From the Kids

Heath’s Personal View of Homeschooling

According to my mom, I was one of the youngest babies who talked, even between my mom nursing me. I went from being weaned to watching all things educational when my baby brother was born. My earliest memory is of watching the videos called Alphabet Friends. I remember always being able to read well. I read all of the signs along the central California highways from Vandenberg AFB to Silicon Valley. Before my family moved from California (where my first memories began), I remember reading on the grass while my oldest sister attended college classes. My mom would walk a stroller around the campus track so she could be nearby. I remember asking my mother thousands of questions about every subject that popped into my head. Because we had such a small class size (as homeschoolers) she had plenty of time to answer each question to the best of her abilities. As I got older, my interest shifted from the television to our new computer. One of my favorite activities was playing educational computer games. I remember discovering how odd it was that someone at my age (six or seven) was beating games intended for sixth graders. My first college class was Intermediate Algebra at Foothill College in California. I remember befriending two high schoolers who were dually enrolled there and were quite surprised that my grades were much higher than theirs. The next semester I took a statistics class and an introductory composition class at the age of eleven. I remember working with two thirty-year-olds on a statistics project and getting my first B grade in the English class. Thinking back to that first English class, I am surprised that I chose to major in the subject if I was clearly doing much better in the other more left-brained classes.

I was excited about getting a digital arts degree at Foothill, but my parents let me know that we were going to move back to Alabama after my semester was over, so we looked for similar degrees in Montgomery. When I started at Huntingdon, I planned on studying for a theater degree because of my interest in acting. Huntingdon offered a concentration in film studies for their English major. After I was able to finish that degree in 2011, I went back to my first passion and began to study computer science at Troy University. In May of 2013, I completed that degree also. So I now possess a BA in English and an MS in computer science.