List of the Crew on April 16, 1945
Adams, Machinist’s Mate 3/c William
Addison, Lieutenant W. T.
Anderson, Seaman 1/c Mark G.
Andrews, Fireman 1/c Ralph R., Jr.
Annino, Seaman 1/c Calvin W.
Asadorian, Water Tender 3/c Zorob
Babcock, Fireman 1/c Myron W.
Bahme, Lieutenant (jg) J.
Ballenger, Fireman 1/c Jack A.
Barbeau, Chief Fire Controlman William A.
Barber, Seaman 1/c Harold W.
Barlow, Seaman 1/c Fred E.
Bassett, Radioman 3/c George E.
Baumhardt, Boatswain’s Mate 2/c Arthur
Beall, Fireman 1/c George G.
Becton, Commander F. Julian
Belk, Seaman 1/c Ernest E.
Bell, Sonarman 2/c Charles W.
Bell, Seaman 1/c James P.
Bell, Machinist’s Mate 3/c John E., Jr.
Benson, Electrician’s Mate 3/c Henry M.
Bineau, Seaman 2/c Roland
Boothe, Seaman 1/c Roy C.
Borcich, Seaman 1/c Emil C.
Bracci, Seaman 1/c Vincent F.
Branka, Fireman 1/c John E.
Brennan, Fireman 1/c Raymond F.
Brinkley, Machinist’s Mate 3/c Clarence E.
Britton, Fireman 1/c Robert E.
Brock, Steward’s Mate 3/c Isaac
Broussard, Coxswain Charles A.
Brown, Seaman 1/c Donald E.
Brown, Torpedoman 3/c Edward J.
Brown, Seaman 1/c James L.
Brusoe, Water Tender 1/c Richard A.
Burgess, Yeoman 3/c Fred D., Jr.
Burnett, Fire Controlman 3/c George R.
Bussert, Seaman 1/c Karl E.
Cahill, Boiler Tender 3/c Thomas J.
Cain, Radioman 2/c Joseph F.
Calafato, Fireman 1/c Anthony F.
Calisti, Seaman 1/c Bruno J.
Call, Fireman 1/c Grady E.
Campbell, Water Tender 1/c Robert L.
Carlo, Seaman 1/c Michael A., Jr.
Carney, Fireman 1/c Robert R.
Carter, Seaman 1/c Donald
Carver, Seaman 2/c Douglas C.
Cibulka, Motor Machinist’s Mate 3/c John, Jr.
Cloer, Boatswain’s Mate 2/c Calvin Wesley
Coffman, Boatswain’s Mate 1/c Kenneth D.
Cooper, Seaman 1/c Edwin
Cronin, Radarman 2/c John E.
Crump, Fireman 1/c Douglas C.
Curtin, Radarman 3/c David M.
Dannelly, Seaman 1/c Fitzugh B.
D’Aquila, Seaman 1/c Anthony
Darnell, Lieutenant (jg) Matthew C., Jr.
Daugherty, Radarman 3/c Robert H.
Decker, Electrician’s Mate 2/c Norris H.
Delewski, Gunner’s Mate 2/c Lawrence H.
Dickey, Coxswain Andrew T.
Dickey, Machinist’s Mate 2/c Dennis J.
Dixon, Seaman 1/c Joseph E.
Dockery, Seaman 1/c Robert W.
Donald, Seaman 1/c William L.
Doran, Quartermaster 1/c John F.
Dorr, Fireman 2/c Robert L.
Dorris, Seaman 1/c Alfred J.
Doyle, Chief Yeoman Pierce V.
Dubbs, Chief Machinist’s Mate Carl H.
Dunn, Steward’s Mate 1/c John H.
Dunson, Steward’s Mate 2/c Clyde A.
Earnst, Torpedoman’s Mate 1/c Jack O.
Eastham, Seaman 1/c Lonnie H.
Edmonds, Seaman 1/c Joe W.
Edwards, Coxswain Bernard
Englehardt, Radar Technician 1/c August G.
Essig, Ship’s Cook 2/c Daniel M.
Evans, Seaman 1/c John B.
Faginski, Coxswain Raymond H.
Falotico, Coxswain George
Faulkner, Seaman 1/c William D.
Fern, Seaman 1/c Thomas B.
Flanders, Seaman 1/c William A.
Flint, Coxswain Chester C.
Foard, Seaman 1/c Raymond R.
Fowler, Fireman 1/c Conley E.
Fowler, Seaman 2/c James L.
Fravel, Lieutenant (jg) James W.
Freimer, Electrician’s Mate 3/c William D.
Frey, Seaman 1/c Lyman L.
Gaddis, Chief Signalman Herman S.
Galvin, Machinist’s Mate 2/c Joseph P.
Gauding, Fireman 1/c Wilbert C.
Gebhart, Gunner’s Mate 3/c Francis M.
Gemmell, Torpedoman’s Mate 2/c Fred M.
Giles, Seaman 1/c Louis F.
Glatthorn, Seaman 1/c John A.
Gray, Carpenter’s Mate 3/c Clarence L.
Griner, Fire Controlman 2/c Harwell M.
Gudelunes, Ship Fitter 3/c Stanley
Gulsvig, Fireman 1/c Clayton A.
Haberkam, Electrician’s Mate 3/c John H.
Haley, Chief Torpedoman’s Mate Wayne H.
Hallas, Fireman 1/c Francis R.
Hansen, Torpedoman’s Mate 2/c Raymond A.
Hanzel, Ship’s Cook 3/c Frank M.
Hardway, Seaman 1/c Carl J.
Harrelson, Seaman 1/c Doris
Hartnett, Radioman 3/c William J.
Hazen, Machinist’s Mate 3/c La Verne G.
Hearn, Seaman 1/c George L.
Henke, Lieutenant E. A.
Herold, Machinist’s Mate 3/c Ernest C.
Heyes, Seaman 1/c William E.
Hile, Water Tender 2/c Claude C.
Hilton, Seaman 1/c Charles E.
Hintzman, Machinist’s Mate 3/c Donald J.
Hoag, Seaman 1/c Francis G.
Hogan, Machinist’s Mate 1/c Arthur E.
Hoopman, Fireman 1/c Werner F.
Hudgens, Fireman 2/c James H.
Hudgins, Seaman 1/c James R.
Hughes, Storekeeper 2/c Thomas J.
Hull, Lieutenant (jg) Lloyd
Humphries, Lieutenant Samuel M.
Hungerpiller, Chief Machinist’s Mate Marcellous D.
Hunt, Seaman 1/c Lee C.
Hutchins, Seaman 1/c Charles W.
Hyson, Seaman 1/c Richard W.
Irish, Ship Fitter 1/c Madoc K.
Irving, Seaman 1/c George, Jr.
Jackson, Electrician’s Mate 2/c Ralph D.
Janoski, Seaman 1/c George
Johnson, Machinist’s Mate 3/c John A.
Johnson, Seaman 2/c Merle R.
Johnson, Fireman 1/c Paul B.
Johnson, Seaman 2/c Raymond T.
Johnson, Seaman 2/c Robert C.
Johnson, Seaman 2/c Robert E.
Johnson, Fireman 2/c Tyrus R.
Jones, Seaman 1/c K. D., Jr.
Jump, Seaman 1/c Morris H.
Kachigian, Machinist’s Mate 3/c William K.
Kaniewski, Seaman 2/c S. D.
Kapaldo, Ship’s Serviceman 3/c Waitman
Karr, Gunner’s Mate 3/c Robert I.
Kelly, Signalman 3/c William M.
Kelley, Radioman 3/c Lawrence F.
Kennedy, Yeoman 3/c Earl R.
Kennedy, Fireman 1/c Robert E.
Ketron, Gunner’s Mate 3/c Stanley H.
Keyes, Chief Boatswain’s Mate William J.
Klein, Radioman 3/c Andrew
Klein, Seaman 1/c Gabriel B.
Klimkewicz, Seaman 2/c Ambrose J.
Klindworth, Seaman 1/c Joseph H.
Kmiecik, Seaman 2/c John J.
Kodman, Chief Pharmacist’s Mate Francis, Jr.
Kohler, Seaman 2/c William R.
Kycia, Seaman 2/c Edward A.
Langevin, Fireman 1/c Reginald
La Pointe, Coxswain James M.
Laskowski, Water Tender 3/c Frank
Latwis, Fireman 1/c Michael
Leary, Radioman 2/c Howard J.
Lebrecht, Seaman 1/c Earl L.
Lefevre, Seaman 1/c Walter
Lehtonen, Gunner’s Mate 1/c Frank W., Jr.
Lesinski, Electrician’s Mate 3/c Frank L.
Letourneau, Sonarman 3/c Roland E.
Liller, Yeoman 3/c John F., Jr.
Logan, Motor Machinist’s Mate 1/c George S.
Luczkow, Seaman 1/c Benny
Mackin, Fire Controlman 3/c William H.
Mallette, Seaman 1/c Emile J.
Malone, Seaman 1/c Edwin D.
Malone, Ship Fitter 3/c Harold J.
Manson, Lieutenant Frank A.
Marini, Radioman 3/c Olivion S.
Martin, Radioman 3/c Ralph W.
Martin, Seaman 1/c Ronald G.
Martinis, Seaman 1/c Andrew J.
Masker, Pharmacist’s Mate 2/c William E.
Matthews, Ship’s Serviceman 2/c Jim D.
Matthews, Gunner’s Mate 2/c Marvin S.
Maxwell, Torpedoman’s Mate 1/c Cornelius A.
McBryde, Seaman 1/c Luther B.
McCarthy, Signalman 2/c Thomas B.
McClafferty, Seaman 1/c William T.
McCune, Lieutenant Challen, Jr.
McDonald, Fireman 1/c James F.
McGinnis, Fire Controlman 3/c Robert L.
McIntyre, Chief Commissary Steward Clarence B.
Meier, Gunner’s Mate 3/c Welles A.
Mele, Gunner’s Mate 2/c Joseph E.
Michel, Machinist’s Mate 1/c John W.
Mickle, Baker 3/c Ross W.
Migues, Coxswain Joseph C.
Miller, Seaman 1/c James P.
Miller, Electrician’s Mate 3/c Leonard B.
Miller, Fireman 1/c Morris, Jr.
Molohan, Seaman 1/c Michael A.
Molpus, Lieutenant E. L.
Morris, Seaman 1/c William L.
Mosher, Seaman 1/c Albert R.
Muckerman, Seaman 1/c Walter B., Jr.
Murray, Radarman 3/c Lawrence J.
Murray, Seaman 1/c Patrick J.
Muskivitch, Seaman 1/c William E.
Najork, Chief Radioman Jack
Neifah, Radarman 3/c Sidney
Newell, Coxswain Francis P.
Nikirk, Fireman 1/c John M.
Nordstrom, Sonarman 3/c Louis D.
Nulf, Radarman 2/c Philip E.
Nulty, Seaman 1/c Ward K., Jr.
Odom, Seaman 1/c Roland
Ondracek, Torpedoman 3/c Jack H.
O’Shaughnessy, Seaman 1/c William J., Jr.
Osman, Radarman 2/c George G.
Oyer, Seaman 1/c Herbert M., Jr.
Pagano, Radarman 3/c Gilbert A.
Palfy, Chief Machinist’s Mate Alexander
Parino, Machinist’s Mate 2/c Frank F.
Parks, Commissaryman 1/c Maurice C.
Parolini, Lieutenant (jg) G. A. G.
Peeler, Machinist’s Mate 1/c Elton F.
Pelosi, Seaman 2/c Gaston J.
Perry, Seaman 1/c Joseph C.
Peterson, Fire Controlman 1/c Ralph C.
Peterson, Electrician’s Mate 1/c Ross E.
Pezzano, Seaman 2/c Rocca V.
Phoutrides, Quartermaster 2/c Aristides
Pinkoff, Ship’s Cook 3/c Jerome D.
Pitta, Coxswain Kenneth J.
Pollard, Seaman 1/c Leonce E.
Porlier, Lieutenant J. V.
Powell, Seaman 1/c Robert W.
Pressburger, Seaman 1/c Ramon
Purrick, Signalman 3/c Theodore F.
Radder, Gunner’s Mate 3/c Owen G.
Ray, Seaman 1/c Robert E.
Redd, Steward’s Mate 1/c James R.
Regin, Machinist’s Mate 3/c Charles W.
Remsen, Seaman 1/c Herbert B.
Revels, Steward’s Mate 1/c Leon M.
Rick, Yeoman 2/c Herbert J.
Ring, Quartermaster 2/c Edward L., Jr.
Robertson, Seaman 1/c Marvin G.
Robertson, Seaman 1/c Shirley D.
Robinson, Ship’s Serviceman 3/c Kenneth A.
Rogowski, Coxswain Joseph
Rooker, Seaman 1/c Burnard L.
Rorie, Seaman 2/c Walter
Rosania, Seaman 2/c Paul
Ross, Seaman 2/c Frank M.
Rothgeb, Fireman 1/c James T.
Runk, Lieutenant Theodore
Rusk, Fireman 1/c George D.
Ryder, Chief Quartermaster William D.
Saenz, Lieutenant (jg) Ernest
Salcido, Seaman 1/c Felipe
Samp, Lieutenant E. J., Jr.
Samuelian, Fire Controlman 3/c Frank
Sattler, Storekeeper 3/c Clarence A.
Schenk, Seaman 2/c Robert L.
Schmidt, Machinist’s Mate 3/c William S.
Schneider, Torpedoman’s Mate 2/c John F.
Scott, Electrician’s Mate 1/c Claude E.
Scott, Machinist’s Mate 1/c David M.
Secrist, Fireman 1/c Dale L.
Setmire, Boatswain’s Mate 2/c Glenn M.
Shaw, Lieutenant (jg) William H.
Sheets, Lieutenant (jg) Jerome B.
Shepard, Machinist’s Mate 2/c James I.
Shepherd, Radioman 2/c Stanley M.
Siegrist, Radarman 2/c Joseph F.
Simonis, Sonarman 1/c Cyril C.
Skvarka, Machinist’s Mate 2/c Cyril M.
Sloan, Seaman 1/c Paul V.
Smith, Fireman 1/c George H.
Smith, Lieutenant Paul B.
Snyder, Gunner’s Mate 3/c Jacob L., Jr.
Spitler, Fire Controlman 2/c James W.
Spriggs, Fireman 1/c Oliver J.
Stacy, Gunner J. L.
Stash, Seaman 1/c Andrew
Stein, Torpedoman’s Mate 3/c Derrill W.
Storm, Lieutenant (jg) R. T.
Strangeff, Seaman 1/c Joseph R.
Strine, Fireman 1/c Jonathan W.
Strozykowsky, Machinist’s Mate 2/c S. J.
Stuer, Fireman 1/c Joseph J.
Sussman, Radar Technician 2/c Irving
Swank, Chief Water Tender James L.
Taylor, Seaman 1/c Lester
Thompson, Machinist’s Mate 1/c Buford L.
Thompson, Carpenter’s Mate 2/c Henry
Thompson, Torpedoman’s Mate 3/c Jay V.
Thompson, Gunner’s Mate 3/c Martin S.
Thomsen, Ensign Robert C.
Vece, Boatswain’s Mate 2/c Samuel
Vengelist, Seaman 1/c Anthony
Vest, Metalsmith 3/c Rex A.
Vianest, Water Tender 2/c August E.
Vodenhal, Radarman 1/c Slavomir J.
Wachsman, Seaman 2/c Russell H.
Wade, Machinist’s Mate 2/c Cecil E.
Waite, Machinist’s Mate 1/c Stephen J.
Walker, Chief Gunner’s Mate Warren G.
Wallace, Seaman 1/c Quincie R.
Warner, Fireman 1/c David L.
Waters, Pharmacist’s Mate 3/c Earl E.
Weiss, Seaman 1/c Daniel
Weissinger, Seaman 2/c George N.
Welch, Baker 1/c William H.
Weygandt, Seaman 1/c Charles A.
Williams, Storekeeper 1/c David H.
Williams, Fire Controlman 3/c Edgar E. C.
Williams, Machinist’s Mate 3/c Jack E.
Williams, Machinist’s Mate 3/c Richard
Wilson, Water Tender 3/c Henry T.
Wilson, Seaman 1/c John G.
Wilson, Seaman 2/c Lon B., Jr.
Wilson, Steward’s Mate 1/c Roscoe S.
Wingrove, Water Tender 1/c Samuel F.
Wismer, Gunner’s Mate 2/c Stanley
Wix, Seaman 2/c Fred M., Jr.
Wood, Chief Water Tender Roy
Wright, Seaman 1/c Merle E.
Wright, Fireman 1/c Rosier B., Jr.
Yazdik, Radioman 3/c Emanuel J.
Yeagley, Sonarman 2/c Charles J.
Yuochunas, Water Tender 1/c Thomas C.
Youngquist, Lieutenant (jg) Joel C.
Zack, Sonarman 3/c Daniel
Zebro, Gunner’s Mate 2/c Edward V.
Zilempe, Water Tender 3/c Vito J.
Zupon, Gunner’s Mate 1/c Philip M.