And so it was that on this particular day Billy had decided the swing sets would be a good place to start their huge A-venture. Ollie was hanging out of Billy’s backpack as they swung. They were in dinosaur times. Billy and Ollie were pterodactyls swooping through prehistoric skies. Just a couple of trees away, in a bank of thick shrubs, the Creeps were keenly observing. They spoke in gargly whispers:
Creep 1: Now they swing on the sets. the Billy boy has the fave in a pack-’n-the-back-back-back.
Creep 3: We can shoot down from the tree limb low, the limb ’bove the swing.
Creep 4: Yeah! And share the pack-’n-the-back! pull it up and take the fave already inside!
Super Creep: Don’t be a dip! too many ways to get glimpsed! there’s mummies and dads by the skads. they’d be freakin’ and screamin’ and chasin’ and grabbin’ at us in half a dash.
Creep 2: The Super is right. we got parentals front, back, and both sides. and six Ruff-Ruffs. two on leash and four roamin’.
Super Creep: See! not enough stink bombs to deal with that pack, so we keep watchin’. we takes some time. plays it SMART. then nab the Fave and makes our way back to the boss, quick as whistlin’.
The other four Creeps nodded in agreement and settled in. It might take days, even weeks, but stealing favorites was what they did. And they were good at it. Their boss would accept nothing less.