1.1 ENIAC, c.1946
1.2 ARPANET in December 1969 and July 1977
1.3 Internet users since 1990
1.4 The growth of significant cyber incidents, 2006–2017
1.5 Geographic spread of significant cyber incidents by continent, 2006–2017
2.1 The electromagnetic spectrum
2.2 Packet-switched v. circuit-switched networks
2.3 OSI and DoD models compared
2.4 Heartbleed logo
4.1 Polymorphic malware sample
7.1 Phishing email example
7.2 Logo of the Tech of the Islamic State
7.3 A dark net weapons market
3.1 Major Internet governance entities
4.1 Malware types
4.2 Malware features
4.3 The Cyber Kill Chain
4.4 Kinetic v. cyber capabilities
1.1 The ENIAC
2.1 The “spade-hacker”
3.1 Net neutrality
5.1 Russian interferences: Hit and miss
6.1 Cybotage: From Stuxnet to Operation Olympic Games
6.2 Ukrainian blackouts
6.3 Leveraging cyberattacks: The Russo-Georgian war of 2008
7.1 The ISIS hackers
8.1 The greatest transfer of wealth in human history
9.1 The global surveillance disclosures of 2013
9.2 The EuroMaidan movement
9.3 GhostNet
9.4 The Apple–FBI debate over digital privacy