




Achilles 123


collective 70, 79

creative 130, 1845

in film 175

of masses 10612

noble 120, 14041

political 51, 53, 68, 72, 74, 767, 82, 87, 969, 103

representation of 1226, 138, 156

of spectators 101

versus pathos in aesthetic regime 129, 159, 179

Adorno, Theodor. W 101, 142

aesthetic, see also regimes of the arts

autonomy 152, 1615, 172

dimension of politics 956, 99103, 1345

experience 367, 161, 168

regime 113, 1219, 137, 1557, 1615, 17072

unconscious 129

Agamben, Giorgio 523

Algerian War 2, 50

Althusser, Louis 24, 33, 35, 3940, 42, 50, 95, 978, 101, 112, 148

Arendt, Hannah 57, 65

Aristotle 10, 458, 57, 734, 77, 869, 108, 1212, 124, 146

Auerbach, Erich 118, 120, 138

Arts and Craft Movement 162

Bacon, Francis 159

Badiou, Alain 1, 4, 11, 81, 86, 912, 1835

Ballanche, Pierre-Simon 102, 137

Balzac, Honoré de 114, 126, 134, 156

Barthes, Roland 109, 154, 1578

Bataille, Georges 160

Baudelaire, Charles 125

Baudrillard, Jean 50, 182

Bazin, André 170, 177

Behrens, Peter 1623

Benoist, Alain de 92

Blanchot, Maurice 134, 145

Bourdieu, Pierre 33, 35, 43, 80, 845, 101, 10910

Bourriaud, Nicolas 167

Bouvard and Pécuchet 144

Bovary, Emma 126, 140, 142, 146, 171

Braudel, Fernand 1057

Cabet, Etienne 21

Chardin, Jean-Siméon 160

Chateaubriand, François-René de 111

Commune (Paris) 18, 86

communism 2, 106

Communist Party 3, 8, 39, 40, 106

Courbet, Gustave 157

Deleuze, Gilles 1, 4, 135, 1489, 15960, 164, 170, 17681

“ Democracy” (Rimbaud) 5, 18

democracy see also politics

anarchic 108, 113

ancient 45, 47, 66

hatred of 13, 534, 64, 153

liberal/bourgeois 46, 90, 173

modern 134

radical 9, 11, 54, 147

representative 47, 54, 66

scandal of 30, 47, 645, 80

synonymous with politics 53, 668, 70, 81

demos 46, 49, 65, 7075, 789, 81, 83, 889

Denis, Maurice 159

Deroin, Jeanne 21

Derrida, Jacques 1, 10, 108, 129, 153

Despard, Edward 112

Diderot, Denis 36

disagreement 10, 51, 736, 82, 100, 185

dissensus 53, 95100

domination see oligarchy, police

and ideology 3, 109

in political orders 59, 64, 67, 78, 8082

social 35, 11, 110

education see also knowledge and learning

Bourdieu’s sociology of 10910

Jacotot’s theory of 67, 2737, 77, 114

and the republic 48, 845

emancipation see also democracy, politics

and “distribution of the sensible” 98103

intellectual 6, 23, 2537, 98

political 21, 41, 82

universal 90

Enfantin, Barthélémy Prosper 21

Epstein, Jean 17072, 175

equality see also democracy, wrong, police

axiom/presupposed 1112, 32, 72, 77, 109, 144, 150, 152, 183

of intelligences 2833, 37, 77, 98, 109

in literature and aesthetics 1112, 24, 1334, 1378

and political action 778, 122

in political theory 6971, 91

radical 3, 67, 9, 13, 43, 184

“everything speaks” 12, 126, 157

expressivity 129, 1345, 146, 149, 17078

fable 119, 16982

Farge, Arlette 110

Faure, Elie 181

Ferry, Jules 85

Ferry, Luc 58

Flaubert, Gustave 42, 114, 126, 134, 14047, 156, 1712, 175

Foucault, Michel 1, 4, 910, 53, 61, 78, 105, 155, 185

Fourier, Joseph 20


as equality 85, 1835

political 38

Frost, John 112

Furet, Francois 1067

Gauny, Louis-Gabriel 6, 21, 111

Godard, Jean-Luc 166, 170, 177, 17981

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 111, 115

Goncourt, Edmond and Jules 160

Gramsci, Antonio 4042

Greenberg, Clement 154, 159

Guha, Ranajit 113

Haacke, Hans 165

Habermas, Jürgen 910, 101

Heartfield, John 165

Hegel, G. W F. 39, 117, 1278, 139, 153, 1578, 168, 169

Henson, Gravener 112

hierarchy see domination, oligarchy, police


of art 151, 153, 155, 16061

of film 175, 177

Godard’s Histoire(s) 17982

heretical 11012

“history from below” 56, 10, 104, 111

Michelet’s 1078, 135, 142, 1467, 179

“names of” 112, 188

of philosophy 38, 43, 54

subjects of 41, 446, 108, 146, 179

versus poetry (Aristotle) 146

writing/historiography 12, 96, 10414, 135, 1469, 17981

Hitchcock, Alfred 17881

Hobbes, Thomas 38, 489, 53, 80, 88

Hölderlin, Friedrich 127

Homer 127

Hugo, Victor 142, 157


equality 3, 6, 38, 43, 49

inhuman (critique of) 523, 164

intelligence 78, 26, 30

language 74, 102, 117, 1268


Rancière’s thinking 1845

tendency of contemporary art 167


expert versus ignorant 30, 37, 65, 125

schoolmaster 278, 98


in aesthetic regime 1556

definition 118

fate of 119

sentence-image 1634

versus text 124, 128


and the “distribution of the sensible” 11, 98

and knowledge 2832, 98, 1012

and politics 73, 96, 184

as structure of social orders 78, 59, 64

Intellectuals 35, 18, 33, 38, 42, 45, 534, 110

Jaar, Alfredo 159

Jacotot, Joseph 69, 2537, 77, 98, 114, 143

Joyce, James 172

Kant, Immanuel 138, 151, 153, 161, 164, 168


and authority 2830, 37, 98

distribution of 84

as ideology 434

poetics of 95, 10410, 1456, 150


division of 34, 29, 111, 128, 136

history of 1, 5, 12, 19, 49, 119

intellectual 34, 41

manual 34, 46, 109, 111

movement 1, 56, 12, 2023, 31, 119

“nights of” 1822

“Land of the People” 18, 234

Lang, Fritz 170, 173, 1756, 182

learning 7, 268, 31, 36


democracy 456

state 10

theory 7072

liberalism see also neo-liberalism, social-liberalism

interest-group- 61

literarity 13, 13350

Levinas, Emmanuel 10

Lubitsch, Ernst 180

Lyotard, Jean-Francois 1, 4, 10, 5051, 53, 129, 164, 185

Malevich, Kazimir 172

Mallarmé, Stéphane 12, 18, 134, 145, 1623, 166

Manet, Edouard 157

Mao Tse-Toung 8

Marx, Karl 24, 910, 19, 40, 423, 57, 80, 90, 117

Marxism 3, 9, 17, 1920, 3845, 9091


chaotic 158

of image 1245, 1545

of language 7, 161, 163


historical 3, 33

Rancière’s 183, 187

May ‘68 15, 17, 19, 40, 50

Melville, Herman 134, 148

Menzel, Adolph von 157

Michelet, Jules 104, 107, 108, 135, 142, 146, 147, 179

mimesis 108, 118, 120, 126, 1556, 1736

Mitterrand, President Francois 8


aesthetic 13, 18, 124, 134, 1518, 165

cinematographic 17077

political 23, 46, 87

montage 14, 155, 1638, 170, 172, 17782

“mute speech” 13, 1345, 143, 1456, 148

neo-liberalism 9, 106

oligarchy 578, 61, 648

Oedipus 1234, 129, 138

Paine, Thomas 112

parataxis see materiality

partage du sensible (distribution of the sensible) 11, 63, 95103, 117, 136, 145, 147, 152, 187

people (the) see also demos 9, 12, 20, 34, 37, 42, 5054, 656, 7073, 75, 81, 835, 89, 92, 108, 122, 142, 179

philosophy see political and politics

Plato 10, 437, 5760, 645, 68, 8086, 108, 121, 143

police see also oligarchy, politics

definition of 62

and distribution of the sensible 979

order 7076

in Plato’s Republic 5960

violence 2, 72

political, the 10, 71, 87

political movement 73, 78

political philosophy/theory 9, 1013, 38, 439, 524, 579, 6970, 8086, 136, 1846

political subject (subjectification) 10, 314, 446, 5052, 758, 845, 100102

Politics (Aristotle) 734, 87

politics see also democracy

and aesthetics 100101, 11620, 1336, 179

archipolitics 10, 46, 8081, 836

and art 152, 15968, 175

biopolitics 534

and equality of intelligences 2932

and literature 1369, 1413, 150

metapolitics 10, 8081, 8992

parapolitics 10, 46, 8081, 8690

and philosophy 80, 82, 86, 92

and poetics 12, 37

versus police 10, 6067, 7071

Pop Art 157

post-revolution 11, 13, 13940

post-romanticism 1314

power see also politics

of art 158

distribution of 87

Foucault 20, 78

of images 110, 1634, 17581

of intelligence 28, 3031, 367, 54, 157

and knowledge 30, 34, 110, 112

sovereign 489, 53, 889

and speech 4, 59, 84, 1236

state 2, 5, 8, 66, 106

Rawls, John 9, 57

regimes of the arts 13, 11631, 13740, 1448

Renaut, Alain 58


Canuts 20

logical 45, 1718, 21

workers 1718, 20

revolution see also post-revolution

of 1830 21

of 1848 20

aesthetic/poetic 12, 37, 133

Cuban 2

cultural 3

democratic 20, 96

French 86, 1068, 112, 114

political 13, 90, 124

Russian 41


citizen 52

civil 67, 72

civil rights movement 72

human 22, 53, 79, 82

Rimbaud, Arthur 5, 18

romantic art/aesthetics 134, 139, 149, 155, 182

romantic literature/poetry 12, 107, 1268

romanticism see also expressivity, literarity, post-romanticism

British 125

German 153

Hegel’s critique of 127, 128, 139

and realism 1556

Rosler, Martha 165

Ross, Kristin 19, 33, 34, 106

Rosselini, Roberto 110

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 49, 97

Saint-Simonianism 2021, 186

Sartre, Jean-Paul 38, 435, 142, 145

Schiller, Friedrich 127

Schönberg, Arnold 172

Soboul, Albert 106

social-liberalism 9

socialism 19, 70

“Socialisme ou Barbarie” 50

socialists 8, 18, 33, 70

socialist realism 37

Socrates 29, 59, 83, 86

Soviet socialism 44

Spenser, Thomas 112

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 113

Stael, Anne L. G. de 113

Stendhal 108


class 3, 5, 17, 19, 3944, 49, 8991

democratic 678

against domination 22, 152

political 79, 97

subject, subjectification see political

symbol/symbolic see also aesthetic regime

of collective life 1613

montage 1658

principle of aesthetic regime 125, 129

violence and social hierarchy 4, 43, 61, 85, 102

Tacitus 11314

Thompson, E. P 5, 11113

Tolstoy, Leo 126

Ulysses 123

Véret, Désirée 21

Vietnam War 2, 165

Vinçard, Pierre 21

Voilquin, Suzanne 20

Voltaire 108

Werkbund 162

Winterbotham, William 112

Wollstonecraft, Mary 112

Woolf, Virginia 134, 139, 172, 175

Wordsworth, William 23, 112


“dream” 17, 21

and the philosopher 435, 59

“voice” 8, 11, 18, 20

Wrong 10, 52, 758, 81, 100

Zola, Emile 126, 145