Devo 73

Listen and Learn

Today’s Verse—Proverbs 1:5

Let wise people listen and add to what they have learned.
Let those who understand what is right get guidance.

In the Odyssey episode “And the Glory” (album 17), the Odyssey Coyotes went to the district playoffs. It was the first time their baseball team had done this in twenty-seven years. The whole town was excited.

Pete, their star pitcher, was unbeatable. In the first round, he led the team to a stunning victory against the Harrisville Hornets. But when Pete dove to catch the final ball of the game, he stretched the tendons in his wrist. To everyone’s dismay, his pitching arm was placed in a cast.

Everyone in town wondered, Who’s going to pitch now?

Pete was out. Dennis, the backup pitcher, had left for a family vacation. The only player who came close to being able to pitch was Henry, and Henry was scared. Fortunately, Pete knew what to do. First, he helped calm down his teammate. Then he answered Henry’s questions and gave him pitching tips for the coming game. Pete even took the time to train Henry.

Henry followed Pete’s directions, and to the surprise of everyone, the Coyotes won the next round. Everyone celebrated, especially Henry.

But then something happened. Henry stopped hanging around Pete. He stopped listening to the star pitcher. Henry started thinking he could pitch the next game, the championship game, on his own.

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God has put people in our lives to help us grow—they are part of our church body. Sometimes we all stop listening to people who can help us, and sometimes we even stop listening to God and His Word. When things are going well, we often tune out our need for others’ help. And that’s bad because we should always be seeking to learn from other people and from God.


Wandering with Wooton

I’m not very good at baseball. Once when I was a kid in Little League, I was traded to another team for three bats and a snow cone. It was embarrassing. Christians are sort of on a team, too. Jesus is the Coach, and going to church is kind of like practice. And I know I’ll never be traded. I love being on a winning team!

If Henry had listened to Pete after winning a game, the Coyotes may have won the championship. But more than that, by listening, Henry would have shown Pete the respect he deserved. In the same way, when we attend church, we demonstrate how much we appreciate God and know that we need to listen to Him through His Word.

Daily Challenge

Listening to others is a great way to show respect and to learn how to live a better life.

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Going to Church Theme Memory Verse— 1 Corinthians 12:27

You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.