- - - - -THEME THIRTEEN- - - - -

Overcoming Sin

Overcoming Sin Theme Memory Verse

Romans 3:23-24

Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God’s glory. The free gift of God’s grace makes all of us right with him. Christ Jesus paid the price to set us free.

“So what’s your class schedule like this year?” says Student #1.

“I’m really excited,” replies Student #2. “I have first period Selfishness, and second period I have Disobedience.”

“Oh, I heard that’s a fun class,” says Student #1. “The teacher sometimes has a hard time keeping control, though.”

“I have Dishonesty third period.”

“No, you don’t!”

“You’re right. I lied. I have that fifth period. Just practicing for the final exam.”

We don’t have to be taught to sin. It comes naturally to us. Every child who has had to take time-outs because he or she colored on the walls knows it. Let’s face it. Sometimes sin is fun. But the consequences are not. And what it does to our relationship with God isn’t fun either.

Sin is something we do that is against God’s commands. Selfishness, pride, envy, disobedience, dishonesty, disrespect, and others are sins we all commit. And the results can change our lives in a bad way. This week we’re going to learn about sin—what it is, how to avoid it as much as possible, and what we can do if we fall into it.

Sin can be a terrible habit for us, but it isn’t the end of the world. God made sure of that when He sent His Son to die so that our sins won’t count against us.


Dear God,

Thank You for giving us a standard of behavior. Thank You for Your commands. Forgive me when I break those rules, and help me as I try to obey them.
