
A warm thank you to my extended family in Tibet. For welcoming me into your home, and showing me how to live with a courageous heart at all times.

Thank you to Dawn Ius, rock-star writing coach and editor extraordinaire. For letting me write and roam to find my voice, regardless of ‘The Rules’.

Thank you to Kirsten, my bff. For calling me out when I’m trying to hide, and picking me up when I falter.

Thank you to Daleen, my accountability partner. For reminding me to follow my joy.

Thank you to Julie, my Dharma sister. For embodying the truth of compassion and forgiveness in daily life, and sharing the Buddhist teachings with earnest enthusiasm.

Thank you to Janneke, my fairy godmother. Yes, it’s only ever a work of the heart.    

And most of all, thank you to Tsewang, my husband. For your love knows of no boundaries - how blessed I am.