with this guy. Maybe soon he’ll listen when I talk to him about Jesus.

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Why would you let a bad history student teach you history? In the same way, why would people want to hear about Christianity from you if they see you doing things that aren’t Christian? Telling people about Jesus is important, but it’s just as important to live like Jesus. When people see Christ in you, they are far more likely to listen to you when you start telling them about Jesus.

Daily Challenge

Take out the list of people you made yesterday. Pick somebody on the list and do something nice for him or her.

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Witnessing Theme Memory Verse—Matthew 28:19–20

[Jesus said,] “You must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.”