AaI |
“Aesthetics against Incarnation: An Interview by Anne Marie Oliver” (2008). |
AH |
Arret sur histoire (with J.-L. Comolli) (1997) |
AoP |
“Art of the Possible: Fulvia Carnevale and John Kelsey in Conversation with Jacques Rancière” (2007). |
AR |
“The Aesthetic Revolution and Its Outcomes: Emplotments of Autonomy and Heteronomy” (2002). |
“Contemporary Art and the Politics of Aesthetics” (2009). |
CR |
“Comments and Responses” (2003) |
D |
Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy (1998). |
DW |
“Dissenting Words: A Conversation with Jacques Rancière” (2000). |
ES |
“The Emancipated Spectator” (2007) |
FF |
Film Fables (2006). |
FI |
The Future of the Image (2007). |
FW |
The Flesh of Words: The Politics of Writing (2004). |
GE |
“Going to the Expo: The Worker, his Wife and Machines” (1988). |
GT |
“Good Times, Or, Pleasure at the Barriers” (1988). |
HD |
Hatred of Democracy (2006). |
“How to use Lire le Capital” (1989). |
IE |
L’ Inconscientesthétique (2001). |
IS |
The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation (1991). |
“Is there a Deleuzian Aesthetics?” (2004). |
LA |
La Leçon d’ Althusser (1974). |
M |
Mallarmé: Politiquedelasirène (1996). |
“On Medium Specificity and Discipline Crossovers in Modern Art” (2007). |
NH |
The Names of History: On the Poetics of Knowledge (1994). |
NL |
The Nights of Labour: The Workers’Dream in Nineteenth Century France (1989). |
On the Shores of Politics (1995). |
“On the Theory of Ideology (the Politics of Althusser)” (1974). |
PA |
The Politics of Aesthetics (2004). |
PL |
Politique de la littérature (2007). |
PM |
La parole muette: Essai sur les contradictions de la littérature (1998). |
PO |
La parole ouvrière,1830/1851 (1975). |
PoL |
“The Politics of Literature” (2004). |
PP |
The Philosopher and his Poor (1991). |
PtA |
“From Politics to Aesthetics” (2005). |
“The Sublime from Lyotard to Schiller: Two Readings of Kant and Their Political Significance” (2004). |
SP |
Les scènesdu peuple (2003). |
Short Voyages to the Land of the People (1991). |
“Thinking Between Disciplines: An Aesthetics of Knowledge” (2006). |
TI |
“Theatre of Images” (2007). |
TT |
“Ten Theses on Politics” (2001). |
“Who is the Subject of the Rights of Man?” (2004). |
“Why Emma Bovary had to be Killed” (2008). |