Devo 65

Nuts About P-Nut

Today’s Verse—Psalm 30:12

So my heart will sing to you. I can’t keep silent.
Lord, my God, I will give you thanks forever.

Imagine your excitement. Your favorite singer of all time is coming to your town— pop sensation P-Nut!

His limousine pulls up. The crowd around you goes wild! He steps out—and walks directly toward you! He locks eyes with you. He steps up and reaches out his hand to shake yours. And the first words out of your mouth are . . .

“Nice to meet you. I wonder what’s on TV.” Or . . .

“Nice to meet you. I think I’m gonna get Chinese food for lunch.” Or . . .

“Oops! That’s my cell phone. It’s a call from the dog groomer. Excuse me. Gotta take this.”

Of course not! No, your first words to P-Nut will be praise for how much you adore his music, or compliments on his last album, or simply the words “I love you!”

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Every day you have the opportunity to come into the presence of God. He is the One who created the universe. He gave you life. He is merciful, holy, and powerful. He gave up His Son for you. But how often do you get up in the morning and waste a perfectly good chance to tell Him how much He means to you?

In the Odyssey episode* “Sunday Morning Scramble” (album 43), the Washington family was in such a frenzy about getting to church that each family member forgot the reason that they went to church in the first place. It took Tom Riley’s good example to show them that getting their hearts ready for worship was the most important task. The Washingtons needed to do that before stepping through the doors of the church.


Wandering with Wooton*

I have to be honest. This is the list of things I was thinking about last Sunday when I was in church: (1) licorice, (2) sea monkeys, (3) what items I could put into a tuba to make it sound funny, and (4) God. The problem was that I rushed out the door to get to church. It works out better when I get up early and pray before church. I’ll try that next week.

Whether you’re praying, going to church, or singing praises to God in the car or in your room, you should always give Him the full attention He deserves.

And He deserves it way more than P-Nut!

Daily Challenge

Write a fan letter to God. Make a list of the many amazing things He’s done for you or given to you.

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Worship Theme Memory Verse—Psalm 99:5

Honor the Lord our God. Worship at his feet. He is holy.

* Want to read more from Wooton? Visit, then hover over the Jones and Parker picture and the words “Go to Odyssey!” will appear. Click on the picture and then click on “Wooton’s Random Ramblings.”