- - - - -THEME SIX- - - - -

Exercising Faith

Exercising Faith Theme Memory Verse

Hebrews 11:1

Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see.

Daredevil Charles Blondin was either very brave or very crazy. On June 30, 1859, he stretched a tightrope across Niagara Falls, about 200 feet above the gorge. Facing certain death if he fell, he walked across it. On later occasions, Blondin went back to perform the feat again—once with a sack over his head, once while carrying another man on his back, and one more time when he brought a stove and cooking utensils with him. When he got to the middle of the wire, he sat down and fried an omelet!

Blondin had to have a lot of faith in a lot of things to risk his life like that. He had to have faith in the strength of the wire. He had to have faith in his teammates on the other side of the river—that they had done a good job anchoring the wire. He had to have faith in his own abilities. He had to have faith that he wouldn’t lose his balance and fall to his death.

Sometimes putting faith in God seems just as hard. No one can see God. And yet so many have staked their lives on Him.

This week, we’re going to talk about faith in God. What is it? Why should we have it? And once we have it, what kinds of actions should faith inspire? Believing in God is similar to walking on a high wire over Niagara Falls. (And while we want you to test your faith in God, we don’t want you to try tightrope walking unless you belong to the circus!) There is risk involved in both activities. But once we make it to the other side of the faith chasm, we will see that having faith in God is completely worth it.


Dear God,

Thank You for giving me so much reason to have faith in You. Help me to believe in Your power, Your control over my life, and Your love for me.
