Devo 70

Worthy of Worship,
Part III: God’s Love

Today’s Verse—1 John 4:9

How did God show his love for us? He sent
his one and only Son into the world. He sent
him so we could receive life through him.

Hudson watched as the basketball bounced off the rim. The buzzer sounded, and the game was over. He slumped down in front of his television. The one hundred dollars that he had bet on the game was the last money he had. In six short months, he had wasted all of his father’s money on fun and gambling.

Now Hudson had nowhere to go. He had no real friends. All Hudson had was his father—the man he had betrayed months ago. Did his father even care about him anymore?

But Hudson had no choice but to find out. He sold his television to a neighbor and used the money to take a bus home. On the trip, he thought about what he could say. Should I drop to my knees and beg him to take me in? Should I offer to work for him for free? Will he even look at me?

Hudson walked down the long wooded driveway toward his home. He turned a corner around some trees, and he couldn’t believe his eyes.

His father sat on the front porch as if he were waiting for Hudson. His father stood up, wiped his eyes as if he couldn’t believe what he saw, and then ran—not walked— toward Hudson. He threw his arms around Hudson and, with tears in his eyes, said, “You’re home! My son is home!”

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Whit and Wisdom

Worship is an important part of the Christian life, and yet we often get confused about it. So let’s go over a few basics. First, whom do we worship? We worship God and God alone. Nothing else is worthy of our worship except God. Second, why do we worship? We worship God because of His power, His wisdom, and His love for all of us. (And He told us to!) Third, how can we worship? We can worship God in many ways. In prayer, in song, by reading His Word, by giving, by listening, and by serving. Finally, where can we worship? In church, of course, but we can also worship God anywhere, at any time. At any point of the day, say a little prayer to God. Sing a song in your head.

This is a modern-day retelling of the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. In this story, Jesus gives us a picture of God’s love for us. No matter what we’ve done, no matter how much we’ve turned our backs on God, He will never turn His back on us. He loves us and will always welcome us home.

We should worship God because of His amazing love.

Family Challenge #10—Church Service

Plan out a family-run church service. Have it on a Thursday night or sometime when all of you are together. Pick songs to sing. Play musical instruments. Read your favorite Bible verses aloud. Have someone give a short lesson or perhaps just read one of this week’s devotionals aloud. Create a bulletin beforehand. Or you could listen to an Adventures in Odyssey episode about worshipping together. Make sure to pray together too. During the offering time, take up a collection and send the money to a charity.

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Worship Theme Memory Verse—Psalm 99:5

Honor the Lord our God. Worship at his feet. He is holy.