
If you don’t have enough zinc in your diet your insulin response is decreased resulting in insulin insensitivity. With a lower insulin response, blood sugar levels become hard to control resulting in a catabolic hormone response that can depress your metabolism. Zinc is a key component in the metabolic process by which your cells produce energy. Low zinc levels will not only directly impair your metabolic rate but can also decrease thyroid hormone production further depressing your metabolism even further.

Zinc is also necessary for protein synthesis and collagen formation, which is important if you’re trying to boost your metabolism by adding more lean muscle fibers. Furthermore, carbonic anhydrase enzymes in your red blood cells rely on zinc to help the body expel carbon dioxide so low zinc levels can also impair your ability to exercise with metabolism-boosting intensity and speed. If you have inadequate dietary protein intake, it’s likely that you have deficient zinc levels. Asparagus, spinach, beef, lamb and crimini mushrooms are all great sources of zinc. Since zinc is a crucial component in prostate health, one very smart zinc option for older males is the supplement ProstElan. The flower pollen extracts in ProstElan greatly increase the levels of zinc in prostatic tissues and fluids.