From the Kids

The Kind of Doctor I Want to Be

By Serennah Harding as a med student

I will be the kind of doctor who sits with her patients beyond office or call hours to discuss their needs. I will be the kind of doctor who gives her patients her time and skills for no charge when necessary. The kind of doctor who works diligently to fulfill every promise made by her words. I will be the doctor with integrity—I will be the same person everywhere and would do everything I do with anybody watching. I will be the kind of doctor who gives the patients and family every seat in the room and takes the garbage can as her seat. I will be the doctor who takes young students under her wing to teach them everything and more than she knows. I will be the kind of doctor who jumps on a plane to a foreign country to visit one of her patients who cannot be transported. I will be the doctor who gives her time to family before patients—and to God before family. I will be the doctor who does not hold back the tears in her eyes when her patient cries over pain—and over joy.