Websites of Prominent Researchers with Interests and Work in Parapsychology
Loyd Auerbach ( Auerbach is both a parapsychologist and a magician and psychic entertainer, a rare combination.
Daryl Bem ( Prominent psychologist who has conducted parapsychological research.
Dick Bierman ( For those who speak Dutch, physicist Bierman has conducted many parapsychological studies.
William Braud ( Professor Braud, of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, is one of the world's leading transpersonal psychologists and parapsychologists. He created this site as part of a course on dissertation writing for ITP students. It has many valuable resources on transpersonal psychology and parapsychology.
Steven Braude ( or Philosopher Braude is one of the most incisive thinkers dealing with parapsychological matters.
Etzel Cardena ( Research on hypnosis and altered states as well as parapsychology. Professor Cardena accepts graduate students with parapsychological interests at Lund University in Sweden.
Michael Grosso ( Sections on philosophical musings, parapsychology of religion (the effectiveness of prayer; the existence of God, spirits, and demonic forces; reports of miraculous phenomena; and what parapsychology has to say about this), death and consciousness, books and book reviews and articles, and a gallery of Michael Grosso's metaphysical paintings.
Erlendur Haraldsson ( Professor at the University of Iceland and prominent parapsychologist.
Brian Josephson ( Nobel laureate physicist Brian Josephson has a long-standing interest in parapsychology and the nature of consciousness.
Stanley Krippner ( Psychologist and professor at the Saybrook Institute, Krippner has done outstanding research in many parapsychological and related areas.
Louis LaGrand ( Information on after-death contacts experienced by those mourning the death of a loved one and how the experience can be used in coping with the loss.
Robert McConnell (
Joanne McMahon (
Joseph McMoneagle ( Joe McMoneagle was one of the outstanding remote viewers in the classified U.S. Army program and does remote viewing today as a private consultant.
Rosemarie Pilkington (
Dean Radin ( and Dean Radin is one of the leading experimental parapsychologists.
Stephan Schwartz ( Outstanding parapsychologist with special interests in remote viewing and archeological applications of psi ability.
Rupert Sheldrake ( A comprehensive overview of Rupert Sheldrake’s experiments on telepathy and the sense of being stared at. Online experiments may be available.
James Spottiswoode ( Remote viewing work, both experimental and conceptual.
Michael Sudduth ( and Course materials for Professor Sudduth's course on postmortem survival, currently taught at San Francisco State University.
Russell Targ ( Very useful guides to parapsychology by one of its leading remote-viewing researchers.
Charles Tart ( Published articles and so forth.
Jim Tucker ( Reincarnation research at the University of Virginia by Dr. Tucker, who is a psychiatrist.
Jessica Utts ( Professor Utts, of the University of California, Davis, is a leading authority on statistical analyses as applied to parapsychology.
Sylvia Hart Wright ( Includes first chapter of Professor Wright’s book, When Spirits Come Calling, and other info on ADCs.
After-Death Communications Project ( This started with a book by Bill and Judy Guggenheim reporting hundreds of experiences of ordinary people’s communications from loved ones who had died, and has expanded into a variety of resources for information about the possibility of survival of death. Excellent links also.
Parapsychology Sources on the Internet (
Parapsychology, Anomalies, Science, Skepticism, and CSICOP ( A very large collection of articles debunking parapsychology, illustrative of what I call "pseudo-skepticism." Online Parapsychology Bookstore ( Useful offerings from the Parapsychology Foundation.
Sergio Frasca’s Parapsychology Resources on Internet (
Skeptical Investigations ( Excellent factual data on the pseudo skeptics and how they treat parapsychology.
Public Parapsychology ( A Web blog dedicated to public parapsychology, run by Annalisa Ventola, former Summer Study Program student at the Rhine Center.