Devo 64

Ways to Worship

Today’s Verse—Psalm 109:30

With my mouth I will continually praise the Lord.
I will praise him when all of his people gather for worship.

Ellen loves worship. She loves singing hymns of praise to God. She loves the sounds of the choir, the passionate prayers, the moments of silent adoration for the God who loves her. But most of all, she loves it when she hears those poetic, powerful words fill the entire building . . .

“Canned ham is now buy one, get one free in aisle five.”

What? Wait a minute! Ellen is in the grocery store?

When we think of worship, most of the time we think about sitting in church. But did you know that worship can happen anywhere? Ellen finds that she can worship anywhere, even while shopping. She can sing songs in her head, pray short prayers in her mind, and worship God while in the produce section. Worship is honoring God for who He is and what He has done. And you can do that anywhere!

Do you also know that worship isn’t just singing? You can honor God by reading His Word. In the Bible God shows you who He is and what He wants you to do. Studying God’s thoughts on a subject is another way of worshipping Him.

You can honor God by giving your tithes and offerings. When you give, you show God that you love Him more than money. You also honor Him when you obey His commands by giving to help churches, charities, and people who don’t have much themselves.

You can honor God by listening to Him and obeying Him. You honor Him by teaching others about Him. You honor Him by thinking about Him, no matter where you are.


Loquacious Learning with Eugene

Worship services in ancient times used a vast array of musical instruments. The Bible speaks of the timbrel, which is similar to the modern tambourine. The sistrum was a metal stick with a hoop and rods at the end. When shaken like a rattle, it created a pleasant clanking sound. Whether instruments like these, an organ, or an electric guitar are used, God appreciates worship through music.

You can worship God by bowing, standing, kneeling, or dancing, with your hands raised, to your side, or folded in front of you. It doesn’t matter, as long as you “worship the Father in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). Your worship should be sincere and from the heart.

Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, God wants your worship so that you’re always thinking about Him.

And, for goodness’ sake, get to aisle five! That’s a great sale on canned ham!

Daily Challenge

Find the courage to sing a praise song to God, maybe even in public (gasp!).

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Worship Theme Memory Verse—Psalm 99:5

Honor the Lord our God. Worship at his feet. He is holy.