Resource Gatherers: How Many Do I Actually Need?
New and inexperienced players make a common mistake which is the fact that they usually fail to build the needed resource gatherers. In simple and plain terms, the average number of gatherers that is required is three (3) for each mineral patch. Each mineral field contains about 8 patches which means that you should be aiming for an average of 24 gathers for every field you own. There are mineral fields which will contain total of eight (8) patches. In such cases, 18 will be required. The major target in this guide should be 24 and nothing less.
Commence the game and build about 24 workers to take over the field so that you can have a feel of what they can actually do.
Having your workers selected:
You can box select all of your workers to know how many of them are in HUD. It should display a total of 24 workers (3 rows which contain about 8 workers in each of them).
If you can observe very well, you will notice that tends to be saturated. This is why most of the players who are starting out prefer to be building about sixteen (16) workers. They believe that it looks too saturated for additional workers to be built on it while the real sense it is not. One major sign that the field is getting increasingly saturated is when some of the workers begin to wander about. However, 4 additional workers will increase the income rate in a field. They will search for mineral patches which are open that they can actually mine from.
Building workers on a consistent basis is the most vital aspect of this game. You do this gradually without the need to have them queued up. Avoid the temptation of queuing workers whenever you have extra resources. Such cash should be efficiently spent on units. Building another worker is only necessary when the first one that you built is done.
You need to start positioning yourself as a building worker. You can check to see if you fall into such category. If it happens that you aren’t then you may need to have one built. It is a process that will require lots of practice. However, there is no doubt that after some time, you will master the art. Avoid doing it when a sandbox game is going on. This is the key to doing it the right way. Confront an opponent in actual games so as to have you reminded of the reason why you need to create building workers. Always check the number of workers that you have at your disposal using the method which have been stated above. Once you have discovered that they are less than the stated 24 above, you may need to start considering building more of them.