Devo 69

Whacked-Out Worship

Today’s Verse—1 Corinthians 10:14

My dear friends, run away from statues
of gods. Don’t worship them.

Sing it with heart:

My hair dryer is an awesome hair dryer.
It dries from heaven above.
With heat and power and love.
My hair dryer is an awesome hair dryer!

Is it crazy to sing worship songs to a hair dryer? In Bible times people carved figures out of wood and bowed down in front of them. They worshipped wood!

But as crazy as worshipping wood sounds, it’s not that much crazier than what we do sometimes. We worship all kinds of things. Worship is showing honor to the things that matter most to us. And sometimes what matters most to us are silly things: money, our toys, television, video games . . . Are these the things we spend the most time with? That may be a sign we’re worshipping them.

The Odyssey episodes “The Case of the Secret Room, Parts I and II” (album 2) showed how the love of money can cause harm. A man double-crossed another man over money and ended up killing him. Love of money ruined people’s lives in that story, and wanting something more than we want God can ruin us, too.

As we learned in the Giving devotions, when it comes right down to it, all the stuff on this earth is going to someday be gone. Toys will break. Cars will rust. Money won’t mean anything to us in the end. It makes sense to pay attention only to things that will last forever—like God and His Word. Second Corinthians 4:18 says, “So we don’t spend all our time looking at what we can see. Instead, we look at what we can’t see. What can be seen lasts only a short time. But what can’t be seen will last forever.”


Connie’s Corner

There was a time when I worshipped clothes. All I wanted to do was shop. The day I knew I had a problem was when I accidentally took a fashion magazine to church instead of my Bible! Now that I have to pay rent and bills, I don’t have any money to shop, so I stopped worshipping clothes out of necessity. Maybe God is teaching me a lesson in what’s truly important.

Worship the Creator, not the stuff or people of this world. Oh, man! My hair dryer broke!

Daily Challenge

While you go about your day, write down what you spend your time on. For example: “5:00–5:30, homework; 5:30–5:45, eat snack,” and so on. At the end of the day, see what you spent your time on. And make sure you’re not worshipping the wrong things by dedicating all of your time to something other than God.

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Worship Theme Memory Verse—Psalm 99:5

Honor the Lord our God. Worship at his feet. He is holy.