
The Letters

Each letter of our twenty-six-letter alphabet, in its uppercase form, is a character unto itself. Each reveals something about itself simply by its appearance, or the way it stands and its shape. If you think of the letters as made up of individual stick figures or symbolic shapes and look at each letter with an open eye, you will uncover another layer in the mystery, another layer to the onion. The letter H, for example, always looked like a ladder (minus a few rungs) to me. But if you stack a few of these on top of each other … there it is! And, indeed, its primary meaning is exactly that: a ladder that one can choose to climb up or down, and up is preferable.

Much like reading the symbols on tarot cards, whichever way you choose to relate to a letter or number is the right way for you and will stick in your mind, which will, in turn, assist you in memorizing meanings. So if the O reminds you of the Sun, so be it. All that matters is that it works for you.

The following section contains the meanings of the letters and discusses the specific characteristics of each symbol. Special attention should be paid to the letters that come up as your Cornerstone(s), for they will carry stronger meanings for each particular name. So if your name is Sharon, the S will be a strong influence over the entire name. If, on the other hand, your name is Sasha, the S will double in intensity due to the Cornerstone and an additional S energy. If your name is Sharon Sasha Samson, the S will coil around your energy like a snake. Which is not necessarily a bad thing; it depends on how you choose to use this overload of S energy. It is always a personal decision.

Also, like anything else, everything has a light and a dark side, which I do not shy away from describing. You will know which meanings are yours and which are not.

Words are alive. Cut them and they bleed …

—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)

A (Value of 1): The Alone Survivor

Obviously, A is the first letter of the alphabet and shares much of the same qualities as the number 1, which is also its value. Traditional meanings of the letter A point to beginners, go-getters, loners, and the pioneering, “Original Force” from which all else emanates. It represents the first breath, the first action, the first word. The A is very much about the self, or ego, and it is also very much Alone.

In ancient symbolism, the A represents the pointed phallus: it is creation and self-survival in its purest form. Sometimes the A personality will come across as arrogant, self-absorbed, aggressive, ostentatious, and egocentric, yet their primary function is to survive and prevail, which can, in turn, create a short temper and ignorance on many levels. This limitation can manifest as frustration or anger, a lack of social skills and tact, and a variety of projects begun and left unfinished. The A is generally an energy that expects and looks for immediate results. Their emotional level is not well developed, as they do not focus on feelings, but rather on activities, investigations, accomplishments, and success. This does not mean that the A does not feel, simply that they are very self-contained and controlled. Emotions are given very little consideration in their pursuit for advancement; the A is, after all, at the starter’s gate, so to speak (A and number 1 both hold first place in their respective energy fields). Neither of these starter energies are familiar with (theoretically) mingling and blending with other energies in a productive and positive way, so the consequent lack of social and interactive ability is almost to be expected. However, it is easy enough to remedy the situation for those of us who sport a few A energies—all it takes is a little bit of focus and a moment of thought before opening the mouth or taking action.

This is a strong vibration and holds a deep reservoir of endurance, perseverance, and tenacity; the A is the most likely of all letters to keep on keeping on. They are also very instinctual; they listen to that voice from inside as it guides the survival, but open acknowledgement of the mystery of the intuition is not likely to be made.

In worst case scenarios, the A can also be read as sheer force, as in an abuse of power or control. Since the A is such a strong force on its own, people who have high levels of this energy in their names can be found at either end of the spectrum: as the giver or the receiver. In other words, someone with a few As in their name could just as easily be the Abused as the Abuser. No other letter in the alphabet has this potential, and it is simply due to the A forming the initial entry point for all the energy to follow: the A blasts open the path, therefore its potential for over-the-top force is emphasized.

In best case scenarios, the A will represent someone who is driven, focused, even-natured, progressive both materially and spiritually, open to new ideas, and admirable in their desire to succeed.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptions of an average A energy include original, ambitious, determined, focused, driven, creative, progressive, energetic, and curious. Extreme 1 energy can create personalities who are self-absorbed, unfeeling, tactless, vain, aggressive, abusive, cruel, critical, and proud.


The following words all hold an Original Force in their first letter: Alphabet, Astrology, Air, Alive, Anger, Ancestor, Ambition, Aggression, Actor, Artist, and Atomic.

As a Current Energy Phase

This 1-year period involves new starts. These can manifest as winning a promotion, getting that job, starting a new and exciting project, going back to school or simply coming into a strong sense of identity and knowledge of what is wanted or required in life. This is not an emotional beginning; rather it is a logical, practical, or educational one. This may also be a year to be very aware of whom or what one becomes involved with as these connections may have negative kickbacks, especially if the intuition is ignored.

B (Value of 2): Blending and Bonding

B refers to the place of birth, or of a hidden place where unseen energies bubble—unspoken words, thoughts, ideas, plans. It is a place of germination and gestation and, ultimately, expulsion. A perfect example of this would be the brain. An idea materializes, solidifies into a plan and manifests as action. (Someone decides to build a new home. The idea solidifies into a drawing on paper, which in turn is handed to the architect and, finally, the builder. A thought has led to the construction of something we can touch and perceive as real.) The B also points to balance: as above, so below. (The house has to be balanced and its numbers correct; if the degrees or angles are off by just the slightest amount, it could very easily collapse.) Like the façade of a house, Bs tend to present a particular front—one is not quite sure what is really going on within the building, or in the pregnant lady’s belly (again a process where numbers form the essence of creation as cells split and multiply again and again until there are billions of them that bond and blossom until a baby is fully formed).

The B appears calm, peaceful, domestic, gentle, and warm. It is, appropriately, ruled by the number 2, which is duality: two sides or features to one object or subject. In this case, the inner versus the outer or the one versus the other. Since the average B’s tender and often frustrating emotions are held inside and require a tremendous amount of trust to share, regular outbursts can be expected, not necessarily of anger, although that would certainly occur should the B feel unappreciated, taken for granted or used. The B seeks blissful and blessed relationships, which can lead the blind B into extremely intense and even obsessive relationships. Impulsiveness can intervene or interfere in an otherwise serene lifestyle. In other words, the B is somewhat reticent by nature, so the chances of the dam breaking or being breeched is not inconceivable.

Anyone who carries the B as a Cornerstone must learn to express emotional truths and to voice opinions, a difficult lesson because the B is primarily the peacemaker and will therefore hesitate to introduce elements that can result in conflict or tension. The B will often put up with things just to avoid confrontation, which will come anyway. Once the patience of the B has been tested to the limit, be prepared to run because an explosive B is not a pretty sight. But because the B is primarily about balance and bonding, these explosions pass quickly. Once the emotions are expressed and the anger is out, the B will settle back down into the role of the peacemaker.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptions of the B include domestic, even-natured, soft-spoken, helpful, concerned, faithful, loyal, and loving. Less positive traits appear as being secretive, withholding, uncommunicative, impulsive, explosive, and overly emotional/needy.


The following words all show an inner or hidden quality: Baby, Body, Belief, Biology, and Bubble, or an explosion outward like Birth, Boom, Bang, Bomb, and Burp.

As a Current Energy Phase

The realm of relationships is highlighted during this two-year period, although the B energy can refer to both unions and separations. The main point is the duality; the B either is no longer alone or is once again alone. This can manifest as marriage, divorce, forming business partnerships, joining clubs—anything that has to do with more than one person and is new to the Lifepath.

C (Value of 3): Communication in All Its Forms

Ah, the open mouth! Among many other qualities or characteristics, the prime traditional meaning for the C is communication in all its forms, the most obvious and readily available being the mouth. The C is a great big open mouth and is the creator of all forms of communication, be that words issuing forth, or creation issuing forth in the form of painting, song, sculpture, or dance—anything that expresses what lies within. The C is a giant conduit—for magick, entertainment, and activity and, since it is ruled by the ever-active number 3, the C tends to say what is on their mind (or tongue) without too much hesitation; therefore the C is known for its honesty or blunt manner of speaking. This character trait can easily offend others, which is puzzling to the C, as they truly believe that they are speaking the truth for the good of others. The brain and the mouth seem to be directly linked and sometimes operate without a filter—what is thought can be spoken almost as quickly. As the C is also highly creative, success may come through the pursuit of the combination of words and art. The C also responds instantly and naturally to anything of beauty and prefers to present themselves in the best light possible and to surround themselves with articles or energies containing and reflecting beauty and creativity as well. The beauty of cash and the power it holds is also among the C’s attractors, as it is the call to travel and to see (C) as much beauty as possible.

The conversational C creates great teachers, parents, and community-oriented individuals. Some are memorable in that they take the art of communication, which can be translated via music, art, magick, drama, or entertainment of any kind to a whole new level: Criss Angel (illusionist), Edgar Cayce (prophet), John Cleese (actor), Julia Child (chef), and Confucius (Chinese philosopher) are but a few examples.

The C untethered brings to mind the saying “loose lips sink ships,” which is my delicate way of saying that while the C is nothing if not brutally honest, they can also be prone to gossip. The C is like the child of the alphabet: they speak their truth and then run away to play. The C is innocent; they respond to gentleness, truth, and creativity, and they love all things that reflect this innocence and beauty.

The C also likes to eat. It is, after all, an open mouth.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptions attached to the C include communicative, creative, honest, even-natured, adaptable, active, and charming. More negative traits include the potential to be authoritarian, argumentative, blunt or rude, scattered, stubborn, and insensitive.


The following words all follow the lines of Communication: Call, Chat, Cry, Chant, Choir, Criticism, Confess, Camera, and Computer.

As a Current Energy Phase

This will translate into a three-year period of creativity and communication and can take the shape of bringing new life into existence (a child, for example) or beginning a creative/intellectual project. Vocal sharing is highlighted; sometimes this is a warning against giving away too much of the self or talking too much. Some might join a choir, go back to school, begin journaling, or take painting lessons. This period is one of activity, creativity, community, and open communication.

D (Value of 4): The Open or Closed Door

The D is probably the most unyielding energy in the alphabet, springing from the fact that it is representative of a closed door. Its challenge is knowledge versus
ignorance, and its dilemma is whether to open the door or leave it closed. The D needs to
see to believe, but because it is ruled by the very firm and foundational number 4, it is also against the nature of the D to open up and thereby risk exposure to the unknown or uninvited. The desire does exist to see what lies on the other side, but it is difficult for the D to release itself from the essence of its being so the door often remains closed. It is not too hard to imagine a dim room beyond that door that would be gloomy, limited, and dull. The D needs to open its door, let the sunshine in, and break with routine. The D is intelligent but scientifically inclined, which would explain why they need to see, touch, and experience anything out of the norm before they will believe, and even then, the D will have countless reasonable explanations as to why this thing (whatever it may be) is not possible, or is not what it appears to be. Frustrating? Oh yes, the D certainly can be that. At the same time, the D has an admirable (if annoying) ability to discern the truths of opposing points of view; they are able to debate issues from different angles at the same time. The D’s keen sense of logic, honesty, methodical thought processes, and firm grip on reality gives them the honor of being able to see both sides at once and each as clearly. These qualities make the D, understandably, an excellent employee or manager/owner and the influence of the reliable, dependable, and hard-working 4 cements the deal.

Due to its resistance to change in general, the D may also find it difficult to consult a Doctor when physical symptoms arise and may therefore suffer Dis-ease, or niggling, ongoing heath issues, which are usually the result of unaddressed emotional issues (which is true for all people who suffer dis-ease; something in the life, past or present, has remained unchallenged for too long and has become physically toxic).

The main message concerning the D is that its chief adversary is boredom. It must question its boundaries and explore outside its normally closed door and extricate itself, at least periodically, from the ho-hum routine and repetitiveness of a rather limited lifestyle and belief system.

The D holds so many keys and yet rarely investigates which key opens which portal. The D’s very deep sense of limitation often keeps them stuck in one place—theoretically, physically, or both. Two or more Ds in a name reveals a strong element of immobility, which can keep the D from investigating anything other than their own interests, which is a great pity, as the only thing they are “closed” to is knowledge. As mentioned, the average D needs to see before they believe, but if they could see, they would believe. This is the challenge for the D: to remain ignorant of sights unseen, or to open up to significant revelations held in different “rooms,” or even in the expanse of the world lying right outside their own front doors.

I must add here that some D people are perfectly happy living within a small and unchallenged world—they feel quite secure there. Any attempt to widen their horizons or drag them out of their safe place will meet with a resistance the likes of which you have never seen. Stubbornness is one of the D energy’s finest attributes, which, depending on the circumstances, can be a good thing or a bad thing.

Traditional Descriptions

Some traits of the D include being sensible, faithful, tenacious, practical, hard-working, dedicated, methodical, and honest. Negative sides of the D include being dishonest, stubborn, mean-spirited, obsessive, uninspired, inactive, pessimistic, restless, and bored.


All of these words relate to the Doorways that separate one place or state from another and encompass two different sides or elements: Death, Divorce, Disease, Dream, Dungeon, Deep, Distant, Divide, Double, Devil, and Dumb.

As a Current Energy Phase

This four-year period holds the key to advancement and growth. Opportunities are presented, secrets are revealed, mysteries are afoot, and the norm is being challenged. During this time, the D has the opportunity to gain knowledge, try new things, and spread their wings. Alternately, the stubborn streak will intensify as the D digs in their heels and dogmatically resists and resents anything new, unique and/or spiritually oriented. This can also be, more mundanely, a period of hard work, a nose-to-the-grindstone type of energy that is laying the foundations for a business, a home, or even a relationship.

E (Value of 5): Energy in All Its Forms

While the D is one of the most immovable energies, the E is the most energetic. It is traditionally ruled by enthusiasm, and holds within a pure energy that is open to expansion. Its connection to energy is evident in the ratio of E=mc2, which is Einstein’s theory that matter and energy are really the same thing. It is also the mathematical basis for the first atomic bomb. The E’s ruler is number 5, which relates to freedom, communication, independence, authority, the senses, and change. If one looks at the actual construction of the E, it reaches forward with three limbs: the top arm represents the brain; the middle, the soul/heart; and the bottom, physical action. It is the most forward letter in the alphabet, meaning its energy centers on the future. The E personality is also impulsiveness at its finest, and they will often commit themselves completely and entirely to various (and perhaps questionable) causes, sometimes without sufficient forethought or consideration. They are receptive to all and, as such, the E is governed by their open mouth, heart, and mind, which brings up the next point.

The E is susceptible to excessive behaviors when it comes to their sensory sensitivity, and therein lies a warning concerning the potential for overindulgence in anything that feeds those senses—be it food, alcohol, drugs, too many sexual partners, and/or taking unnecessary risks in order to satisfy possible cravings for excitement and stimulation. Everything is contained in the E: good, bad, and in between. One example of this concept of the E holding everything is to be found in the word and idea of our Mother Earth. She is everything. Without her, we are nothing; we cease to exist.

The average E would make a fantastic singer, orator, teacher, student (who is often interested in the occult or unusual), leader, politician, or actor, and is extraordinarily progressive and curious. The more 5 values and/or E energies in a name, the more likely it is that the holder will be drawn to unusual elements and attracted to extremes, adventures, and sensual, or “of the senses,” stimulation. The unrestrained and multiple E can easily become overwhelmed by their own search for excitement, which can translate into nervous or scattered energies, explosions of temper, restlessness, and lack of focus on basic issues, such as relationships. An unadulterated E can become both trying and tiring. This type of extreme energy is hard to turn off: they are the chatterbox, the nervous fiddler, the bouncing-off-the-walls personality. On occasion, especially when excited, the E is an energy that can be difficult to be around for extended periods of time. Fortunately, the E is usually softened or toned down by letters surrounding it. Usually. If not, get ready for an exceptionally eager extrovert who might drain you like water from a bathtub.

The normal manifestation of the E is someone who is nonjudgmental, supportive of others, easy to be around, and usually very sensitive to the deeper dimensions of the senses—as in hearing the individual instruments in the band, seeing the face in an abstract painting, feeling each thread in the silken cloth, smelling the sea in the wind, and tasting the essence of the only bay leaf in the spaghetti sauce, and is also naturally receptive to the sixth sense, or intuition. The average E is generally happy, for this energy is aware of the possibilities of life and knows that opportunities abound, just waiting to be discovered.

Last, but not certainly not least, the E is very affectionate, whimsical, loving, and sensually oriented. The E is also a potentially exciting intimate partner; the E puts the exotic and erotic into sEx.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptions attached to the E include energetic, eager, positive, curious, open-minded, social, active, sensual, and adventurous. On the flip side, the E can also become careless, addicted, overbearing, unfocused, temperamental, restless, and self-absorbed.


These are a great set of Cornerstone examples … the E is Effortless in its Expression: Energy, Eager, Enthusiasm, Extend, Electricity, Excite, Exotic, Excess, Euphoria, Explode, Evil, Eon, Era … the list is almost Endless.

As a Current Energy Phase

The five-year reign of the E offers many options. It can become a time of indulging the senses (perhaps negatively, as in addictions) or of seeking independence and freedom. When under this influence, the E/5 person can often find themselves swept along in a sequence of events, chosen or otherwise. It can represent an unstable and ever-changing time in relationships, jobs, homes, and life in general. If, however, the E follows an A, for example, this can be indicative of a new project, job, relationship, or “start,” and the enthusiasm generated by same. The E holds excitement, travel, new endeavors, success, and new faces and places, and its energy is anything but boring.

F (Value of 8): Family and Cerebral Power

The F holds similar energy to the E, minus the progressive action of the feet, or lower extension. Without its feet, the F tends to fall flat on its face should it go against its grounded and foundational nature and try to flee, for example. It is dependable and forward thinking but is fairly fixed.

Cerebrally driven, the F personality is ruled by their logical brain waves and their mouth (like the E, this energy is open in head area). To say the F is governed by intellectually superior thought processes would be to say that ducks like water. The F is a composed and authoritative letter, which is fitting, as it is ruled by the usually controlling 8. It is a reclusive energy, not an active one and, as a result, needs a calm, quiet ambiance in which to think and rest. While the F’s choice is to express or not express, the F will not readily reveal their deepest thoughts; but when they are motivated to speak, they will invariably share something of value and will express it eloquently and sometimes, forcefully. Their opinions are fixed and when angered, their choice of words will be fierce and fine-tuned, come fast and furious, and run the gamut from frank to final. The F’s supportive numerical value of 8 lends the F its strict, often inflexible aspect, which they use to maintain their odd penchant for periods of silence while considering all points of view or information available on any given subject or situation. Since it is, as mentioned, influenced by the leftover energies of the E, the F can occasionally explode vocally with such velocity that walls and knees may shake, but their bark is worse than their bite. While more in control of themselves than the E, the F is also a fast-moving, flowing, and forward-reaching vocal letter energy, and can often be quite funny.

The F makes a solid parent, good teacher, lawyer, doctor, researcher, scientist, or anything related to the necessary use of the intellect to form conclusions and then to share those conclusions with others. They also provide well for their family as responsibility, fidelity, and fortitude are amongst their guiding Traditionals; therefore, the F would make a good spouse or parent figure.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptions for the F include the following: intellectual, responsible, loyal, dependable, humorous, expressive, faithful, domestic, controlled, and calm. Some more negative qualities include impersonal, impulsive, opinionated, critical, judgmental, inflexible, argumentative, and temperamental.


The following words all point to open and flowing thought processes and the firmer aspects of established energy patterns: Fast, Fantastic, Furious, Fierce, Faith, Fertile, Friendship, Family, Father, and Federation.

As a Current Energy Phase

The F covers an eight-year period during which time one may find oneself under the control of a father, parental, boss, or authority figure or may be that father, parental, boss, or authority figure. It may also appear as a phase of learning, studying, and/or carrying familial or business responsibility. This is a rather rigid energy that can be relieved by vocal expression, but that is a choice only the F can make. As a result, the F is usually silent or talkative and morose or funny, or can alternate between the two.

G (Value of 3): Guardian of Secrets

The G is similar to the C, except the open communication of the C now has a “hand” covering its mouth, which effectively blocks the expression of inner thoughts and emotions; it is a protective, secretive, and silent energy. Because of the energy of the active number 3 value that supports the G, this person may appear to be extremely physically and/or mentally active, involved, outgoing, and social, when in reality, they are rather quiet and shy. The G is known to flee from sticky situations (which can be core to self-confidence and self-esteem issues), ignore problems, react impulsively, and attempt to avoid involvement in situations that may require vulnerability or honest revelation. However, not to paint a bleak picture, the G turns in on themselves; they are engaged in an inner search, a balance between body, mind, and spirit. They are spiritual, self-searching, analytical, self-critical, deeply thoughtful, and reflective. The presence of a G in a name, especially as the Cornerstone, often indicates a past or present negative situation, such as some form of abuse or even a secret that can cause the G to pull away, to withdraw or withhold. (Any word ending in a G holds the essence of the word, e.g., “holding.”) The inwardness of the G, their withholding and protectiveness, can and does lead to emotional toxicity and dis-ease that often sources back to the wounds that caused withdrawal in the first place. The G fears exposure and will go out of its way to avoid being found out. Their secret can involve anything—from just being genuinely shy to deliberately hiding something that makes them feel different (being gay, or feeling “geeky” perhaps), which they may have carried since formative years.

The G is sensitive, has good intentions, is very introspective, and is generally calm and gentle in nature. It is hard to get to know a true G, as they can be superficial in some ways, which is to say that there is much more going on within than is reflected without.

Another possibility for the G is not so pleasant. This can refer to an energy that is just plain untrustworthy. The secretiveness becomes deceit, the guardedness becomes deviousness, and the gentleness becomes disingenuous. This type of obviously negative G energy will hide their true selves and motives, will lie easily and be focused only on their own gain and progress. There are plenty of these types of G energies around, but the majority, thankfully, are more of the former description than the latter.

One way of telling them apart, aside from surrounding letters, numeric influences, and your own intuitive sense, is that the positive G will often offer you spontaneous hugs or share something personal with you when you least expect it.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptions of the average G include gentle, social, calm, nurturing, spiritual, seeking, active, reflective, charming, and helpful. More negative manifestations of the G essence include being suspicious, overly-idealistic, antisocial, moody, irrational, and manipulative.


The following words all illustrate hidden or inner types of energies: God, Ghost, Gone, Gravity, Grudge, Gut, Giggle, Glutton, Gambler, Greed, and Gas.

As a Current Energy Phase

The three-year cycle of the G may manifest as a time to keep secrets—whether by choice or by necessity. It can also be a time of secrets revealed, again, by choice or by necessity, although a third party could also play a part here. A clandestine relationship or an event or a habit (addiction or abuse) could fall into both categories. Alternately, the G energy could present a time of soul searching, spiritual awakening, or a time of healing after surgery, a divorce, a death, or any other type of trauma.

H (Value of 5): Ladder of Hope

While the letter H is sometimes imaged as an open or closed window, I prefer the alternate symbol of the ladder—one that will take you up to Heaven or down to Hell. It is a potent letter, or ladder, offering a choice to reach up for the stars and success, or to sink into the underground of negativity, gloominess, toxic behaviors, and harmful habits or beliefs. A worst-case scenario for the downstairs H is addiction and self-destructive tendencies. Valued by the 5, which seeks freedom, independence, change, and sensory stimulation, the H is susceptible to curiosity about the world of the senses and often takes a trip, sometimes in the hopes of escape, down the ladder where they remain, or hide, until they choose to attempt to rise up from the depths. The choice for the H is obviously not a difficult one to make. It is to reach up. To climb and keep climbing until there is as much distance between the base of the ladder and themselves as possible.

I know a lot about this particular letter, as my first name is Heather. I did go down the ladder; I know the cold, hard floors of the basement; however, I have two H values in my name and one of my trips through its energy phase finally took me up the rungs. I will not say the trip was without slippage, but ultimately, I have reached the upper rungs of my ladder and am still climbing. I can almost see Heaven from here.

The H/5 is all about success and failure. It is about the ups and the downs of life and how well the H is able to hold on during the ride. As a cornerstone, the H will either reflect someone who will give up or someone who will, repeatedly if required, fight back and struggle for purchase. If progress is made up the ladder, the H can eventually become spiritually enlightened, wise, respected, loved, and successful.

What is available to the H is achievement, success, and status. What is also available to the H is failure, addiction, and loss.

It truly is a choice between Heaven and Hell, which all of Humanity faces.

The balanced H is friendly, fun to be around, quite intelligent, and values freedom and independence while assimilating change and experiences with relative ease. An H who is passionate about something and overcomes the temptations residing at the base of the ladder is perfectly capable of going up the ladder and acquiring spiritual and material wealth. The H also has a splendid sense of humor, is nurturing and empathic, and is partial to good music, food, drink, and art in any form. The heart of the H is not easily reached. However, when the H does fall (down the ladder?) in love, it is heavily and heartily—and often hopelessly. The H is the type who will carry a torch for years, long after the person loved is no longer in the picture.

The H is ruled by the senses and is susceptible to hurt feelings, insecurities, and strong emotions. If someone should shake the ladder until the H loses its grip, so to speak, the risk of depression, backsliding, and reversal of gained ground is always possible. Possible but likely not lasting, for the H builds and maintains solid friendships and is rarely without support and encouragement.

One of the original meanings for the symbol H is that of the “cultivator of the field of spiritual growth,” and their instinct is to construct a firm foundation for the base of their ladder to rest upon. The H will, almost unknowingly, do just that during the course of their lifetime, particularly if the H is a Cornerstone, the result being that once the H has embarked upon their journey, they are rarely down for long. The trick is to get going, keep climbing, and not succumb to inertia brought on by disillusionment and disappointment.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptions of the H are independent, private, helpful, compassionate, intuitive, spiritual, gregarious, and humorous. The darker aspects of the H can include depression, lack of motivation, aimlessness, addictive tendencies, irresponsibility, arrogance, and stubbornness.


This letter energy speaks its essences quite clearly—it’s either up or down or two opposite elements, as the following words depict: High, Height, Heaven, Hope, Helicopter, Hemisphere, Harmony, Happy, Hazard, Hate, Hysteria, Heat, Harm, Hurt, and Hell.

As a Current Energy Phase

The five-year phase of the H involves several major life choices, and these choices impact all areas of the life of the name holder. The essential choice is simple, yet is a difficult one to make. It is mainly concerned with the spiritual, and centers around questions involving personal values and belief systems—there is potentially serious emotional chaos here, and the challenge is to find the strength to overcome and to reach up. Hope over humiliation, heal over hurt. It is to choose the positive over the negative: it is “going for it” versus settling; having faith versus having another drink, or donut, or pill. It is accepting or turning down the challenge. It means hanging in there when your arms are so tired they feel like overcooked pasta strings. This is the time to take the risk on the positive side. Take a deep breath, plant your feet, and try one rung at a time. If you are afraid of heights, have faith. You will not fall, and even if you do, God will catch you.

I (Value of 1): Intuition or God’s Gift

This is the symbol of the human being in original, ancient pictorials. It is the way we refer to ourselves as beings, but its specific reference is to the connective communication (Intuition) between God and Man, but is also the separation between the two: it speaks of man’s ego as in “I want” and “I need.” Its energy is at once personal and collective, as in Include.

I have the highest respect for this particular letter, as it represents the genuine unification of all to a higher power. The I represents the gift of intuition, which speaks as that “gut feeling” or the phrase “I knew that was going to happen.” Generally, the subject would have had a bad feeling about something or someone but repeatedly ignored their intuition. I think of it as a telephone. A little, tiny red one that sits in the middle of my stomach and from which a thin, red cord climbs inexorably, endlessly, up into the skies. At the other end of my phone is my Creator. Or, my Universal “Dad.” He is my protector and advisor and calls me when something is amiss. My phone rings and produces a “funny feeling.” This sensation can be experienced other ways as well, but whatever way it comes, it rings your bell to communicate important information to you. I think of the intuition primarily as a warning system, although it can guide you to incredibly positive things, too.

Ruled by the unstoppable number 1, this is a letter that equals very strong intuitive energy (even the word that defines this energy has three Is within its form, one of which is a Cornerstone) and is open to new ideas, progressive in thought and deed, intelligent, spiritual, and objective. Those with several of these letter energies in their name could make talented artists, musicians, lyricists, spiritual guides, priests, social workers, or therapists. (Did you happen to notice all of the I values in the occupations I just listed?)

Where the number 1 is focused on itself and its own survival and gain, the letter I is a world apart in that it speaks of spirituality. It is tied to reproduction, creation, God, and man, and its ultimate purpose is to reignite the spark of the candle that leads us home—think of the candle in the window, guiding all to safety, and the safety is to be found in spiritual awareness. The I/1 is representative of the awakening; the understanding that there is much more to the existence of mankind than mankind realizes. This realization is underscored by the Original Force energy of the number 1.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives that are attached to the I include original, open-minded, approachable, creative, intellectual, selfless, and intuitive, while the more negative side can appear as impatient, egocentric, selfish, close-minded, and a my-way-or-the-highway kind of mentality.


The following words all picture something that starts or originates from the inside: Imagination, Instinct, Intuition, Illusion, Insight, Immune, Ignite, Intelligence, and Intellect.

As a Current Energy Phase

The one-year period of the letter I is a highly charged period of increased intuitive activity. This is the time and opportunity to listen to your own gut feelings. Dreams may become stronger and the sense of déjà vu may occur more frequently. There may be something of importance, a message of sorts that is trying to make itself known to you, but most definitely, this is a wake-up call, which is designed to awaken you to your own inner knowing or sixth sense.

J (Value of 1): Judgment

Here is one of the more straightforward and occasionally rather harsh letters in our alphabet. It is fairly direct in its message; it holds on to the past as a reference point for its future, which one can readily see from its aesthetic structure: its bottom leg reaches back into the past. For this reason, it is often found that the J (especially when found as a Cornerstone) will have experienced something rather destructive or, at the very least, quite negative at some point in their early lives and spend a lot of thought and energy either remembering the event or occurrence in question or trying to suppress it. The J tends to live in the past, or at least, they have a difficult time living fully in the present. Slights, snide words, or real or imagined critiques are not soon let go—the J is not one to forgive and forget so easily. It may say it does, but the inner truth is a different story.

The J is the jury of your peers, the judge from your nastiest dream, and the jailer from your worst nightmare. The extremely negative J is capable of holding on to inner anger and justifying it for quite some time. On the other hand, they can also be fair and balanced as they weigh actions versus reactions and causes versus effects, as the J learns from its past experiences. The J then tries to protect itself from any undesirable situations repeating themselves.

The J is valued by the number 1, hence they are very self-reliant, able to survive on their own, ego centered, and will rarely ask for or accept help, even when they might need it. Not naturally demonstrative, the J appears non-emotional (although they will indicate affections through their actions) and in control of themselves and circumstances. This combination helps J energies become natural leaders, authority figures, and persons in positions of control—the J energy does indeed create good judges, jury members, lawyers, or any other member within the justice system. They are also excellent teachers, doctors, politicians, bankers, or power brokers. The J likes to be in control of themselves at all times and they are almost incapable of letting their true feelings and insecurities show, especially in social situations. They are outstanding actors who seldom play themselves. The lesson of the J is to marry the past with the present, or to learn the lessons and then let the past go.

Of course, the intensity of the J is affected by the energies, or letters, around it and is often tendered by surrounding energies. These ambient energies often give the J a chance to be objective about its experiences, and hopefully a sense of humor has a chance to develop. Although there are certainly some J energies whose sense of identity is tempered by softer energies, they will still hold true on some level to the above-mentioned characteristics, but may reflect a joyous, jubilant, jocular disposition, which is sometimes a juxtaposition of their true self.

Traditional Descriptions

The J is usually focused, determined, efficient, meticulous, disciplined, logical, and self-reliant. The negative side of the J can produce someone who is tense, reserved, superior, critical, judgmental, severe, unforgiving, unemotional, and even cruel.


The following words all hold a link to history (or a point of origin) within their framework: Justice, Jealous, Judge, Jettison, Jump, Jail, Join, Jackknife, Jet, and Javelin.

As a Current Energy Phase

The J covers a 1-year period that involves something from the past becoming an issue in the present. This can be a person from the past returning with some unfinished business in their briefcase, memories resurfacing, or an old pattern rearing its ugly head. This can manifest as problems in a relationship or job, or can involve the legal system, lawyers, and contracts. This is not generally a loving time; rather, it may involve anger, frustration, sorrow, or battles. It is also, obviously, a great opportunity for self-growth through self-knowledge. Although dealing with a past issue can be uncomfortable, it also brings with it the opportunity to adjust or correct previous errors in judgment or actions.

K (Value of 2): Kaleidoscopic Knowledge

Unlike the J, the K has little or nothing to do with the past. It is open to anything and will try everything at least once since it is reaching forward to gain new experiences and new knowledge. That is one of the strongest traditional meanings attached to the K: the endless drive for knowledge of anything spiritual, intuitive, or progressive in nature. The structure of the K shows an arm reaching up with an open palm, which is connected to both the offering and the receiving of gifts. If you think about a kaleidoscope and visualize the brilliant shards of vibrant colors endlessly clicking from one pattern to the next, you might have a vague idea of the inside energy of the positively developed K. It is a special letter—one that holds its own, almost-mystical element, which, if accessed and used, is quite beautiful and esoteric.

Since it is ruled by the number 2, the K is easy to be with, kind, full of interesting ideas, and curious about almost everything. The K looks only to the future; they have no ties to the past other than what they learned there, which means the K is not one to hold grudges or remain angry for extended periods. In fact, the K will release the past with admirable ease. They love good music as music calms the soul; they are compassionate and interesting to observe in that the K is not a typical everyday energy. It may even be an unusual experience to kiss a K! In a good way, I mean.

The K steps into its power with its palm up—it is at once holding opportunities and gifts out for others and accepting them from Universe. The K is the Spiritual Seeker, the one who thirsts for knowledge such as that held in the awakened Kundalini (which in Sanskrit refers to the coiled serpent or snake at the base of the human spine—its awakening is thought to represent a higher state of consciousness). The developed K follows their natural path, much as a King assumes the throne. I have to add here that Kings have been known for their extravagance, which illustrates the warning attached to the K/2: beware of squandering unexpected windfalls, or anticipating a windfall that hasn’t blown in yet and spending it anyway. Could be a bit of a downer when the windfall bites the dust and the K is left holding the bills.

Aside from that, the K is a good friend, who will often come up with unique solutions to problems, present offbeat ideas, enjoy attending rather unusual social events, and motivate others to try something new. The K can have many paramours for they will seek until they find the “right one.” This may take awhile, for the K will not settle—they will keep searching until they have found the perfect “other” to complete the number 2 they are ruled by.

Traditional Descriptions

The K can be described as experimental, progressive, curious, outgoing, social, generous, unique, forgiving, adaptable, and kind. More negative manifestations include inconsiderate, hard, moody, sneaky, manipulative, overbearing, unpredictable, and selfish.


The following words all point to new levels reached or unusual elements: Karma, Knowledge, Key, Kinetic, Kevlar, Kilowatt, Kinky, King, Kangaroo, Kidnap, and Kill.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 2-year period of the K brings with it originality and sparkles with new concepts, ideas, actions, relationships, jobs, and a myriad of other potentialities. The spiritual aspect of the K can result in the awakening of the Kundalini, which in turn results in a new spiritual outlook, new attention to the health of the physical body, and new hobbies or interests being undertaken. The K phase brings with it refreshment, a sense of renewal, and a resurgence of curiosity and ideas.

L (Value of 3): Loving Hand

The L represents an outstretched arm, one reaching out to help, to assist, to motivate, to guide, and to guard. It is connected to lamed in Hebrew (which connects to a “prod” that gently moved oxen forward, rather like a “tail lift”) and refers to the Life Force and, in particular, the procreation of the species. Therefore, it also rules sensual and sexual expression and, when combined with its numerical influence of 3, the activity inherent in the L/3 could lead the innocent aspect of the L, or its “seeking love” aspect, into situations more to do with lust, impulsiveness, or obsession than love.

The L is also an upside-down 7, which explains the L’s overall interest in the metaphysical and openness to the psychic world. The L carries a strong belief or sense that there is something more to this world than our eyes see and is also very idealistic, positive, romantic, sensitive, compassionate, motivated, and cheerful. The Lusty Lungs of the L can even translate into song: more than the occasional L is a closet, shower, or car singer, and some have even made it their career (LeAnn Rimes, Lenny Kravitz, Lena Horne, and Linda Ronstadt, to name but a few).

The positively developed L is an upbeat energy, likes to help, falls in love wholeheartedly (often repeatedly and helplessly), and is a loyal and true friend. However, cross an L and watch out. Any breach in trust or moral or ethical guidelines is almost unforgivable and you will watch the serene L disappear in front of your eyes. Silence will descend, the air will chill, and frost will appear in the L’s eyes as thick as frost on your windshield. You will be out in the cold. For how long depends on the seriousness of the transgression. Luckily, the L cannot hold a grudge terribly long.

Traditional Descriptions

The L can be described as spiritual, loving, peaceful, compassionate, receptive, motivational, eloquent, empathic, passionate, and helpful. A negative L energy can produce someone who is obsessive, intrusive, interfering, frustrated, insecure, depressed, and addictive.


The following words all illustrate a forward, helpful, or loving aspect: Leader, Lawyer, Laser, Learn, Lend, Lasting, Light, Laudable, Laugh, Lust, Live, and Love.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 3-year period of the L is one of emotional fulfillment or emotional pain, depending on the letter before it and energies surrounding it. The L can refer to becoming involved romantically, socially, or in self-improvement regimes such as yoga, diet, and exercise. The L also offers the opportunity for spiritual growth and personal education, be this in the form of scholastic or artistic pursuits, volunteering time to those less fortunate, or aiding and assisting in some way. This time is spent on the self, another, others, or all three. It is a time of love in all its forms.

M (Value of 4): Mute Cover

Spread the legs of this character and double it and one has what resembles a Mountain range. The M shows ups and downs, heights and valleys. It is above and below; the surface and the depths.

Curiously, the M is the only letter in the alphabet that is pronounced with the lips together or mouth closed. It represents that which is mute, unspoken, deep, or unseen. Its closest tie is to water (it is an upside-down W); many M energies love scuba diving, swimming, and fishing, or are otherwise enamored of H20. Picture a marine robotic engineer living alone on a houseboat and you will have a good idea of the M energies. Those connections to water, which rule emotions, and its inherent muteness make emotional openness a difficult, if not impossible, task for the strong M. In other words, the M has a hard time expressing honest and intimate emotions. However, since the governing of emotions ties in with the responsible, dependable, reliable, and logical number 4, this energy is a natural in terms of running a business or a home (marriage), for that matter. Although the M sometimes forgets the nature of the two is completely different and, as a result, can succeed at one and fail repeatedly at the other. The challenge for the M is similar to the D (both are ruled by 4), which is to open up. In the M’s case, it would mean emotionally. If the M is not able or willing to disclose inner thoughts and feelings occasionally, these unexpressed emotions will naturally build up, pressurize, and eventually erupt, surprising anyone around into silence themselves.

The M is closely connected to the W in that they are similar, although reversed, images of each other. The difference between the two is that the M energy is centered in the valley at its base and middle of the M, while the W’s point of view is from the top, or peak of the mountain in its center. One is most certainly a brighter place to be sitting than the other.

The M is appears to be a rock, from the outside, at least. It is in control, solid and dependable and is attractive from the point of view of a potential partner, in business or otherwise. There is much hidden under the veneer of the M. Consider that a volcano could sit inside any mountain you should care to look at; one may not be able to see it, but that does not mean it is not there. There are deep emotions kept under wraps: the M is very intense and profoundly vulnerable, which explains why it hides—fear of rejection, humiliation, and pain. It is actually a tender energy that is, due to past circumstances, used to shielding and protecting itself. This urge also extends to those the M loves … this energy is one of the strongest in the familial-protection department.

Traditional Descriptions

The M is usually seen as in control, administrative, authoritarian, intelligent, efficient, determined, loyal, domestic, and factual. Negative characteristics can include judgmental, condemning, defensive, uncommunicative, uncooperative, withdrawn, arrogant, tactless, and critical.


The following words all connect to a concealed activity: Marine, Marsh, Mountain, Marriage, Mind, Magick, Mystic, Mask, and Mystery.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 4-year period of the M is an odd one. There is a silence in the air, an immobility. Yet it is also a safe time—a time ruled by proper logic and responsibility. This could be a marriage, the formation of a family, or the acquisition of a steady (boring?) job, but one that pays the bills. It is a time of unspoken thoughts and feelings. I read this period as one of stillness and practicality. Not a bad place to be, but one that would demand release after 4 years.

N (Value of 5): Natural Energy Filter

I find the N a curious letter. I am not sure exactly why, but I do. Maybe it is the normal, naturally balanced energy which emanates from it which seems at odds with its numeric value of 5 that represents constant change, keen awareness of the senses, freedom, and open communication. The neutrality and balance of the N is further diversified when one considers that it contains two joined 7s lying sideways (which makes it inordinately intuitive and open to mysteries) and that it retains its exact shape when turned upside down. The N is like an electrical charge—it comes from somewhere and is going somewhere. The energy of the N travels up the left limb, down the corridor, and up into space, so to speak. Imagine the two legs gripped and pulled apart into a shape like a bolt of lightning, similar to the Z. There is constant energy flowing straight through the letter, almost a direct connection to the next movement or occurrence or event; yet it somehow remains on an even keel. One thing flows into another and the N adapts.

One of the challenges for this letter also sits within the world of the senses, and the understanding and incorporation of the intuition, the additional sense. Since acceptance of this sixth sense has the potential to turn the world of perceived senses on its ear, the main goal of the N involves keeping everything balanced, or normal. The N spreads a soothing balm over unexpected or disruptive vibrations.

The N person is generally a happy character. They are calm, rational, and neutral. They are open to new experiences and enjoy unique people and places. Being under the influence of the 5 makes the holder prone to seeking excitement and experiencing changes, which would translate into someone who loves to travel rather than live an entire life in one place. The N changes jobs, partners, and interests with regularity, but does it all smoothly and with a certain grace. When they do settle down for a bit, they prefer to be in a position of authority (whether in a job, home, or relationship) that affords plenty of room to move. The N does well in almost any career, as they are highly adaptable and can adjust to new situations quite easily; however, they must learn to accept day-to-day routines in order to experience complete success.

In relationships, again, the N is adaptable and will attract many potential suitors and has a good chance of marrying an almost-perfect mate. The N is nothing if not balanced and will instinctively recognize their match.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives that are attached to the N are calm, balanced, candid, receptive, accepting, adventurous, diplomatic, charming, and attractive. The negative side of the N can create someone who is self-indulgent, irresponsible, addictive, materialistic, and shallow.


The following words all connect to a flow of energy that alters one state of being or place to another: Noose, Nirvana, Neutral, Naked, Nourish, Nuclear, Nurture, Numb, and Nervous.

As a Current Energy Phase

Going with the flow would describe the 5-year span of the N. Changes abound, travel is probable, the senses are peaked, communication is highlighted, and freedom is necessary; it all requires maintaining an inner calm through possibly chaotic circumstances. This is a time of activity, yet, paradoxically, it is also a time of quiet adjustment. Marriages, divorces, public recognition, relocations, births of babies and businesses, deals made or lost, deaths and other endings all tie into the elements of change. The N phase seems to carry its very own guardian angel as a sense of peace accompanies its presence throughout this phase, chaotic or otherwise.

O (Value of 7): Open to All

The O is so vast in its potential meanings that it is almost impossible to express its breadth with mere words. It represents the All-Seeing Eye, which sounds like a rather omnipotent energy, and alludes to the intuitive and spiritual quality of this obscure letter energy.

The O also refers to the actual eyeballs in our heads: how and what we see and how that is interpreted. Further, it relates to infinity as it is a cipher, and it adds strength to that which comes before it (for example, 3 people versus 3,000 people). It holds all and yet is empty. The O is also the open mouth and rules that which comes out of it. Hence, it also relates to verbal flow as in talking, whispering, yelling—any form of oration and all things utterable—or unutterable, for that matter.

The O is ruled by the magickal number 7, which is brain-focused and involves a choice of science (materialism and reality) versus metaphysical (spirituality and esoteric) study. The O is of a seeking origin and can represent an opening, portal, or door to another dimension or realm of understanding.

This energy can fall victim to frustration and outbursts of anger as a result of not understanding the vastness of its interests and potential. This is, truly, the all-or-nothing letter. The scope of the values and possibilities in the O make it one of those letters that is rarely fully developed—partially perhaps, but not quite all the way. Should you run into someone who has a few Os in their name and, assuming these are even marginally developed O energies, you will find some of the following characteristics: charming, adaptable, conversant, intelligent, confident, social, intuitive, investigative, curious, and fun to be around. The more common form of this energy, however, is more focused on the struggle between frustration/anger and objectivity: think of it as being either trapped inside the O, or being on the outside, free. Open book: closed book. Open shutter: closed shutter (as in camera lens or window covers). That’s the O. The energy can either get through or it can’t—a condition quite similar to the D (door) energy, yet so very, very different.

A further aspect of the O is that it has a choice we have already seen in other letters: sensual versus spiritual growth, and intellectual versus metaphysical pursuits. The only way for the O to come into their own is to understand that objectivity and wisdom are their most valuable tools. Should this happen, the magickal will combine with the almost Omnipotent to unleash Power Supreme. For one symbol to hold so very many meanings and potentialities is somewhat difficult to grasp. The O is just such a fascinating energy; it seems to hold the beginning and the ending of everything in its form. Like Alpha and Omega.

An O energy will be engaging, open, entertaining, opulent, and mysterious. Their interests will range from the sublime to the ridiculous, the intellectual to the mundane, the intangible to the concrete. This character may be difficult to keep up with at times, as their curiosity and desire to know is sometimes all-encompassing and can leave others feeling rather left out or on the “outside” looking in.

By contrast, an O can live on the inside of the circle and live a life of sheer frustration due to feeling trapped by boundaries, which they have chosen themselves. This type of O energy will be ornery, opposing, oppressive, obtuse, oblivious, odd, opinionated, or just plain obnoxious.

Some O energies that illustrate the vast potentialities of this letter energy include Obama, Oprah, the Osmonds, the Osbournes, and the (Wizard of) Oz.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives attached to the O include articulate, adaptable, friendly, honorable, intellectual, curious, open-minded, intuitive, powerful, and creative. A trapped or frustrated O energy can come across as arrogant, opinionated, stagnant, stubborn, conceited, irritable, overbearing, angry, secretive, and bossy.


The following words all suggest the power and breadth the O covers: Origin, Omnipotent, Ocean, Orbit, Olympic, Opposites, Occult, Ominous, Obese, Ordeal, Obituary, and Old.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 7-year span of the O can be an eye-opener. Since the 7 rules the brain and will involve either logic or spirit and often both, it can contain an abundance of almost anything you can imagine. The O will either free or imprison; it will offer a variety of paths. Openings appear and it is up to the individual whether these openings are viewed as obstacles or opportunities. It is a time of expansion, of looking at things from a different point of view, of investigating foreign ideas and ideals and of integrating this knowledge with that which is already known. Habits, beliefs, routines, emotions, and spiritual bases are all up for possible review and revision.

P (Value of 8): Pensive Intellect

Similar to the F, the P is highly intelligent, intellectual, and analytical. However, there is a major difference between the two. While the F is open to communication, the P is closed. Much of the constant brainstorming is done in silence and is an ongoing process during which the P analyzes, weighs, and finally forms a decision or verdict, which is only occasionally expressed or pronounced. This expression will often take the form of explosive yet controlled criticism or anger.

Valued by the 8, the P is the one in control of itself and others, the ultimate authoritarian, the leader—consider the term “president.” The P will do all in its power to persevere under pressure. Their personal goal is to present a perfect and pleasing performance and persona.

However, while they are so busy creating and sustaining a picture of perfection, the P is likely to entirely miss the lesson of its numerical teacher, which is to learn to balance Earth power with spiritual knowledge. The P needs to learn to think (ironically) before they speak, for the words that come, unchecked, from their mouth tend to be blunt even if intended to help. But more than that, they need to learn to use their thoughts in a less structured and disciplined manner, thus allowing spirit to enter the mind and heart.

It is a curiosity that while the P’s world is one of thoughts, words, and contemplation of information processed through the brain, their main weakness is ineffectiveness when communicating. The P can sometimes suffer from a superiority complex, which is a direct influence from the controlling 8, and thus often finds it difficult to express themselves without passing judgment or offering what they see as constructive criticism. Another lesson for the P: to expand their insatiable appetite for data to include compassion for the less fortunate and acceptance of differing lifestyles and opinions. While the P demands perfection of themselves, their expectations of others is often excessive, unrealistic, and demanding, and too often results in separations of all kinds. The P needs to soften itself, find the liberating balance in the positive 8 they are ruled by, and look more to faith than to fact.

Romantically, the P must learn also to differentiate possessiveness from love and marriage from partnerships (as in business partners), for never the twain shall meet. Until this is accomplished, the P will find perplexity to be a constant companion in their search for love.

Traditional Descriptions

The P is often described as intellectual, focused, moral, controlled, goal-oriented, reliable, honest, and loyal. In negative form, the P can be opinionated, stubborn, uncommunicative, possessive, dictatorial, curt, and in extreme cases, psychotic.


The following words all illustrate the closed or deep source of the P and include Philosophy, Pregnant, Pause, Pensive, Portal, Power, Panic, and Paralyze.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 8-year reign of the P is not usually a particularly liberating time. Its energy is one of being confined, either by being locked in thought patterns, lacking emotional release or being caught in a situation from which there is seemingly no escape. Prison, if you will. This prison can be one of one’s own making, or it can transpire through marriage to an inappropriate partner, or by being under contract to something or someone that one discovers too late is not working out as hoped or planned. There is a need for emotional release—to free the psyche from pain and paralysis. The key to releasing this pressure is in the holder’s hand, and it is up to them to use it.

Q (Value of 1): Quirky Energy

Here is yet another highly curious letter. Its pictorial history includes images of a monkey with a “tail,” a head with a “neck,” and an O with a “leg,” although its main reference is to the base of the brain. One connection is the French “queue,” which originates with the Latin for “tail” (which is exactly what a group of people in a line look like). It holds many of the positive potentials of the O, but is now balanced by the tail which primarily results in its ability to laugh at itself as the tail “tickles” the base of the brain. Some sources suggest the tail of the Q represents O x 2, which refers to the sign of infinity, the lemniscate.

While the O is ruled by the thought-filled 7, the Q carries a value of 1, which gives it focus, ambition, and energy. It also represents an eye, as in the Third Eye or vision on a more psychic level. The Q personality is very outgoing; they see things differently, have an incredibly vast imagination, are original, quick thinkers, and are open to all, which means the Q may just as easily become enthralled by the nonsensical as the conventional.

Another curious, however purely mechanical aspect to this energy is that the letter u follows most words beginning with Q. There is seemingly no real reason for this anomaly other than the sound is fairly guttural (ancients wrote the sound of the Q as “Cw”), and it lends itself to few other vibrations. Alphabetical evolution now allows us to visit the “Queen” instead of the “Cwen.” Upon further introspection, perhaps therein lies the closest to the truth about the Q: Queen. I believe that most Queens were or are, indeed, slightly eccentric and their lifestyles definitely differ from those of the average citizen. Their traditional role in life almost guarantees that they will view daily existence from a particular vantage point. They will see life differently, experience life differently, and live each day in a unique and unusual way. This description seems to illustrate the overall essence of the Q … even if one is not a Queen.

Most Qs are found to be quirky in one way or another. They are original energies and deeper than they might first appear. Kind of like quicksand: make sure you do not prejudge the unconventional Q. You might find yourself stuck in a nasty situation with a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Traditional Descriptions

Common character traits for the Q include objective, curious, original, creative, humorous, imaginative, intuitive, and sometimes, eccentric. A negative Q can be egocentric, aimless, sarcastic, unreasonable, arrogant, and just plain odd.


The following words all have to do with a base or particular origin: Quagmire, Quake, Quest, Question, Quote, Quick, and Quench.

As a Current Energy Phase

It is perhaps a good thing that the reign of the Q lasts only 1 year or one may have to be quarantined! This is an odd letter and its affects can be just as odd. There is humor present as well as bizarre occurrences, out-of-the-ordinary situations, revelations, and questions. This will most likely be one of the queerest energies to pass through in the entire alphabet, but it is not negative—merely uniquely quirky.

R (Value of 2): Reaching for a Higher Level

Here we have the pent-up energy of the P, combined with progress as the foot moves forward (lower right extension). The R is restrained, yet forward moving. It reconciles caution with optimism and may indicate travels along a rough road requiring resilience and faith.

The R is quite mysterious and reticent, and its energy seems to be one of challenge and gain after several losses: this energy centers around testing and repeating. The experience of the R phase is a period of time during which either all hell breaks loose in one form or another or past experiences with the R phase now present rewards and riches. The R is all about tests given and lessons learned, but its core subject is really quite simple. It is the test of right and wrong (notice the R sound to both words) and the voice of intuition that provides the answers, whether listened to or not. If said lessons have been absorbed and truly learned, then the R will present a rare chance at rebirth, complete with the ability to rewrite (or at least edit) personal history. Generally speaking, though, passages through the R must be taken a number of times before redemption is possible. During the testing times, the R is often fortunate enough, with its value of 2, to find solace and support from many friends, yet the road of the R can be a very lonely place: the lessons are often quite personal and private and involve, primarily, intimate or family relationships. The truth about the R character is that they must honestly answer questions about their conduct and contributions in regard to intimate and social relationships. This can be a painful run, lesson-wise, but the sooner the truth, the sooner the reward.

The R represents the Pineal gland, which is about the size of a pea and sits right in the center of the brain, between and behind the eyes. Even scientists have reluctantly agreed that there is a certain mystery surrounding the Pineal gland and it has been carefully acknowledged for its intuitive potentialities.

The R represents resurrection, rebirth, and regeneration; therefore, a new start, or a new way of “seeing” this world and Universe. Drastic measures are sometimes required to accomplish a deed of such major significance and magnitude. This energy needs to reach ahead, to resort to alternate methods, to strive, to try again. It has a moving-forward feeling to it. To illustrate, read the following words and notice the forward motion held within the words: rush, run, race, relay, reckless, rescue, rapid, ready, and raise. Another interesting indication of this forward energy is apparent in words with “re” as prefixes. The intimation in these words is that of receiving a second chance at something, the opportunity to do it again. For example: reactivate, renew, recreate, rehearse, reclaim, relive, resurrect, and reform.

The seeking and spiritual R experiences their tests, sees things in a new way, hears with new ears, and adjusts their existence and perceptions accordingly. Prominent Rs hold second chances and, most importantly, renewal. Upon completing a name rotation containing one or two Rs successfully, the R would revel in revival and radiant rejoicing, for the rewards and riches I mentioned earlier would be theirs to enjoy. This type of developed R, usually into their middle years, would make exceptional teachers, leaders, motivators, or writers whose humanitarianism and compassion could herald much success. If single, this is the most likely time a “ready” R will find its mate. Romantic soul mate, that is. It is also the time that the direction, the niche, regarding careers can finally be found.

On the other hand, the R is also known for its negative responses to repetitive tests. The R can become rebellious, rude, and filled with rage. They are reactive and unrepentant. Roar, terror, and horror are good examples of negative R energy.

Happily, these periods do pass, so don’t panic, but I must add that anyone with several Rs in their name might want to consider spelling it differently, if possible (by dropping a double R, for instance). The energy of the R, while progressive, often entails seriously trying times: the R is designed for those who are willing and able to grasp the higher level of knowledge held within its structure. Major spiritual transformation is possible in the presence of the redeeming R because the holder sees themselves as they truly are, and a certain humbleness comes along with this new point of view.

Traditional Descriptions

Character traits of the R energy include progressive, tenacious, thoughtful, accepting, loyal, compassionate, forgiving, loving, and understanding. The darker side of the R can manifest as being unmotivated, passive, self-pitying, self-destructive, impatient, angry, and even abusive.


The following words all hold a fresh start or show a reaching-forward type of energy: Rebirth, Reconcile, Relieve, Resurrect, Run, Race, Release, and Risk.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 2-year period of the R holds one of two distinct possibilities. Both are deeply personal and are related to the hidden truths of right and wrong actions, words, and treatments.

The first is to revisit lessons not learned and trials not completed in an effort to understand the reasons for the presence of an R in a name energy, which is, quite simply, to learn the difference between right action and wrong action, specifically around relationships. If this is the case, this 2-year transit can prove to be trying to say the least, and if it happens to be followed by an E, well, that will just emphasize this phase.

The second possibility is one of having successfully learned the differences between right and wrong action and having applied them to one’s own life, specifically in relation to intimate connections. Relationships improve, as does the outlook and reaction to life in general. This phase can be extremely positive, fortunes can improve, and the future can hold many pleasant surprises; if an E follows here, blessings may be counted.

S (Value of 3): Senses of Man

Strictly ruled by the senses and valued by the activity of the 3, the S can be sensitive, stimulating, smart, silly, sly, sneaky, and seductive. The activity of the 3 it is ruled by takes the power of adaptability up into the brain, where the S analyzes, then down into the physical body, where the S actualizes. A strong connector here is that the senses represent the actual physical body and what it is capable of doing in this physical world. They can also point to the actual functions that occur within the body itself, and again, the idea of adaptability comes up. One of the main strengths of the S is the ability to go with the flow and to adapt to different situations, which is likely why the S is perfectly capable of telling you what you want or need to hear and then heading off to do exactly what they see fit to do for themselves. The S is overly grounded—they rely on their senses and how to use them to get ahead in a material world.

The S puts the snake it is symbolically connected to in the grass, the sex in sexy, and the secret in secretive. The S is charming and deceptive, although not always on purpose, this just seems to be their nature. Like the snake, the power of the S is insidious; they can be swift and stealthy and can slide right under your nose and disappear silently into the soft shadows of the sunset before you have even clued in to their presence. This energy can adapt to circumstances or change their approach, manner, timing, or entry point to line up with their intentions, which is to say that the S usually gets what they want (look at the structure of the S and you will see that it is open in the upper curve and open in the lower curve; this leaves it exposed and even vulnerable to all influences, both positive and negative). Extremely attractive to the opposite sex, this essence can easily become involved in several affairs, often with disastrous results.

While the S is pursuing their objective—be it romance, work, or anything else—the power of their natural seductiveness, grace, and charm allows the S to realize their aspirations. The S is a self-starter, a philanthropist, very active, exceptionally talented and artistic (which is sometimes ignored or undervalued), and has tremendous potential as an actor or entertainer of some type. The true S seems to sing and dance to their own tune. They do exactly as they please, when they please, and how they please. Independence is important to the S, and since they value their freedom above all and dislike orders of any kind, they are best left to work alone. The S sees what needs to be done and is capable of doing it, if they so choose.

The S/3 energy, which is a combination of charming and seductive and slick and secretive, can present an energy that is almost hypnotic—this is, without a doubt, the smooth operator of the letter energies. Again, the potency of this description will depend upon the other energies present in the name, but, generally speaking, if there is an abundance of S energies in the name of your paramour, for example, you will likely find yourself under an alluring spell or witness to the results thereof at some point. If you sport an abundance of the S energy, be aware of your potentials and charms and use them wisely.

Since the S relies on the senses to get what they want, their lesson should not be hard to grasp. The S (perhaps more so than any other letter energy) needs to learn that there is an additional sense to the five they use so regularly, which is, of course, the intuition, or the sixth sense. Once this is absorbed, the next step would be to acknowledge that there is more to the picture than the eye can see. The senses sex versus spirit meta physics. This pretty much sums up the situation for the S and anyone involved with someone with an S or two in their name.

One more tiny detail: the S is the “Symbol of $uccess.” However, the S will only experience true and lasting success once they move away from the instant gratification found in the world of earthbound senses. This energy, like many others, needs to look beyond the physical body in order to view their true nature or soul.

Traditional Descriptions

The S person is usually energetic, social, charming, enticing, eloquent, sensual/sexual, artistic, persuasive, adaptable, imaginative, mysterious, and confident. More negative descriptives of the S can include devious, sneaky, nefarious, unfaithful, manipulative, flighty, shallow, and untrustworthy.


The following words all reflect the connection to the senses: Sing, Scream, Shudder, Shriek, Scent, Sex, Sad, Shaking, Shock, Schizophrenia, and Slumber.

As a Current Energy Phase

There is a challenge present in the 3-year span of the S and it can come in the form of using every possible manner of approach in order to get something or somewhere, whether that be a person, place, or thing. There may be moral and ethical dilemmas as well since this energy is often sensual, sexual, and self-gratifying in nature and can experience temptations or lures that can be overwheming in intensity. It can also refer to a time of awakening, again, of the additional sense, and thus can refer to the opening of the “inner ear.” The challenge presented is one of mind over matter: mind in this case pertaining to spirituality and matter pertaining to the base instincts of man. This phase often presents a choice between the two.

T (Value of 4): The Plus Sign (+)

The T holds a number of important characteristics, not the least of which is its tie to the cross, and thereby religious and spiritual beliefs. Its essence is explained quite well by the plus sign (which has no connection to the Chaldean Letter T, rather it refers to the common symbol for mathematical addition as well as to obvious religious or spiritual connections): it takes that which comes before and intensifies it—the nature of the plus sign is to “add to.”

The T is curious about everything. It wants to see more, know more, have more, and experience more. If it is the Cornerstone of a word, it generally hits the ground running. Think about a triathlon or a moving train. Because the T holds the energy of addition, it must have a focus, or a base from which to begin, and is fortunate to be valued by the firm and foundational number 4—a welcome, supportive element to potentially unfocused or excessive T energy. For example, if two Ts appear side by side, it is usually indicative of too much going on at the same time, of inner emotions building up, and of pressure mounting. This would translate into someone with too much going on in their life and no method or desire to release stress or simplify circumstances. The double T character will often find themselves feeling “bottled up” and frustrated for whatever reasons. If the T won’t talk, they will become toxic and uneven, resulting, almost inevitably, in a toxic meltdown (not an explosion normally—the T is too quiet). A sub meaning attached to the T is the image of an umbrella: this character is quite protective of themselves and of those they love, but it can be difficult for the T to open up and reveal their thoughts and feelings. It would be a wise move for a multiple T to talk, to share, and to reveal their inner tumultuousness in regular “decompression sessions” designed to relieve stress (a word that holds the S of the senses, the “adder” of the T, the testing energy of the R, the emphasizing energy of the E, and a double dose of more senses … the end result would read as an overload of the senses, which is pretty much what stress amounts to).

Names that begin with T should be aware that they will need to pick attention points and stick to them, or they will literally bounce from one subject to another, one place to another, or one person to another. Or all three.

On a more positive note, being grounded by the solid and responsible number 4 keeps the T battling the odds, keeps it going, and provides a firm foundation from which to operate. Taking this square foundation one step further, imagine that square foundation in the shape of a box, unfolded on its sides and lying flat on the surface. What do you see? The cross (or plus sign) is one of the ancient symbolic connections to the cross of Jesus and the weight of his burden. This secret letter within the foundations of the 4 is representative of the potential for higher learning, or access to spiritual truths. The T takes their responsibilities very seriously and can often feel weighed down—the opened cross box speaks to the need to unburden the self. To this end, the T really needs a partner with whom the load can be shared and spirituality explored.

If left alone for too long, this energy can become susceptible to feeling frustrated, oppressed, and incomplete. Some extremely negative behavior can be expected from a frustrated and toxic T, and the key for the T, quite simply, is to lay down the weight they carry. Atlas might be able to bear the world upon his shoulders—mere mortals cannot. The main challenge for the T is to lighten up by discarding grudges, guilts, and imagined or assumed responsibilities, which can be difficult because of the inherent stubbornness of the 4.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives include curious, investigative, protective, helpful, active, intellectual, and progressive. Negative T energies can be unfocused, unreliable, high-strung, illogical, unpredictable, scattered, and emotionally unstable.


The following words all show the “additional” nature of the T quite clearly: Tall, Time, Tip, Tension, Tax, Tide, Temper, Terrible, Terror, Tornado, and Temptation.

As a Current Energy Phase

The transit of the T will depend upon whether it stands by itself, or if a letter stands before it. In the latter case, the T will intensify the energy of the letter that comes before, like it did in “stress”; alternately, it can add to the energy of the E in Eternity, and so on. The run of the T/4 will center around responsibility and routine, however, depending upon its placement, it could indicate a time of many interests; if an E follows a T, this is pretty much guaranteed. Alternately, if the T stands as a Cornerstone (Time, Total, Tax), this indicates an energy of extension, of multiplication, of “adding to.” The T is the unknown element: it may go this way, or that, it may come in or go out, it has so many potentialities that it can often be a time of unfocused energies, restlessness, and varied interests. However, the nature of this energy can also reveal unexpected surprises, which can be a good thing. Or a bad thing. Or both.

U (Value of 6): The Cup

And here we have yet another fascinating energy. Simple, yet convoluted. It is at once the cup of receptivity and the cup of limitations. Ruled by the loving number 6 and highly influenced by the “water” of emotions, this cup with its rounded base is very prone to tipping; its overall state of being relies on a delicate balance—one element that swings the wrong way can cause catastrophic emotional upset. If the U phase is encountered early in life, events during that phase will form the root for later levels of emotional equilibrium, so it may take a lot or a little into its “cup” before succumbing—it is the mess it makes afterwards that is worthy of note.

The cup is dual in nature: it is extremely sensitive and desires closeness, yet it is ill equipped to handle serious sentiment. Pictured with its two beseeching arms reaching upwards, the U will try to defend itself, building walls and defenses against its perceived weakness. This often manifests as dual personalities: two distinctly different sides to the character. One will be warm, cheerful, and loving; the other chilly, critical, and untouchable. Two sides of a coin, or, in this case, extremes of emotion. Anyone involved with a dominant and negative U may become used to feeling both loved and labeled simultaneously. An unpleasant, uncomfortable, and unhappy feeling, to be sure.

The U is also representative of a conduit or a plug. It holds the potential to change or alter energy that passes through its reaching antennae, or arms. Like the Universe, it is a series of energies coursing through channels, which have the ability to unplug and undo, or to jump start and ignite. It is a change in direction and flow. To put it simply, it is the U-turn: like turns into lust, metal into rust, and dreams into dust. It also turns winds into hurricanes, dry spells into droughts, tremors into quakes, and calm waters into tsunamis. It is the verdict of the judge, the sentence of the jury, and the finality of the undertaker. The dual nature of the U may also be depicted by an excellent public speaker who is unable to communicate on a personal level, or the individuality of the baby inside the mother who is still connected to her by virtue of the uterus and umbilical cord. There are always two sides to the U, some shown, some not. The uncommunicative U will often have an alternate outlet for their emotions like painting, yoga, tai chi, singing in a choir, or jumping out of planes.

Obviously, it is also representative of horseshoes, which are used for protection, deflection, and plain good luck. We throw them at poles in a game of the same name, and a horse is not properly attired without them.

The entry energy of the U is maintaining careful balance—it can be unsteady, uneasy, unsure, uneven, plus an unnervingly long list of other “un” words. “Un” essentially means “not.” Not ready, not willing, not able. It is an unsettled vibration, resting on a precariously balanced base. However, the saving grace of this energy is its numeric ruler: the love force of the domestic 6. I suppose the luck of the horseshoe doesn’t hurt, either. Together, they may offer enough positivity to the U to allow a relatively sustainable balance. However, betrayal or broken trust causes the most pain to the U energy and is the main cause of tippage—if hurt or maligned in this way, the U will topple and flow like a dam released, and the resulting flood of emotional pain could drown even an Olympic swimmer. Once emptied, however, the U regains their balance and carries on. But they do not forget.

In a nutshell, the U will show the world calm control even while masking an emotional turmoil. This turmoil will peek through the mask as spots of jumpiness, tension, and a sense of things not being as they seem.

The negative side to the U is rooted to its emotional issues—if left unexpressed for long periods, the U can seek outlets in inappropriate ways. Some ways will be relatively harmless, like going “underground” for a while. The seriously unstable and upset U can become unhinged, which is where these words come in: cruel and unusual, abusive, ugly, hurt, and murder.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives for the U include warm, calm, friendly, social, helpful, efficient, loyal, patient, and domestic. A negative U can be evasive, judgmental, duplicitous, sarcastic, distant, and secretive. I suppose it goes without saying that the U can also be emotionally unstable.


The following words all show a channeling and focusing of energy: Union, University, Understanding, Universe, Umbilical, and Urban. Any words with “un” as a prefix confirm the shifting or opposing (will or won’t, yes or no, left or right) energy of the U.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 6-year phase of the U is one of emotional intensity, potential instability, changes in direction, and possibly negative formative experiences. It is a time of falling in and out of love, and finding or being separated from people, places, or things that are loved. It is also a time of luck which, when combined with emotional issues, could make for a rather confusing but hopefully entertaining phase.

V (Value of 6): Victory

The V is the sign of peace and the victory salute and is connected to Venus. It is the mate to the A in that ancient symbolism regarded the A as a male, phallic energy and the V as the virginal female. As such, it also refers to the vessel that carries life.

Appropriately, it is the only letter to refer to marriage and the search for the perfect mate. Look at the V as two separate lines that have been pulled together at the base. These two lines illustrate the coming together of two people, places, or things. It is a “coming together, working together, and succeeding together” type of vibration. Similar to the U, the V is valued by the love number 6 and, because of its pointed base, it also struggles to maintain balance in emotional affairs. The difference between the U and the V is in the arms. While the U reaches up to protect, defend, and ask for help, the V reaches up in a determined and focused search for spiritual truth. (Remember the rabbit ears that used to sit atop your television? That vertical image is an ideal representation of the V seeking information, data, and messages on an ongoing basis.) This reaching up with love as its root motivator represents a desire for unity, for togetherness, and for victorious connections—something that goes beyond the connections between two people: it is larger than that. This connection, or desire for one, is what keeps the V on balance and able to connect to its emotions in a way that the U is unable. It is lifting itself up from the Earth plane in an attempt to reach higher and, as a result, the weight on its base is very light. V/6 will feel the need, if open and developed, to heed an inner voice that calls to create, or build, something of value to the people. The V will strive to achieve on an ongoing basis and will generally succeed at whatever goals they have set for themselves. The V is strongly tied to the belief that all life is sacred and, therefore, that one shalt not kill—anything or anyone for any reason. These folks are the type you will find trapping large, hairy spiders or other creepy crawlers in jars and releasing them back into the garden rather than killing them. They are truly gentle souls to whom killing is abhorrent. If their charts include power numbers that allow emotional distancing concerning matters of life and death or pain and suffering, they will make fantastic doctors, veterinarians, nurses, health-care workers, vicars, and holistic healers.

In a person, the prominent V will reflect a tireless worker, a highly intellectual, inventive, and intuitive soul with a good heart and the genuine desire to please. This energy generally mixes well with others and is usually a delight to work for or with. When the V finds its true mate, there will be no other energy that will work harder at making a marriage (or friendship) last. They are loyal, straightforward, honest, loving, forgiving, and consistent.

Of course, there is always the negative side. If the V’s true calling or nature is suppressed, they will obviously feel frustrated and depressed. The V will lash out at those closest to them and voilà! The peaceful V can become verbose, vulgar, vile, vain, and even violent. They also play the victim quite well. But, overall, the V will overcome and prevail. They will emerge victorious.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives include ethical, conscientious, ambitious, fair, loyal, determined, nurturing, dedicated, and trustworthy. When undeveloped, the V can be materialistic, egocentric, selfish, vain, agnostic, unsympathetic, and unprincipled.


The following words all indicate either victory or the loss of it: Verify, Validate, Veteran, Vaccine, Valor, Value, Vote, Vagrant, Vilify, Vulgar, Vigilante, and Vice.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 6-year run of the V is also one of emotional value because of the love connection of its ruler: the V/6 feels and expresses its love valiantly and visually. The V demonstrates its ruler of Venus through its values and viewpoints and its vibration is one of vigilance and victory. This is a time of sweet success, marriage, and peace.

Of course, the V can also swing the other way and become a vain, vodka-swigging vigilante who spews venom. But that’s another story.

W (Value of 6): Waterworks

The W is the third and final letter energy with the numeric value of 6, or love. As with all of the 6 letters, its primary influence is water. Water is a profound symbol for emotions: we “cry us a river,” dismiss disagreements as “water under the bridge,” and find ourselves in “hot water” or dying to “get our feet wet.” We “wait for our ship to come in” and “hold our water” until it happens. The long and the short of the W is to be found in the small mountain in its center, bracketed by a pair of arms reaching up towards the heavens for help and guidance. As its value of 6 suggests, the W pertains to the emotional highs and lows, the peaks and valleys and waxing and waning of love, hate, and every emotion in between. It is pictured beautifully in the image of a child floating peacefully in the womb. All is undisturbed and protected until Mommy’s water breaks.

Because of its ups and downs and strong connections to emotions, the W can also promote a desire to escape, which can and does take the shape of addiction. The W will most likely undergo a welcome awakening at some time because of its beseeching “arms”: after all, the divine power of Universe will not ignore a constant and unfailing request for assistance.

The typical W energy is very likable. They make lifelong friends, are upstanding employees and neighbors, and are loyal and true to their mates. The W’s emotional aspect leaves them as susceptible to periods of happiness and wonder as they are to bouts of deep depression and worry. Their lesson is to find the small mountain in the center of the W’s energy and make that home base. Day trips can be made down into the valleys and up to the peaks, but since the valleys are dark and damp and the peaks are hot and airless, the happy medium is to be found in the middle and is where the wise will be found. Which is another way of saying that a safe, warm, welcoming, and loving home is necessary for the W—they need a place that is solid and dependable into which they can withdraw.

The W is truly the water of love and their soul truly seeks the highest level they can reach while residing on this Earth plane. The wonderful thing about a balanced W is that the holder will also be refreshingly normal and down-to-earth—even through sometimes traumatic events—and they literally love the Earth. This vibration enjoys nature and will spend as much time as possible outdoors, for this revitalizes the soul.

Traditional Descriptions

Overall descriptions of the W include adaptable, caring, committed, direct, genuine, faithful, loyal, dependable, and objective. A negative W can be obsessive, uncommunicative, depressed, perplexing, distant, wishy-washy, and addictive.


The following words all relate either to water, emotions, or different levels (as in up and down): Waves, Wash, Wet, Well, Wade, Whale, Wharf, Weep, Wail, Wallow, Worry, Weight, Wage, and Window.

As a Current Energy Phase

This final transit of the 6 value is the most understated of the three (U, V, W). Although it has the closest ties to water, it is also the most balanced. Emotional highs and lows abound; however, the W is protected in a way that the U and V are not. Its energy is centered in the middle of the letter in the peak between the arms, and usually feels safe, even through upheavals. This type of vibration is a more spiritual one; hence it is more personal than others. This phase concerns spiritual growth through physical experiences. Consequently, this transit is like riding the proverbial roller coaster of emotions—the highest of highs are paid for by the lowest of lows. But the process also affords moments of spiritual insight that help to form the deep and enduring character of the strong W.

X (Value of 5): X Factor

In the X, we find a multiple being. It symbolizes adding to, multiplying, crossing out and the end of the line. This character can be a signature or an indication of an error in judgment or behavior; it can serve as warnings and attention symbols on a variety of products including poisons and prescription drugs (Rx). It speaks of upcoming railway crossings and wrong ways to go. It is the “X factor” or unknown quantity/quality that played a part, for example, in determining how many males versus females (X chromosomes) make up “generation X.” This same X factor will dictate whether you are the right candidate for the role or the job and can also keep the dedicated mathematician scratching his head for hours … or longer. It is the X button that closes computer screen boxes on X-rated sites. X marks the spot, tells you where you are (as in “you are here”), and reveals the locations of (supposedly) buried treasures.

On a more religious note, like its sibling T, X speaks to the cross of Jesus and refers to the name of Christ (Xmas) and cores down to as you sow, so shall you reap. Justice plays a part in the X: it will either become the cross by which we are resurrected (or given a second chance), or the cross whose weight we will have to bear.

The X breaks barriers, creates new dimensions and is open to new experiences and multiple realities (the Matrix). The X displays vulnerability by virtue of its open sides, yet it is the most perfectly balanced letter in the alphabet. It retains its shape no matter how it is turned. This reflects the influence of its numeric value of 5 which, despite being ruled by change, the senses, communication, and the need for freedom, is also steady at its core.

However, in name form the X is highly impressionable, vulnerable, changeable (due to its propensity to multiply and add on), and naturally progressive and active. Because of several somewhat-crooked Y forms within its structure, it can find making decisions a difficult prospect; there are quite a number of “hidden” forks in the road.

The X can easily become excessive, exhausted, exhilarated, exhibitionistic, or subject to many other versions of emotions or actions. Now we are into the base nature of the X, as in SEX. The X stands with its arms spread apart and seeking while its legs are held wide enough for a metaphorical truck to drive through. To say that the X is kind of interested in sensual pastimes would be like saying the ocean is kind of wet.

My take on the X is one of unexpected developments or unanticipated events and sometimes of pushing the envelope. The X holds an element of mystery, which is one of the reasons this particular letter captures my imagination and obviously entertains others as well—it could be the reason that the X-Files is still seen in syndication worldwide.

A person carrying the X factor will be unpredictable, fascinating, and curious about everything—this energy enjoys exploring the unknown or untried. The X is adventurous, impulsive, and prone to regretting previous actions, but the regret will be on the inside and will be caused by unhealthy alliances and deeds. This type of X will crucify themselves privately while smiling publicly.

The X is all about the road to take and the road best left untraveled. It is spiritual retribution for yielding to temptations, a difficult position for this energy as temptations excite the investigative and exploratory nature of the X.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives include adventurous, receptive, progressive, independent, artistic, nonjudgmental, curious, and magnetic. More negative X energies can be impulsive, excessive, addictive, careless, and self-destructive.


All of the following words or abbreviations offer a glimpse of the rare X factor: X-ray, X-rated, XTC, XY (male chromosome), and XX (female chromosome).

As a Current Energy Phase

The 5-year span of the X leaves the holder open to anything and anyone. It is growth and expansion, although not always in positive ways or down positive paths. This is a time of enticement, of provocation, and of luring, which is directly influenced by the freedom-seeking senses of the 5. The desire to question and to take action is sometimes strong enough to overcome reservations and can lead to situations never expected. If the holder of the X is strong enough to be highly selective in their explorations, they can indeed enjoy this vibration to its fullest. The trick is to not allow the sinner without to out-shout the saint within. Due care and attention would be the order of the day during an X phase. For 5 years, of course.

Y (Value of 1): Fork in the Road

Let’s pretend that you are alone and driving to Aunt Bessie’s house in the country. You have only been there once when you were little and since you were positive you would not need a map (you’ve always been highly intuitive), you didn’t bring one. You did bring your cell phone, but since Aunt Bessie is deaf and anti-social, she doesn’t have a phone, but you can always call your mom. You are quickly running out of gas as you have made many false starts down many wrong roads. The sun is sinking into the horizon and what light remains shows identical fields rolling away from you in all directions, like gentle dark waves. You reach a well-defined fork in the road. The road to the left is apparently well used. The one on the right, perhaps less so. There is only one thing missing and that would be a signpost. The sun sinks even lower. The shadows grow. Your engine sputters and coughs. You try to call your mom for directions but can’t get a signal on the cell. The battery light comes on, and you didn’t bring your charger. You need to make a decision, and you need to make it soon. Left or right?

The Y is a change in direction. Sometimes it is a choice you voluntarily make; sometimes it is a choice or direction made for you. For example, you exist because of a long-ago fork in the road, or a decision made for you by the winners of the X/Y chromosome game your parents were engaged in playing long ago: the X placed the basic game plan on the table, but the Y threw options into the picture. The end of the game produced you.

To give you a further idea of the Y energy, the word “yesterday” is bracketed by the Y, which allows it to encompass all aspects of one direction (to the left, or past) and all aspects of the other (to the right, or into the future). If you have a Y in your name, you will likely find that you are forced or choose to change directions in your life more often than your average neighbor. The Y is also open to different ways of living and thinking and is often just as curious about the metaphysical as it is the scientific. The lesson of the Y/1 is to take the “rougher” road, or to take a risk and pursue the spiritual and creative side of life rather than the sensual and material one, a lesson which is oft repeated in the symbols of the alphabet. Luckily, the Y is also connected to intuition and psychic flashes, which can come in awfully handy if one is caught in an unusual or threatening situation.

Another (seemingly unfortunate) aspect of the Y is that it separates. In human terms, that translates into different relationships coming to an end through various means such as death (a transit marked, oddly enough, by the formation of the letter Y on the chest after an autopsy), divorce, imposed distances, or simply “losing touch.” The Y can also manifest as an alternate lifestyle, chosen or imposed. This can be the eccentric loner, the psychopath living in a deserted motel, or the artist living in a psychedelic world. This can also present itself as having to live with a physical disability or dysfunction and the potential for spiritual growth that such a condition can pose.

What is likely is that someone with a Y in their name will be “different.” They will either live with imposed issues that offer no choice in the lifestyle or voluntarily choose a “different” way of living or experiencing life. If you are living with or are a Cornerstone Y, expect your life to change directions fairly often. The 1 energy that supports the Y will afford a strength and determination to follow through on paths chosen or dictated, but at the end of the road, the path of the Y will show a long line of twists, turns, switchbacks, sharp corners, and might look more like a map of a country than the history of a life.

On a more mundane or “normal” level, the Y phase can herald a change in careers or a new job, moving into a new home, getting married, or the birth of a child. Remember that even within the mundane scenarios, the Y often presents the unexpected—so the above scenarios could also arrive as being fired from your job, evicted from your home, served divorce papers, or finding yourself dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. Again, because of the inestimable number 1, these changes can both be challenging and beneficial in the long run.

An ideal imagery for the two aspects or directions is demonstrated quite nicely in the contemplation of yin and yang. The two halves of the whole. The feminine and the masculine; two different entities that come together to create perfect balance. Yesterday would not exist without today. Yes would not exist without no. A year would not exist without 12 months, nor would a yard without 3 feet. One yo would not be complete without another yo (as in yo-yo,) which in and of itself incorporates opposing directions, up and down, or even left to right. An egg is not an egg without its yoke … something that allows the development of a chick. The twisting of the body into different directions is commonly known as yoga and is designed to create a peaceful and limber body, mind, and soul.

Almost predictably, a familiar challenge is part of its energy. Which path to take? The logical, practical, safe one, or the one promising risk, mystery, and revelation? Material reality pits itself against spiritual truth once more.

Finally, the Y is also the divining rod. So if you are still sitting there in your truck, get out and find a long branch with a forked end. Hold the forked end loosely in both hands and stand at the crossroads. Aim the branch down one road, then the other. If the stick pulls downwards at any point, that is either the direction to take or the location of underground water. So, unless you are thirsty, get back in your truck and go forth and prosper.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives include intuitive, reflective, curious, pioneering, adaptable, confident, original, and intelligent. Some negatives are indecisive, timid, confused, impulsive, and aimless.


All of the following words point to different directions or components: Yeast, Yacht, Yank, Yield, Yearn, Yell, Yes, Yin/Yang, Yummy, and Yucky.

As a Current Energy Phase

This 1-year transit is fairly straightforward. A decision or choice will be made. This will be a voluntary or forced choice, which has the potential to change directions and circumstances in life. This will manifest as anything from entering a convent to going to medical school to moving to Siberia. Of course, normal situations involving the Y are more common: a change in personal relationship status, a change of job or home—the point here is that this energy holds a change in lifestyle and content and if a choice is involved, the ultimate decision should be based on what the intuition dictates.

If you have one or more Y energies in your name, simply changing the Y to an I will not change your Whole Name Number as both numbers are ruled by the number 1, but it will remove the “fork in the road” essence and replace it with a highlighted intuitive sense.

Z (Value of 7): Zap!

Although it is reversed in shape, the Z always reminds me of a lightning bolt and the letter N on its side. The two letters are linked in that they are both interlocked double 7s, and both are highly intuitive and intellectually brilliant energy conduits that I often see as high voltage. In the case of the Z, which is ruled by the 7, the lightning, zigzag, electric energy connects to the mouth and what comes out of it; but, the Z is not concerned with editing itself: what comes out of its mouth is unvarnished and blunt. Z is the master of the spoken word, and it uses this mastery to hurt or heal, sometimes without deliberate intent either way. The Z can be the public speaker, the writer, the teacher, the politician, or the convincing liar. The difference between this letter and another vocal energy (C) is that the Z speaks not only when they should shut up, but they insist on speaking even after they have been told to shut up. The Z considers themselves the conveyer of facts (even when they are flat-out wrong), and nothing will stop the Z from having their say.

Here is an incredibly smart person who, sometimes, does not pause to think of the impact of his or her words before launching them. This person could also be perfectly suited to telling tales out of school, in school, or anywhere else, for that matter. Lies also come as easily as gossip to the unenlightened Z. The surrounding letters and the effects of same are emphatically important and will dictate how far any Z in question will go.

A positive Z, one who has mastered the challenge of the 7 (which is to focus on the spiritual and metaphysical as opposed to the logical and practical) will hold their audience enthralled and in awe of the words they speak and can prove hysterically funny. A negative Z, one who tends to speak strictly from the cold, hard platform of logic will hold their audience captive as well—their magnetism serves to attract and hold a basically unwilling, yet curious group of onlookers.

Because of their propensity to analyze everything in their realm, the Z also makes a great problem solver or detective. They also do extraordinarily well in scholarly and mental pursuits. Due to their analytical and controlling nature, the undeveloped or Cornerstone Z is not usually good marriage material; however, should a Z develop into the deeply spiritual person their triple 7 values offer, they will find it difficult to even find someone they can relate to on an intimate and esoteric level, but should it become so, this will be a union made in Heaven or somewhere nearby.

On the rather humorous side, the Z is full of zeal and zest and as a result, needs to zone out from time to time. In other words, the typical Z needs its ZZZs.

Traditional Descriptions

Typical descriptives show the positive Z as eloquent, confident, direct, humorous, quick, resourceful, investigative, and dedicated. Negative Z energy can appear as insensitive, brash, impatient, offensive, deceptive, and critical.


The following words all refer to a sharp energy or a certain level of energy: Zap, Zing, Zoom, Zip, Zany, Zealous, Zen, Zero, Zenith, Zoned, and Zombie.

As a Current Energy Phase

The 7-year reign of the Z is one of intellectualized mastery of the spoken word. This is a time of scholarly pursuits, investigations into mysteries, and analytical processing. Such data-processing ability creates formidable lawyers, politicians, and detectives. The lesson for the 2 involves understanding that the words they speak and the manner in which they are spoken can be creative or destructive. The choice then becomes whether to use words as weapons or to use words as a balm for healing.

Test Yourself

All you need to do is remember these particular (and peculiar) phrases. Here’s the list. Test yourself, because remembering the meanings of the numbers and which letters are connected to them is one of the more important steps in learning to read names.

Number 1: 1 Angry Queen Yells In Jail (1=A, Q, Y, I, J)

Number 2: 2 Big, Red Kisses (2=B, R, K)

Number 3: 3 Grey Cats Lick Sauce (3=G, C, L, S)

Number 4: 4 Drunk Men Talking (4=D, M, T)

Number 5: 5 Nurses X-ray Harry’s Eye (5=N, X, H, E)

Number 6: 6 Voluptuous Union Workers (6=V, U, W)

Number 7: 7 (the land of) OZ (7= O, Z)

Number 8: 8 Fair Politicians (8=F, P)

Number 9: not applicable

… whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or evil …

—Siddhartha Gautama, founder of Buddhism

(circa 563–483 BCE)
