Chapter 8
Once the meal ended, some of the guests gathered for music and dancing. Kellan didn’t particularly care for dancing, but he would participate if Nora was so inclined. He watched her for signs of interest, but she seemed satisfied to sit and watch.
He caught her staring down any she-wolf not with a male. He knew she was trying to calculate how many of them had known her husband in the way Isla had. Kellan hadn’t thought it an issue until Nora asked about Isla.
He tried to put himself in her position. How would he feel if there had been others in this room who had been with his wife? The answer was completely out of character for him.
Kellan would feel murderous. Crazed, even. He would be those things and more. The mere thought of someone hypothetically touching his wife pulled a low growl from his chest.
It was too quiet for Nora to hear, but Foley and Rhona exchanged a look.
It was almost humorous, his reaction. Wolves did not act in such a manner unless someone was encroaching on an established mating or imprinted pair. They were not shy about nakedness or sex. They lived long lives and it was common to take on a multitude of lovers.
But once they mated or committed to another with the intention of imprinting, that was it. They were monogamous in this. It was their nature and he had never questioned it. He would explain it to Nora, but he feared she would want a list of names from his past.
Kellan was a dominant wolf, well over 200 years old. The list would certainly be overwhelming to poor Nora.
Unfortunately, his mother was correct. He would need to tell Nora not only about the Burghard culture, but also about anyone he had been intimate with that she would likely come across. She did not deserve to be caught unawares.
Some of the females were ruthless and would enjoy taking jabs at Nora, making sure she knew they had him first. They would test Nora’s dominance. It was common practice for wolves to push boundaries, but Kellan loathed the idea of Nora being put in such a position.
Kellan was anxious to be alone with his mate so he could get this difficult conversation out of the way. She seemed to be a reasonable person and, as long as he was honest, she would listen and accept what he told her. He hoped.
“Nora?” he said, very much wanting her wandering attention on him.
“Yes?” she said, fearful he was going to suggest they dance.
She might have overdone it today and was suddenly very tired. The room was hot, and she was starting to sweat. It was making her nauseous.
He didn’t say anything. His eyes were roaming all over her body.
Kellan frowned. His mate’s skin was pale. Her posture was sagging, and she had a thin sheen of perspiration on her face and chest.
“Nora, are you unwell?”
Nora touched her fingers to her forehead, feeling a throbbing headache coming on. She was, indeed, unwell, but she would not say it aloud with so many ears to hear it.
“I am only feeling tired. Maybe we should retreat for the evening? I think I need to lie down.”
“Of course, my love.”
He briskly rose and pulled her chair out, disturbing the air. Rhona noticed an odd fragrance wafting and moved towards its source. It was coming from Nora.
“Kellan,” she began.
“Mother, I’m taking Nora to our room,” he said as he took his mate’s arm to help her up.
“Her scent,” she whispered harshly.
Kellan looked at his mother. “What?”
Before Rhona could reply, Nora collapsed and began falling backwards off the platform. Kellan still had a hold of her arm and was able to prevent her from dropping to the stone floor, but she was hanging awkwardly. He grimaced, knowing he was hurting her arm.
Foley jumped down and reached up to cradle Nora’s body. Kellan growled so loud it reverberated throughout the castle. Rhona looked at her son in shock. He had never threatened Foley before.
The music suddenly stopped, and all eyes went to the commotion at the back of the hall. Foley was very aware of the attention, but he could tell Kellan was only focused on Foley’s hands touching Nora. He halted his movement.
“Kellan,” Rhona said. “Let go of Nora. You’re going to break her arm.”
His eyes had turned wolf and she wasn’t sure he heard her. Kellan needed to get control of himself and his beast. This wasn’t like him.
“My lord,” Foley softened his voice and lowered his eyes, trying to be appear as non-threatening and submissive as possible.
“Let me help you,” he continued. “I will simply catch her so she does not hit the floor. Then you may have her back immediately.”
Kellan blinked at Foley. His beast was trying to take over and Kellan was doing his best to prevent it. He concentrated on the fact that he barely had a hold of Nora and would do more harm by pulling her up. His wolf relented.
Kellan released his hold and Foley easily caught Nora, turning her face-up in his arms. Kellan jumped down and grabbed his mate.
“Kellan, look at her chest,” Foley demanded.
Kellan looked down to see black streaks moving towards her heart. It looked like fingers moving through her veins, reaching towards the center of her torso.
Rhona jumped down and put her nose to Nora’s skin. “Poison. Smell her, Kellan.”
He did as his mother instructed. His stomach churned as he made eye contact with Rhona.
“Agatha!” he roared, searching the crowd for signs of the healer.
“I’m here! I’m here, Kellan.” Agatha had already made her way through the throng and stood just behind Kellan, waiting to be summoned.
“Help me,” he pleaded. “What do I do?”
“Nora!” Mara screeched as she came into their circle. “Oh, no, oh, no. Nora! Oh, Goddess, no.”
As Mara’s voice continued to rise, Rhona put her hand on Foley’s arm. “Get Mara out of here before she becomes hysterical.”
Foley nodded at Rhona and started to escort Mara away. Mara protested, kicking and slapping at him.
“No! I can help! She needs me!”
Foley ignored her and instead threw Mara over his shoulder. The crowd split as he marched out of the hall.
“Let’s get her to your room. May I tend to her there?”
Kellan nodded at Agatha and led her to his chambers, clutching Nora to him tightly. He was moving so fast that Agatha and Rhona had to run to keep up.
Kellan flung the heavy door open and brought his mate to their bed, gently lowering her. He was afraid to let go. Rhona tugged on his sleeve and, somehow, he found the strength to move away from the bed.
Agatha sat down next to Nora and began feeling around on her face and chest. Nora moaned in pain.
“Kellan, wet some linens and press them to Nora’s face and neck. She’s burning up.”
“Let me do that,” Rhona insisted, knowing Kellan would have a hard time walking out of the room.
Rhona hurried to gather what was requested. When she came back to the bed, she knelt by Nora’s head and gently wiped away some of the dampness before placing a cold compress to her face and under her neck.
“I need my bag,” Agatha said to Kellan.
“Here,” Foley held out her bag as he entered the room. “I grabbed it on my way.”
“Thank you.” Agatha took it and began pulling out vials. She grabbed one of the cups from the breakfast table and smelled it.
“What are you doing?” Kellan asked her.
“Making sure this isn’t how she was poisoned. I need to mix some water with this,” she held up a red vial. “It will take away some of her discomfort.”
“What of the poison?”
“I don’t know what it is yet. Call one of your trackers. They have the best noses.”
“I’ll do it,” Foley said as he walked to the door. He had the forethought to bring several guards with him to the King’s chambers. He instructed one of them to summon a tracker immediately.
Agatha went about mixing while Kellan watched helplessly. Rhona stepped into his line of vision to ensure she had his full attention.
“Kellan, I know you want to take care of your mate right now. But you have a job to do.”
A small rumble started in his throat and Rhona swatted his arm. “Do not growl at me, Son. I am your mother and doing what’s best for you and for Nora.”
Kellan shook himself, not believing he had dared to growl to at his own mother. What was happening to him?
He cleared his throat. “I apologize.”
“Accepted. Now, think, Kellan. Someone poisoned Nora. Probably not long ago. Was it with food? With drink? Are they still in the castle? Do not sit here playing nursemaid without doing something about the threat.”
“I don’t know why anyone would—”
“It matters not! The why can be figured out later. Find. The. Threat.”
She was right. This was what made Rhona such a good queen. This was why she sat on his council. Kellan hugged his mother and kissed the top of her head.
“You’re right. But I’m not leaving this room until I know Nora is stable. Foley?”
“Find who did this.”
“Right away, my lord.”
“And stop calling me that.”
“My apologies. It seemed like you needed to hear it earlier.” Foley squeezed Kellan’s shoulder and exited the bed chamber.