Having Workers Transferred
If you observe the charts very well, you will notice that there is a very vital piece of information which is being passed. Diminishing return will set in for blue mineral field once its saturation level gets to about two – third (2/3) which is about sixteen (16) workers. When you have a total of sixteen workers or less, then the individual or average collection for each worker in a minute basis the case of blue mineral field will be about 57. In the case of 17 – 24 workers, your income rate will only increase by about twenty – two (22) per minute and mineral.
If there are twenty 24 workers in a primary mineral line, this implies that you have built or created an expansion. Transferring about 8 workers to this new expansion is the best option. On a per minute basis, each of the 8 workers will bring about 57 minerals on a per minute basis. This is better than the 22 minerals each minute that they would have yielded if they had remained on the former field.
Simply put, when workers are spread across a two (2) mineral lines, they will bring about a total of 1368 minerals on a per minute basis. On the other hand, when they remain on a single field, they will likely yield about 1090 minerals on a per minute basis. This is transfer is not going to cost you anything.
Advice And Summary
- For a gold patch which is fully saturated, highest income rate is about 1142 minerals on per minute basis. This is about 4.77% more than what you will have with blue mineral patch.
- If you want to get the best benefits from gold patch then you may need to have it saturated from scratch. Avoid having it saturated through transfer of workers. A blue expansion will be mostly preferred to a gold one once there are enough workers and you actually wish to have them transferred. The former seems to involve lesser risk than the latter.
- The accumulative yield for both gold and blue mineral field is 9000 and 12000 respectively. There is an advantage as well as disadvantage to this. A major disadvantage is the fact the gold field isn’t worth much while one advantage is the fact that having it harvested is faster. This means your opponents will find it very difficult preventing you from gathering as much resources as you can.
- From a technical point of view, any blue mineral field will not require 24 workers to reach its saturation level. The actual number of workers for such is 20. This is because once it goes beyond 20, you will notice that the workers will begin to wander about. The number required in the case of gold mineral field is 16 workers.
- Don’t panic whenever you notice that your opponent has got a red expansion which is saturated and you have saturated blue expansion. It will not put you in a disadvantage position as you may be thinking. However, if it happens that you are having a blue expansion set while your opponent is actually having a red expansion set then you may want to have it taken out as soon as you can.
- Have about six (6) workers destroyed in other to reduce the benefits of saturation from a gold expansion. The effect of this is the fact that expansion cost which is to be saved will rise to about $300 when compared to what you have in the case of blue field.
Although there are claims that blue mineral field is more advantageous than red mineral field, there are exceptions to this. For instance, if two players build each of them from scratch, the one handling red field will have an edge over the player who is building a blue field. The only time such edge will disappear is when he has reached his saturation point.
Eight workers is the highest number you should consider transferring to a first expansion. This is when a primary field actually contains twenty – four (24) workers.