




Works by Rancière

Rancière, J. 1974a. La Leçon d’Althusser. Paris: Gallimard.

Rancière, J. 1974b. “On the Theory of Ideology (the Politics of Althusser)”. Radical Philosophy 7: 2–15.

Rancière, J. 1975. La parole ouvrière,1830/1851. Paris: Editions 10/18.

Rancière, J. 1988a. “Going to the Expo: The Worker, his Wife and Machines”. In Voices of the People: The Politics and Life of “La Sociale” at the End of the Second Empire, A. Rifkin (ed.), 23–44. London: Routledge. Reprinted in Les scènes du peuple, 63–84.

Rancière, J. 1988b. “Good Times, Or, Pleasure at the Barriers”. In Voices of the People: The Politics and Life of “La Sociale” at the End of the Second Empire, A. Rifkin (ed.), 45–95. London: Routledge. Reprinted in Les scènes du peuple, 203–52.

Rancière, J. 1989a. “How to use Lire le Capital”. In Ideology, Method and Marx, A. Rattansi (ed.), 181–9. London: Routledge.

Rancière, J. 1989b. The Nights of Labour: The Workers’ Dream in Nineteenth Century France, J. Drury (trans.). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Originally published as La Nuit des prolétaires: Archives du rêve ouvrier (Paris: Fayard, 1981).

Rancière, J. 1991a. The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation, K. Ross (trans.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Originally published as Le Maître ignorant: Cinq leçons sur l’émancipation intellectuelle (Paris: Fayard, 1987).

Rancière, J. 1991b. The Philosopher and his Poor, A. Parker, C. Oster & J. Drury (trans.). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Originally published as Le philosophe et ses pauvres (Paris: Fayard, 1983).

Rancière, J. 1991c. Short Voyages to the Land of the People, J. Swenson (trans.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Originally published as Courts voyages au pays du peuple (Paris: Seuil, 1990).

Rancière, J. 1994. The Names of History: On the Poetics of Knowledge, H. White & H. Melehy (trans.). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Originally published as Les noms de l’histoire: Essai de poétique du savoir (Paris: Seuil, 1992).

Rancière, J. 1995. On the Shores of Politics, L. Heron (trans.). London: Verso. Originally published as Aux bords du politique (Paris: La fabrique, 1998).

Rancière, J. 1996a. Lire le Capital. Paris: PUF.

Rancière, J. 1996b. Mallarmé: Politique de la sirène. Paris: Hachette.

Rancière, J. 1997. “L’inoubliable”. In Arrêt sur histoire, J.-L. Comolli and J. Rancière, 47–60. Paris: Centre Pompidou.

Rancière, J. 1998a. Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy, J. Rose (trans.). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Originally published as La Mésentente: Politique et philosophie (Paris: Galilée, 1995).

Rancière, J. 1998b. La parole muette: Essai sur les contradictions de la littérature. Paris: Seuil.

Rancière, J. 2000. “Dissenting Words: A Conversation with Jacques Rancière”, D. Panagia (trans.). Diacritics 30(2): 113–26.

Rancière, J. 2001. “Ten Theses on Politics”, D. Panagia (trans.). Theory and Event 6(4), (accessed April 2010).

Rancière, J. 2002. “The Aesthetic Revolution and Its Outcomes: Emplotments of Autonomy and Heteronomy”. New Left Review 14: 133–51.

Rancière, J. 2003a. “Comments and Responses”. Theory and Event 6(4),

Rancière, J. 2003b. Les scènes du peuple. Paris: Horlieu [Rancière’s articles in Révoltes logiques].

Rancière, J. 2004a. The Flesh of Words: The Politics of Writing, C. Mandell (trans.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Originally published as La Chair des mots: Politiques de l’écriture (Paris: Galilée, 1990, 1998).

Rancière, J. 2004b. The Politics of Aesthetics, G. Rockhill (trans.). London: Continuum. Originally published as Le Partage du sensible: Esthétique et politique (Paris: La fabrique, 2000).

Rancière, J. 2004c. “The Politics of Literature”. SubStance 33(1): 10–24.

Rancière, J. 2004d. “The Sublime from Lyotard to Schiller: Two Readings of Kant and Their Political Significance”. Radical Philosophy 126: 8–15.

Rancière, J. 2004e. “Is there a Deleuzian Aesthetics?” Qui parle? 14(2): 1–14.

Rancière, J. 2004f. “Who is the Subject of the Rights of Man?” South Atlantic Quarterly 103(2/3): 297–310.

Rancière, J. 2005. “From Politics to Aesthetics”. Paragraph 28(1): 13–25.

Rancière, J. 2006a. Film Fables, E. Battista (trans.). Oxford: Berg. Originally published as La Fable cinématographique (Paris: Seuil, 2001).

Rancière, J. 2006b. Hatred of Democracy, S. Corcoran (trans.). London: Verso. Originally published as La Haine de la démocratie (Paris: La fabrique, 2005).

Rancière, J. 2006c. “Thinking Between Disciplines: An Aesthetics of Knowledge”. Parrhesia 1 : 1–12.

Rancière, J. 2007a. “Art of the Possible: Fulvia Carnevale and John Kelsey in Conversation with Jacques Rancière”. Artforum 45(7): 256–69.

Rancière, J. 2007b. “The Emancipated Spectator”. Artforum 45(7): 271–81.

Rancière, J. 2007c. The Future of the Image, G. Elliott (trans.). London: Verso. Originally published as Le Destin des images (Paris: La fabrique, 2003).

Rancière, J. 2007d. “On Medium Specificity and Discipline Crossovers in Modern Art”, interview by A. McNamara & T. Ross. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 8(1): 99–107.

Rancière, J. 2007e. Politique delalittérature. Paris: Galilée.

Rancière, J. 2007f. “Theatre of Images”. In Alfredo Jaar: La Politique des Images, 71–80. Zurich: JRP/Ringier.

Rancière, J. 2008a. “Aesthetics against Incarnation: An Interview by Anne Marie Oliver”. Critical Inquiry 35: 172–90.

Rancière, J. 2008b. “Jacques Rancière and Interdisciplinarity”. Interview with M.-A. Baronian & M. Rosello, G. Elliott (trans.), Art and Research 2(1), (accessed May 2010).

Rancière, J. 2008c. “Why Emma Bovary had to be Killed”. Critical Inquiry 34: 233–48.

Rancière, J. 2009a. The Aesthetic Unconscious, D. Keates & J. Swenson (trans.). Cambridge: Polity. Originally published as L’inconscient esthétique (Paris: Galilée, 2001).

Rancière, J. 2009b. Aesthetics and its Discontents, S. Corcoran (trans.). Cambridge: Polity. Originally published as Malaise dans l’esthétique (Paris: Galilée, 2004).

Rancière, J. 2009c. “Contemporary Art and the Politics of Aesthetics”. In Communities of Sense: Rethinking Aesthetics and Politics, B. Hinderliter et al. (eds), 31–50. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Rancière, J. 2009d. The Emancipated Spectator. London: Verso. Originally published as Le spectateur émancipé (Paris: La fabrique, 2008).

Rancière, J. 2009e. Et tant pis pour les gens fatigués: Entretiens. Paris: Editions Amsterdam.

Rancière, J. 2009f. Moments politiques: Interventions 1977–2009. Paris: La fabrique.

Rancière, J. 2010. Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics, S. Corcoran (trans.). London: Continuum.

Other works

Agamben, G. 1998. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Althusser, L. 1973. “Letter of March 15 1969”. In M. A. Macciocchi, Letters from inside the Communist Party to Louis Althusser, 301–20. London: NLB.

Arendt, H. 1958. The Human Condition. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Aristotle. 1981. Politics. T. A. Sinclair (ed. & trans.), T. J. Saunders (rev.). London: Penguin.

Aristotle. 1996. Poetics, M. Heath (trans.). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Auerbach, E. 1953. Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, W. Trask (trans.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Badiou, A. 1994. “Casser en deux l’histoire du monde”. Paris: Les Conférences du Perroquet.

Badiou, A. 2005a. Metapolitics, J. Barker (trans.). London: Verso.

Badiou, A. 2005b. “Rancière and the Community of Equals”. In Metapolitics, J. Barker (trans.), 107–13. London: Verso.

Badiou, A. 2005c. “Rancière and Apolitics”. In Metapolitics, J. Barker (trans.), 114–23. London: Verso.

Badiou, A. 2009. “The Lessons of Jacques Rancière: Knowledge and Power after the Storm”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 30–54. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Balibar, E. 2009. “What is Political Philosophy? Contextual Notes”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 95–104. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Barthes, R. 1982. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, R. Howard (trans.). New York: Hill & Wang.

Barthes, R. 2007. The Neutral: Lecture Course at the Collège de France (1977–1978), R. Krauss & D. Hollier (trans). New York: Columbia University Press.

Baudrillard, J. 1983. In the Shadow of Silent Majorities. New York: Semiotext(e).

Baudrillard, J. 1994. The Illusion of the End. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Bazin, A. 1967. “The Evolution of the Language of Cinema”. In What Is Cinema? vol. 1, H. Gray (trans.), 23–40. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Bell, D. 2004. “Writing, Movement/Space, Democracy: On Jacques Rancière’s Literary History”. SubStance 33(1): 126–40.

Benton, T. 1974. “Discussion: Rancière on Ideology”. Radical Philosophy 9: 28–9.

Benveniste, E. 1966. “Les relations de temps dans le verbe français”. In Problèmesdelinguistiquegénérale, 237–50. Paris: Gallimard.

Berrebi, S. 2008. “Jacques Rancière: Aesthetics is Politics”. Art and Research 2(1), (accessed June 2010).

Bingham, C. & G. Biesta (Introduction by Rancière) 2010. Jacques Rancière:Education, Truth, Emancipation. London: Continuum.

Bosteels, B. 2009a. “Rancière’s Leftism, Or, Politics and Its Discontents”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 158–75. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Bosteels, B. 2009b. “Afterword: Being, Thinking, Acting, or, On the Uses and Disadvantages of Ontology for Politics”. In A Leftist Ontology: Beyond Relativism and Identity Politics, C. Strathausen (ed.), 235–51. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Bosteels, B. 2010. “Metapolitics”. In Encyclopedia of Political Theory, M. Bevir (ed.), 878–80. New York: Routledge.

Bourdieu, P. 1979. The Inheritors: French Students and Their Relations to Culture. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Originally published in 1964.

Bourdieu, P. 1987. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Bourdieu, P. & J.-C. Passeron 1990. Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. London: Sage.

Bourriaud, N. 2002. Relational Aesthetics, S. Pleasance & F. Woods (trans.). Paris: Les Presses du Réel.

Bourriaud, N. 2009a. The Radicant. New York/Berlin: Sternberg Press.

Bourriaud, N. 2009b. “Precarious Constructions. Answer to Jacques Rancière on Art and Politics”, (accessed April 2010).

Bowman, P. 2009. “Aberrant Pedagogies: JR, QT and Bruce Lee”, Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

Braudel, F. 1995. The Mediterranean and the World in the Age of Philip II, S. Reynolds (trans.). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Originally published in 1949.

Chambers, S. 2003. Untimely Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Chambers, S. 2004. “Ghostly Rights”. Cultural Critique 54:148–77.

Chambers, S. 2005. “The Politics of Literarity”. Theory and Event 8(3), (accessed April 2010).

Chambers, S. 2009. “A Queer Politics of the Democratic Miscount”. Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

Chambers, S. & M. O’Rourke 2009. “Jacques Rancière and the Shores of Queer Theory”. Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

Christofferson, M. S. 2004. French Intellectuals Against the Left: The Anti-Totalitarian Movement of the1970s. New York: Berghahn Books.

Citton, Y. 2007. Lire, interpréter,actualiser: Pourquoi les études littéraires? Paris: Editions Amsterdam.

Citton, Y. 2009. “Political Agency and the Ambivalence of the Sensible”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 120–39. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Conley, T. 2004. “A Fable of Film: Rancière’s Anthony Mann”. SubStance 33(1): 91–107.

Conley, T. 2009. “Cinema and its Discontents”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 216–28. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Cook, R. 2009. “Aesthetic Revolution, the Staging of (’Homosexual’) Equality and Contemporary Art”. Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

Cornu, L. & P. Vermeren 2006. La philosophie déplacée:Autour de Jacques Rancière. Paris: Horlieu.

Craib, I. 1975. “Rancière and Althusser”. Radical Philosophy 10: 28–9.

Critchley, S. 2001. Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dasgupta, S. 2009a. “Conjunctive Times, Disjointed Time: Philosophy between Enigma and Disagreement”. Parallax 15(3): 3–19.

Dasgupta, S. 2009b. “Jacques Rancière”. In Film, Theory and Philosophy: The Key Thinkers, F. Colman (ed.), ch. 31. Durham: Acumen.

Davis, O. 2009. “Rancière and Queer Theory: On Irritable Attachment”. Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

Dean, J. 2009. “Politics without Politics”. Parallax 15(3): 20–36.

Debord, G. 1994. The Society of the Spectacle. New York: Zone Books.

Deleuze, G. 1986. Cinema 1: The Movement-Image, H. Tomlinson & B. Habberjam (trans.). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Deleuze, G. 1989. Cinema 2: The Time-Image, H. Tomlinson & R. Galeta (trans.). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Deleuze, G. & F. Guattari 1986. Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature, D. Polan (trans.). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Deleuze, G. & F. Guattari 1987. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, B. Massumi (trans.). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Déotte, J.-L. & R. Lapidus 2004. “The Differences Between Rancière’s ‘Mésentente’ (Political Disagreement) and Lyotard’s ‘Différend’”. SubStance 33(1): 77–90.

Deranty, J.-P. 2003a. “Jacques Rancière’s Contribution to the Ethics of Recognition”. Political Theory 31(1): 136–56.

Deranty, J.-P. 2003b. “Rancière and Contemporary Political Ontology”. Theory and Event 6(4), (accessed June 2010).

Deranty, J.-P. 2007. “Democratic Aesthetics: On Jacques Rancière’s Latest Work”. Critical Horizons 8(2): 230–55.

Deranty, J.-P. et al. (eds) 2007. Recognition, Work, Politics: New Directions in French Critical Theory. Leiden: Brill.

Dikeç, M. 2007. Badlands of the Republic: Space, Politics and Urban Policy. Oxford: Blackwell.

Dillon, M. 2003. “(De)void of Politics: A Response to Jacques Rancière’s Ten Theses on Politics”. Theory and Event 6(4), theory_and_event/voo6/6.4dillon.html (accessed June 2010).

Dillon, M. 2005. “A Passion for the (Im)possible: Jacques Rancière, Equality, Pedagogy and the Messianic”. European Journal of Political Theory 4: 429–52.

During, E. 2001. “What Pure Aesthetics Can’t do”. Art Press 267: 56–8.

Elliott, G. 2006. Althusser: The Detour of Theory. Leiden: Brill.

Engelibert, J.-P. 1998. “Sur Jacques Rancière”. Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire 30: 23–32.

Farge, A. 1997. “L’Histoire comme avènement”. Critique 6012: 461–6.

Fénelon, F. 1994. Telemachus, P. Riley (ed. & trans.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ferris, D. 2009. “Politics after Aesthetics: Disagreeing with Rancière”. Parallax 15(3): 37–49.

Foucault, M. 1979. “Omnes et Singulatim: Towards a Criticism of Political Reason”. Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Stanford University, 10 and 16 October.

Furet, F. 1981. Interpreting the French Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Game, J. & A. Wald Lasowski (eds) 2009. Jacques Rancière:Politiquedel’esthétique. Lyon: Centre d’Etudes Poétiques.

Garneau, M. & J. Cisneros 2004. “Film’s Aesthetic Turn: A Contribution from Jacques Rancière”. SubStance 33(1), 108–25.

Gibson, A. 2001. “’And the Wind Wheezing Through that Organ Once in a While’: Voice, Narrative, Film”. New Literary History 32(3): 639–57.

Gibson, A. 2005. “The Unfinished Song: Intermittency and Melancholy in Rancière”. Paragraph 28(1): 61–76.

Godard, J.-L. 1988–98, Histoire(s) du cinéma (film). Gaumont.

Gossez, R. 1968. Les Ouvriers de Paris. Paris: Mouton.

Gramsci, A. 1996. “Notes for an Introduction and an Approach to the Study of Philosophy and Culture”. In The Antonio Gramsci Reader, D. Forgacs (ed.), 323–43. New York: New York University Press.

Guénoun, S. 2000. “An Interview with Jacques Rancière: Cinematographic Image, Democracy, and the ‘Splendor of the Insignificant’”. Sites: The Journal of Twentieth Century Contemporary French Studies 4(2): 249–58.

Guénoun, S. 2004. “Jacques Rancière’s Freudian Cause”. SubStance 33(1): 25–53.

Guénoun, S. 2009. “Jacques Rancière’s Ethical Turn and the Thinking of Discontents”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 176–92. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Guénoun, S., J. H. Kavanagh & R. Lapidus 2000. “Jacques Rancière: Literature, Politics, Aesthetics: Approaches to Democratic Disagreement”. SubStance 92: 3–24.

Guerlac, S. & P. Cheah 2009. Derrida and the Time of the Political. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Guha, R. 1994. “The Prose of Counter-Insurgency”. In Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory, N. Dirks, G. Eley & S. B. Ortner (eds), 336–71. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Hallward, P. (ed.). 2004. Think Again: Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy. London: Continuum.

Hallward, P. 2005a. “Jacques Rancière and the Subversion of Mastery”. Paragraph 28(1): 26–45.

Hallward, P. 2005b. “The Politics of Prescription”. South Atlantic Quarterly 104(4): 769–89.

Hallward, P. 2006. “Staging Equality. On Rancière’s Theocracy”. New Left Review 37, (accessed June 2010).

Hallward, P. 2009. “Rancière’s Theocracy and the Limits of Anarchic Equality”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 140–57. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Harvey, D. 2003. Paris, Capital of Modernity. New York: Routledge.

Hegel, G. W. F. 1998. Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art, T. M. Knox (trans.). Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Hewlett, N. 2007. Badiou, Balibar, Rancière: Re-thinking Emancipation. London: Continuum.

Hirst, P. 1979. “Rancière, Ideology and Capital”. In his On Law and Ideology, 79–95. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Hobbes, T. 1983. De Cive. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Hobbes, T. 1997. Leviathan. New York: Norton.

Ieven, B. 2009. “Heteroreductives – Rancière’s Disagreement with Ontology”. Parallax 15(3): 50–62.

Ingram, J. 2006. “The Subject of the Politics of Recognition: Hannah Arendt and Jacques Rancière”. In Socialité et reconnaissance: Grammaires de l’humain, G. Bertram et al. (eds), 229–45. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Kollias, H. 2009. “How Queer is the Demos? Politics, Sex, and Equality”. Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

Labelle, G. 2001. “Two Refoundation Projects of Democracy in Contemporary French Philosophy: Cornelius Castoriadis and Jacques Rancière”. Philosophy and Social Criticism 27(4): 75–103.

Larrain, J. 1979. The Concept of Ideology. London: Century Hutchinson.

Lecourt, D. 2001. The Mediocracy: French Philosophy since the mid-1970s, G. Elliott (trans). London and New York: Verso.

Linhart, R. 1981. The Assembly Line, M. Grosland (trans.). Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.

Lyotard, J.-F. 1984. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Lyotard, J.-F. 1989. The Differend: Phrases in Dispute. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Lyotard, J.-F. 1991. “After the Sublime, The State of Aesthetics”. In The Inhuman: Reflections on Time, G. Bennington & R. Bowlby (trans.), 135–43. Cambridge: Polity.

Lyotard, J.-F. 1993. Political Writings. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

MacCormack, P. 2009. “Inhuman Evanescence”. Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

McClure, K. 2003. “Disconnections, Connections and Questions: Reflections on Jacques Rancière’s Ten Theses on Politics”. Theory and Event 6(4), http://muse. (accessed June 2010).

May, T. 2008. The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière: Creating Equality. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.

May, T. 2009. “There are no Queers: Jacques Rancière and post-identity Politics”. Borderlands 8(2), (accessed April 2010).

May, T. 2009. “Rancière in South Carolina”. In Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 105–19. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Mecchia, G. 2009. “The Classics and Critical Theory in Postmodern France: The Case of Jacques Rancière”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 67–82. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Méchoulan, E. 2004. “Introduction: On the Edges of Jacques Rancière”. SubStance 33(1): 3–9.

Méchoulan, E. 2009. “Sophisticated Continuities and Historical Discontinuities; Or, Why Not Protagoras?”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 55–66. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

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Mufti, A. 2003. “Reading Jacques Rancière’s Ten Theses on Politics: After September 11th”. Theory and Event 6(4), (accessed June 2010).

Nancy, J.-L. 2009. “Rancière and Metaphysics”. In Jacques Rancière:History, Politics, Aesthetics, G. Rockhill & P. Watts (eds), 83–92. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

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Pelletier, C. 2009a. “Emancipation, Equality and Education: Rancière’s Critique of Bourdieu and the Question of Performativity”. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 30(2): 137–50.

Pelletier, C. 2009b. “Rancière and the Poetics of the Social Sciences”. International Journal of Research and Method in Education 32(3): 267–84.

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Plato. 2005. Phaedrus, C. Rowe (trans.). London: Penguin.

Power, N. 2009a. “Which Equality? Badiou and Rancière in Light of Feuerbach”. Parallax 15(3): 63–80.

Power, N. 2009b. “Non-Reproductive Futurism. Rancière’s Rational Equality against Edelman’s Body Apolitic”. Borderlands 8(2), vol8no2_2009/power_futurism.pdf (accessed April 2010).

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Reid, D. 1989. “Introduction”. In J. Rancière, The Nights of Labour: The Workers’ Dream in Nineteenth Century France, J. Drury (trans.), xv–xxxvi. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

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Robson, M. 2005. “Jacques Rancière’s Aesthetic Communities”. Paragraph 28(1): 77–95.

Robson, M. 2009. “’A Literary Animal’: Rancière, Derrida, and the Literature of Democracy”. Parallax 15(3): 88–101.

Rockhill, G. 2004. “The Silent Revolution”. SubStance 33(1): 54–76.

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Rogozinski, J. et al. (eds) 1983. Le Retrait du politique: travaux du Centre de recherches philosophiques sur le politique. Paris: Galilée.

Ross, K. 1991. “Rancière and the Practice of Equality”. Social Text 29: 57–71.

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