My sincere thanks to those who offered assistance, contacts, story suggestions, and advice (both heeded and unheeded) as I assembled this anthology, particularly John Joseph Adams, Matthew Carpenter, Scott Connors, Daniel Corrick, Richard Curtis, Ellen Datlow, Mike Davis, Vanyel Harkema, Ron Hilger, Dot Lumley, Kay McCauley, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Merilee Heifetz, Sarah Nagel, Cameron Pierce, Pete Rawlik, Martin Roberts, Jaynie Rodriguez, Jonathan Strahan, Allison Stumpf, Pam Valvera, Gordon van Gelder, Jim Wagner, Jerad Walters, and everybody involved in the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, OR. Apologies to anyone I might have forgotten.
Thanks to the entire Night Shade team: Jason Williams, for buying the book; Jeremy Lassen, for agreeing that it was a good idea; Amy Popovich, for mad layout skills and wrangling talents; Dave Palumbo, for art direction and the myriad cover options; Tomra Palmer, for marketing expertise, and Liz Upson, for promoting the hell out of it. Thanks as well to Shannon Page for her eagle-eyed copyediting, Mobius9 for the breathtaking cover art, and Claudia Noble for her outstanding design.
Thanks to you, the reader, and aficionados of weird ficiton everywhere. Thanks to all who helped #FeedCthulhu. Let’s do it again this year.
Special thanks to my wife, Jennifer, for keeping me sane in a maddening, carnivorous universe, and for continuing to put up with my proclivity for keeping my nose in books.