
Many people unknowingly have a metabolic disorder called hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid gland. Since the thyroid gland is responsible for controlling much of your body’s metabolism, an inability to lose weight can indicate low levels of the thyroid hormone. Other symptoms of an underactive thyroid can include chronic fatigue and depression. Using a blood test, your doctor can check your thyroid and treat you with a synthetic thyroid supplement to return your metabolism to normal. Natural thyroid hormone therapy is also available, and many of the metabolism-boosting foods and supplements in this book will be helpful.

One example is LeanFactor, a synergistic blend of ingredients important for thyroid function and the addition of lean muscle tissue. It contains guggulsterones which improve the actions of the thyroid and its hormones; forskolin, which increases the ability of cells to respond to signals from thyroid and adrenal hormones; and potassium, which is strongly related to the transport of potassium ions across the cell membrane. A depressed sodium potassium pump will lead to a depressed basal metabolic rate. Consider LeanFactor your thyroid insurance policy!