Chaldean Numerology
and Today’s
Spiritual Seekers
Spiritual Beliefs … Then and Now
The Chaldeans believed in the Divine power and were therefore very spiritual; much of their time was devoted to awareness of their surroundings and the communications held in all manner of daily events (something we might today refer to as observing omens and symbolism). Their task while here on Earth was to spread spiritual and metaphysical knowledge using the combined mediums of mathematics, astronomy, astrology, numerology, divination, music, medicine, and other systems we likely know nothing about. Regarded as soothsayers and prophets,
the Chaldeans worshiped a God who was responsible
for the “Energy Behind All Things,” which was represented by the symbol of a half-moon nestled within the circle of the sun. Although their culture involved a variety of lesser gods, their supreme devotion was reserved for this one Energy God, the Sun, or, to my way of seeing it, the Source. This theme of observing, respecting, and working with energies and symbols runs through the very fabric of the legacy these ancient people left behind and is especially evident in their numerology system.
While no one can speak for these long-gone people, I think it is safe to say that the energy they honored and the spiritual practices they observed are core to the practice and gift of Chaldean numerology. I also believe they would agree with the following views and methods of tapping into the spiritual and arcane aspects of our existence.
But First, a Wake-Up Call
Do you believe that there is something more to this reality than meets the eye? Do you believe that there just might be another element at play: a power energy we cannot see, touch, smell, or hear, but one that is there nonetheless? Since you are reading this book, I would hazard a guess that you might say yes—or at least maybe. That means you are part of a growing number of people the world over who are “waking up” and realizing that there must be more to this life than mere existence followed by death. The concept of us as spirits having human experiences has taken firm root and is growing in massive leaps and bounds, which in turn has created an ever-increasing group of “students” in search of higher learning, which would make you and I classmates. Our teacher is known by many names, such as the Divine, the Source, Universe, or God; but no matter the name, the energy we seek to learn from and connect with is one and the same—that of divine wisdom, unconditional love, and unlimited knowledge.
While anyone can sign up, there are two major prerequisites for this “course,” which anyone can do. One concerns your belief systems, and the other concerns who you are and what you have done. Let’s look at the first one, the simplest of the two. I have found that folks either do believe or don’t believe; there is rarely a gray area. Believing (or having Faith) is really not a difficult choice, but in terms of spiritual growth and education, it is an extremely important one. Without Faith or belief, you will wander through this life without an inner base or support system. Nothing will mean very much—not in a lasting way.
So the first prerequisite is that you must be willing to accept something that you cannot see and know that its energies are a constant in your life in one way or another and that you can tap into those energies should you choose to.
You must also have a personal history that includes elements of the following: good deeds, bad deeds, and very bad deeds. You must have both positive and negative qualities. You must even have one or two skeletons rattling around in your closet. Essentially, you must be a human being and possess all or some of the human foibles shared by us as a race.
Well, because the second prerequisite is the willingness to accept yourself and all of your foibles as being perfectly intended. This requires a complete and total concession to the idea that your life history and everything in it was and is a part of your lesson—your Lifepath—the reason you are here, and it centers around the things you are here to learn this time around, just like everyone else. Chaldean numerology teaches us that we are not perfect; otherwise, it would not be filled with spiritual content—messages of wisdom and personal motivation that are specifically designed for the spiritual seeker. The fact is that you must be prepared to accept that you are not perfect and were never intended to be.
You came here with a specific gift and armed with a type of “blueprint” (found in your name and date of birth) that lays out the overall directions you are ideally to take while here on this Earth plane. You do have, like all of us, free will and can choose your own direction, but it will rarely lead you to places you truly want to be; rather, it will run you in ragged circles, (mis)lead you down a variety of very pretty garden paths or maybe right into the heart of the deepest, wildest, and most savage of jungles. But the point here is that while we do have room to move and the parameters of our Lifepaths are loosely structured, you must be willing to follow the guideposts set up for you. But since nothing is set in stone, it is your choice whether you follow the path recommended, take a shortcut, or go somewhere else entirely. My suspicion, however, is again tied to the fact that you are reading this book—something deep inside of you wants to travel the road recommended.
It does sound appealing, right? To relax into who we really are: to completely and utterly accept ourselves as beings of both weaknesses and strengths who are perfectly intended and therefore free from the need to assign or burden ourselves with guilt, self-sabotage, anger, frustration, and all the other negative and prohibitive human emotions and reactions. We will, of course, still experience those moments of sheer emotion that will overwhelm us, but knowing that we are perfectly intended allows us to both succeed and fail at the same time—at anything and as often as we need to in order to learn the specific lesson attached to the specific energy occurrence.
This way of looking at things may read as overly simplistic, and perhaps it is, but once you truly know that you are not alone—that we are all interconnected; that there is indeed an unnamed, unknown, but very real Energy that exists beyond our understanding and that everything is just as it should be—you will naturally discover Faith as well. For me, Faith feels paternal, like a “Father” who is protecting me. I may not always fathom why certain things happen in my life, but even through the trauma and the drama, I knew that everything was happening the way it was supposed to and that I didn’t need to know why. I just needed to have Faith that I would make it through—and I always did make it through, sometimes in absolutely amazing, unbelievable, and even miraculous ways … and it was, without a doubt, because of my Faith, my belief—call it what you will. All I know is that, like the Chaldean system, it works.
Don’t expect things to change overnight once you have “woken up.” If you are anything like me, it will take you a bit of time to perk up. I was groggy and lethargic for the longest time. In fact, it took years of learning, reading, studying, practicing, sharing, listening, and drinking lots of coffee before I could say that I was almost fully conscious. I say “almost” because there is always more to see, more to hear, more to learn, and more to investigate. Each day brings new revelations about the depths and heights this awakening can reach, and it will never end. And so it is for you, too. So it is for all of us.
Energy Is Everything and Everything Is Energy
The Chaldeans considered all things in, on, and beyond this Earth as forms of energy, which is the core of their numerology system. Having said that, let’s pull back a little bit and zoom out into space. From a vantage point high above the Earth, we can look down and see our gorgeous blue, green, tan, and white world below us. What we are also looking at are grids; some visible, some not. One is electrical in nature and can be seen when the skies are dark and the Cities of Light shine, while the others are invisible. The most obvious of these is the World Wide Web. This grid holds both positive and negative ramifications: it totals to Master 33, which calls for some manner of sacrifice, and its Identity Initials are 666. Another invisible grid is formed by a series of what are known as Ley lines (straight lines that connect one sacred site to another—sites like Stonehenge, the Pyramids, the Bermuda Triangle, and Easter Island, to name but a few); it is said that where these lines intersect, an immense power source resides. Still another grid is formed by our very own collective thought patterns and emotional emissions—a concept that has been tagged with the phrase “mass consciousness,” which is precisely what it is, and we all feed into it.
All that we see below us is formed by one band of material energy (slow- or fast-moving molecules) or another: these overlying or intertwining grids can be viewed as a giant energy matrix that absolutely everything is a part of. Including you.
You have undoubtedly heard of the butterfly effect. This theory says that a butterfly could flap its wings somewhere in Sweden and affect the weather systems across the world, even to the extent that it could cause a tornado in the Bahamas. It’s a long and complicated story and has strong connections to measurements (and therefore, mathematics), but the point is, again, that all things are energetically interconnected, from the tiniest detail to the largest, and that includes all of us. We are all energy forms interacting with other energy forms. Therefore, our thought-form energies, especially when strong and repetitive, will carry the cumulative potential to create any type of vibration, both positive and negative. That is up to us and the thoughts and words we choose to live by. On a larger scale, these same thoughts and words form a distinct if, again, invisible, energy matrix. In order for this metaphysical grid to function at peak performance, all aspects must be similar in content, for if but one significant bug climbs into the system, it will no longer function as a perfect whole or in perfect harmony. (Think about the energies of terrorists: their vibrations are not compatible with those of peace lovers, and therefore chaos is thrown into the matrix.)
However, if your own work within this energy system is pure, you will attract only pure energies in return: you get out what you put in. Obviously, positive attracts positive and vice versa. If a butterfly’s wings can theoretically affect another part of the world in a major way, then we also affect it with our own “wings,” which are produced by the quality of our own thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions.
Once there is the knowledge that we as a people hold an immense potential to alter our circumstances, then the revelation must be made that this potential begins with each of us as individuals. When this information is absorbed and understood, the tools that become available to us all are beyond the imagination—perhaps even beyond belief at this point. But everything is possible, given enough time, information, and need. You are part of a massive, multi-faceted energy grid. This grid functions perfectly and offers exact fulfillment of your thought instructions. One might say it is similar to the linear operation of a computer system: once you understand the applications and how to download and operate them, an incredible expanse of possibilities becomes your control panel and you become the creator of your own reality. For some, this may take many years of disciplined study, commitment, and practice, while for others, it may be as simple as deciding to commit to interests already long held, scrutinized, and ruminated upon. Many of us are working with energies in different ways and investigating its uses and magickal qualities—something I think the Chaldeans would relate to, understand, approve of, and encourage.
Your Thoughts, Actions,
and Words Carry Energy, Too
There is energy in every action we take, in every word we speak, and in every thought we think. And for every action, word, and thought, there is a reaction and response. Assuming these actions, words, and thoughts are positive ones, the resulting reactions and responses will also be positive. Conversely, the opposite is also true—negative thoughts, actions, or words will produce negative energies and results. This goes to the Law of Attraction: the much-touted Law can be simplified into being truly and consistently aware of what you are thinking and saying and doing, knowing that the quality of our combined human thought energies can solidify into corresponding and perhaps worldwide consequences and circumstances.
What you pay attention to, you will draw unto you. That means more than just thinking positive or negative thoughts; the contents of your thoughts are important, too. Many folks think they are applying the law of attraction correctly by pleading with Universe “please, no more bills!” Here’s the problem: Universe focuses on the thing mentioned in the request or thought, so if it is bills, Universe will comply and your mailbox will overflow with bills. If your focus on not “‘being broke all the time,” the word the Universe picks up on and responds to is “broke,” and you will continue to notice moths flying out of your open wallet.
The nature of Universe is to create, so the structure and content of the “orders” you place (some have likened the Universe and the Law of Attraction to “placing orders” from a cosmic Catalog) is all-important and makes a huge difference in your results. In addition, there is also a difference between wanting and needing, so the most effective method of manifesting is to be motivated more by what you need than by what you want. Needs are necessary things; wants are desires that can often be based in greed or self-satisfaction (which is the voice of the ego). So, the next time you wish you didn’t have so many bills, focus on the need for “extra cash” instead.
This connection extends to the physical condition of your body, as well. Negative and depressive thoughts materialize as ill energies, as does a thought that goes something like this: “I don’t want to get cancer.” Universe hears “cancer” and will attempt to give you what you’ve asked for, particularly if you worry or send out supportive thought patterns about it on a constant basis. (For example, for many years, my beloved Granny worried excessively about getting cancer and when, at a relatively young age, she died, cancer had taken over almost every organ in her body, almost as though she had thoroughly convinced Universe of her need without even realizing she had done so.)
I am sure you have seen illness referenced as dis-ease. This means there is an imbalance of thought energies that can cause a body to become off-balance, or ill-at-ease. If emotional issues are left to ripen and fester within our psyches, chances are good that this toxic and destructive energy will negatively impact our bodies and solidify into all manner of maladies. This is yet another reason to become more aware of what you are thinking and how you are energetically “programming” your body.
Your thoughts, words, and actions are “things” of substance. Becoming aware of the types of energies you are engaging and promoting will impact your life in direct correlation—good to good and bad to bad. Recognizing the differences, programming positivity, and “keeping the faith” can only assist in accelerating your spiritual progress and perhaps even in helping to improve the condition of your physical body as well.
Your Emotions Are Energy—
and One Is Like a Weed
You know about the power of emotions, but what you might not think about is that they also carry and emit energies, and the more intense the emotion, the more intense the output. Can you remember a time when you went shopping and everyone seemed extra nice to you? Or another time when everyone seemed particularly grouchy? If you are honest with yourself, I’ll bet a tiny, tinkling bell just rang somewhere in the back of your mind. The details are not important; the fact that an energy reflection took place is. Think about it further. Do you remember what kind of mood you were in on those days?
Energy is energy and negative or heavy emotions are amongst the strongest in the human energy matrix. So how and what you project is what you will get back. Larger pictures of events and occurrences will project more potent and lasting energy impressions—seems like a good reason to become more aware of what we are projecting, right? But that’s not the main point of interest here. The one emotion we are the most afraid of is.
Of all of our feelings, fear is the most intense; it can paralyze us like deer in the headlights. While it applies to a myriad of situations, some of which are protective and positive (like being scared of that dark figure down the alley), the ones that affect us in a more intimate way are found in the fear of two specific things: success and failure. While we might fear one more openly than the other, both run head to head, consciously or subconsciously. Since success and failure are two sides of the same coin, the only way we can achieve success is by openly embracing our fear of it and all that it entails. Failure can be experienced without success but success cannot be experienced without failure. Put another way, if everything you ever tried worked out perfectly every time, you would have no frame of reference by which to measure your success. Failure is a required element in order to experience and appreciate true success. We are all familiar with failures, perhaps quite a few of them, but what about successes? If you are like most regular people, you have had some triumphs and victories, but major successes? How many of those have you had? Can you say that you are comfortable financially? Can you say that you are doing what you love? If the answer to both is yes, then more power to you, but if you are like most of us, the answer is usually no. Would you like it to be, though? Obvious answer, right?
The balance is clearly off when the overall picture is revealed. Stories about failures and lack and loss abound, but success stories are rarer, which is probably why they are celebrated when they do occur. There really are so many reasons for each of us to fear success that it would be literally impossible to even list them all, but one theme seems to be common and that is that once success is attained, what then? Have you ever heard the saying “you’re only as good as the last part you played, book you wrote, house/car/jury you sold”? How does one “better” success? How do we do it again? How do we sustain it? That is one of the core reasons that many people sabotage themselves. We are not afraid of succeeding—everyone loves to win! Rather, it is the fear of what happens afterwards that keeps us from getting there. To my way of thinking, success is what it is. Once it is gained, it is never lost, it simply moves into the past. And looking forward with inward eyes will reveal the next signpost, so it’s really just another stop along the way.
Yet even with the best of intentions, fear is not an easy emotion to weed out. It often has extremely deep roots that are almost impossible to completely remove, kind of like dandelions—where you pull one out, three more sprout. So it is a bit of a struggle to gain control over this particular weed, but that is where having Faith that everything happens exactly as intended comes in again—as does your own acceptance that everything in this life has a purpose and that is to teach you something. So fear is just another learning curve and is therefore nothing to be afraid of.
If we can get the idea behind “For Everything, A Reason” and hold on to our Faith, there is no sustainable reason for fear. The certainty of knowing we are connected to a higher element calms the mind and the soul—knowing that you are doing exactly the right thing at any time dilutes the fear of the unknown. And that is what fear is all about: the unknown. Fear is ego based, as in being afraid of not having enough or of losing what we do have—money, good health, good looks, work, love—you name it. Once we understand that we are not our bodies, we are spirits residing therein and that this world and its inhabitants are similar to students in a rather large classroom, we can learn to relax and await the arrival of the next teacher and the next lesson.
… the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
—Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933 Inaugural Address
Believe It or Not
Equally important here is your level of belief (and this is true in all things metaphysical or spiritual): if you do not believe that you can tap into a source unseen, or even that there is one, you will not have access to its possibilities. Your ego-controlled doubt will stand solidly in your way. If you do feel a tickle of doubt, consider the air you are breathing this very minute. Try to touch it, taste it, hear it, see it, or smell it and you will be unable to do so. None of your senses are able to prove that the air exists, yet without it, you will die. Similarly, when the Sun disappears behind a moody sky or the Moon disappears from a clear one, we will swear on all we hold dear that both are still there—even though we can see neither. That is the essence of Faith—conviction on a deep gut level that something exists that we cannot see nor confirm with our human senses. We also know this energy is something we can connect to and that it will respond to our needs as proposed by our thoughts, words, and actions while also knowing our true needs and supplying that which is the most beneficial for us at that time.
As an illustration, suppose you really need a raise, and the promotion you are after would accomplish that for you. So this is the energy you have been focusing on—acing the interview and paperwork. But instead of being promoted, you are abruptly fired from your job. Wow. This would tend to create an instant skeptic, wouldn’t it? But here is where keeping the faith is truly the most important thing you can do; losing it would be equal to sitting down in the middle of that long, dark tunnel I talked about before. Universe knows what you need better than you do.
Imagine this, if you will. A week or so after your firing and straight out of the blue, an unexpected job offer appears. You apply and you win the position, which turns out to pay higher than the promotion would have and more importantly, it is also the most enjoyable and rewarding job you have ever had. What you didn’t know (and would have had no way of knowing) is that had you gotten the promotion, it would indeed have taken you up a few floors and to a corner office—a satellite branch of Hell. Before too long, you would have found yourself back in the unemployment lines. And you would have entirely missed out on the dream job you now have.
See how Universe gives you what you need? We don’t have to know the whys and the wherefores, we just need to know in our hearts that we are connected and that we are protected. And that belief in the world of energy and a Higher Source is its own reward.
This is applicable to the actuality of reading the energies in your name and date of birth as well; if you do not truly absorb and believe what you are reading and hear what it is saying to you, then it will do exactly nothing for you. Believe what is being said to you and your life as it currently stands might just be up for review.
Follow Your Dream—It Is Your Gift
Let’s just say that you are, as of today, no longer held back by fear, or at the very least, that it does not affect you as much. There is a certain wonder in that realization—a mild excitement, for you know that you have opened or cleared a blockage of sorts and the level of threat has been reduced. You are more likely to follow your dream—to allow it to happen and to invite it in.
But what is your dream?
Look to your Soul or Inner name essences and your Lifepath for the clues if unknown. Much as my repetitious 1 and 3 Inner Soul energies point out the need for artistic expression, so will your numbers and letters speak to you. If you still aren’t quite sure, go back, for the answer often lies in childhood and early youth and involves activities particularly enjoyed or something you would daydream about while simultaneously recognizing it for the dream it was at the time. Or it can center around an ongoing interest you had. For me, it was all about books. I loved to read every chance I had; I wrote books of poetry and almost always received a perfect score on English tests and compositions, but I did not connect for many years that maybe writing was my “thing.” So finding yours may be a given or it may require a bit of digging and investigating. All it takes is a little dedication and determination … and perhaps a bit of daydreaming.
By looking at your strongest numbers and letter values (the highest amount of each) and your Lifepath number, you should have a pretty good idea of where your strengths lie, and this observation should help trigger memories of those things you loved to do when you were a kid or young adult. If you show, for example, a high level of artistic leanings (especially numbers 1, 3, 6, 9, and Master 11 or 22) and your dream has always been to carve figures from chunks of wood, then that is your gift from Universe: the ability to create an image and bring it to life by using a simple piece of wood and a carving knife. Perhaps you are a lawyer and the idea of becoming a wood carver cracks you up—fine! Laughter is medicine for the soul. After you’ve quit laughing, go find yourself a piece of wood and a carving knife and some sandpaper and watch what happens, both from an emotional and a material point of view. After all, where is it written that a lawyer may not be a wood carver? Or that a lawyer may not retire to become a successful artist? Nothing is set in stone (or wood)—all things are possible. There are no rules when it comes to the forms artistic expressions can take. This holds true for any talent or predilection your particular Lifepath has gifted you with.
And how do you know if you are already using your gift? If you are, you will feel motivated to get up in the morning and eager to begin work, in whatever form it may take. You will feel peaceful and gratified and thankful. You will enjoy your existence and feel connected to something larger than yourself.
On the other hand, if you are not using your gift, you may feel frustrated and limited—like you are missing something. There may be a feeling of dissatisfaction or of being trapped that encompasses your entire life and circumstances. The biggest indication that you are not using it is boredom. Excruciating boredom.
The only way to find personal peace and tranquility of spirit is by doing what comes naturally. What I mean by that is to go where your instincts take you, to do that thing you most love to do. This can be something from long ago, something that has faded into the tapestry of your life, but is still there and can be adapted to fit into the present. Universe will literally plant it in front of you if you are truly ready and open to receive it. What is it that you loved to do? If enough thought and time is devoted to your question, the answer will come. Find your gift by being open to receiving it. And yes, I am speaking from experience.
What We All Seek and Where It’s Hiding
The one thing most of us focus on, individually and as a society, is finding and experiencing love in its purest form. Sounds easy, right? But since it is the definitive reason we are all here and is central to the lessons we are still here trying to learn, obviously it is not as easy as it sounds. And it all goes back to that age-old, if banal, truth about loving oneself before being equipped to extend this gift to others. We may say we understand, but do we really? I wonder how many of us get stuck in the “loving ourselves” part? With all of our flaws, checkered pasts, and judgments passed about our histories and actions, how do we honestly grow to care about and even love ourselves enough to share pure love with others?
Again, Chaldean numerology gives us the answer: it all comes down to accepting that we are exactly who and how the Universe intended us to be. There are no mistakes. You are as perfect in your imperfections as I am in mine. Once that simple fact is assimilated and it is also understood that we are all teachers and students to one another, we can accept ourselves like we would another person and connect to ourselves like we would to someone we really care about. We must learn to be our own best friends and to treat ourselves with the same forgiveness and compassion that we would naturally offer to good friends … and even to strangers.
We all have the same emotions, even though some may suppress or hide them more effectively than others. We are like uncut precious gems that are here to be shaped and polished—by human interaction. Understanding that we are all “cut from the same stone” helps to remind us that we are all (as spirits having human experiences) essentially the same. We are all equal and deserve to be loved—a thought that many find easier to apply to others than to themselves, but again, anything is possible given enough Faith.
So, in order to love another, we must first accept that we are exactly who we were meant to be and that we were intended that way. We are perfectly designed by the Divine. Therefore, the base for unconditional love lies in self-acceptance, for it is only when we can honor, respect, and love the spirit-in-human-form beings we truly are that we become equipped to extend that clean and undemanding energy to others … and you are the starting point. You are the core of unconditional love, and so am I.
And yes, that is the ultimate lesson: to learn to accept, like, and eventually love your very own self. That means trusting that there is a plan for you and that there is a reason you are here. Again, this is the aim of Chaldean numerology—to help you discover your path, your strengths, your weaknesses, your talents, and your true essences. And all Chaldean roads lead to love that is wholesome and freely shared. Once this is attained and we all stand as a graduating class, our collective power is considerable.
There is much to learn and it begins with you … and me … and your neighbor … and my neighbor … and connections that continue along the grid until it encompasses all of us.
In this Cosmic School, the tools of learning can be unique, and Chaldean numerology offers all students of life a chance to perform an in-depth study of themselves and to track their spiritual growth with more understanding. Like a primer, the catalog of Chaldean numerology is designed to assist us in all areas of study and should ideally accompany each student to each class.
There are a variety of additional categories within this primer; all are designed to open our senses so that we might interact with the universal energy and hear its messages more effectively—the most powerful of which is the intuition.
Have You Ever Had a “Funny Feeling”?
Remember that time when you just had a “funny feeling” about something that you ignored, only to hear yourself say later “I knew that was going to happen”? It took me a long time, too, to understand that this wasn’t just by chance. Somehow, I had known the outcome of something before it happened, or had known what the outcome would be should something be done a certain way, or at a specific time or in a particular place. My strongest intuition kicks in when someone or something dangerous or off-balance enters my personal space (not something that happens often, thankfully). There is an internal vibration that is so sharp, it feels as though my insides are actually buzzing—we all know the feeling, we just don’t pay attention to it when its tone is quieter and more manageable.
The intuition (or sixth sense) is our protective sense, and all of us can hear it if we choose to. And although it is called a “sense,” it is not scientifically recognized as such; nevertheless, it exists and it is real. Our traditional five senses are man-made—they consist of what our physical appendages tell our brain—but the sixth sense is “out-sourced”; it is not of the human body. However, since it cannot be readily explained, the tendency is to dismiss it as unscientific and unproven and, therefore, essentially inconsequential. Which means it is most commonly ignored.
The intuition primarily serves as a warning system: 99 percent of the time, the message received is one concerning danger of some kind or of the need to be alert or aware, which often translates into feelings of distrust or unease that usually point to the presence of questionable energies or circumstances. This feeling can whisper through you when considering the trustworthiness of a person, the rightness of a job offer, the outcome of a certain action, or even something as mundane as not stopping at the store on the way home even though that voice whispered something about toilet paper—but you ignored that funny feeling—it must be wrong, right? Wrong. The intuition is never wrong. But listening too late still leaves you sitting there at home, all alone—a tad rueful and wiser perhaps, but still without a square to spare.
Learning to listen to and heed messages from our intuition is part and parcel of connecting with Universe—these messages are communications from that mysterious but very real energy and can be as rudimentary as needing toilet paper or as dramatic as a sudden and overwhelming sense of danger that screams run from every fiber of your being.
I often hear folks ask how one can distinguish this voice from the other voices in their heads enough to know which is the voice of intuition, and my response is that the intuition is a feeling more than it is a voice. It is more of a certainty, an instinct, a deep knowledge that is difficult to put into words. This is not centered in the brain, like a thought, or a conversation with the self—this is a “sense impression.” You just know and it is usually something that defies explanation, but it will ultimately take the form of words or thoughts as it moves from the gut into the brain, thus the term “voice” being used to describe the feeling.
For instance, if you are contemplating taking a ferry over to an island and you have a bad feeling about it, go another day. If you are thinking of borrowing your sister’s car to go shopping and you have a bad feeling about it, take the bus or don’t go at all. If you are at a party and some young guy approaches and asks you to come downstairs with him and you have a bad feeling about it, stay right where you are. (Many moons ago, I remember receiving an invitation to attend a party on board a yacht. It was steaming hot and I was too, but something told me to turn it down, as tempting as it was. Later that night, I heard that this same yacht had smashed onto a reef and sunk, leaving all aboard floundering in the ocean until they were rescued by the Coast Guard.)
We make things more complex than they need to be: if it feels wrong, don’t do it. By the same token, you must learn how to differentiate between the voices of fear and those of the intuition. Remember that fear is ego-based, whereas the voice of your intuition is a deep-seated sensation of just knowing. It tingles through your insides before it takes on a thought-form.
The intuition can also offer rare insight through, for instance, divination techniques like tarot cards, pendulums, or runes. When our thoughts are focused and our Faith is centered on that unseen element, the intuition can work wonders. While answering questions or presenting images of current energies, it can also offer unexpected and sublime messages that speak simple and sacred truths. The more you honor Divine intuition by adjusting your actions in response to warnings, the more in tune you and this sixth sense will become and the more messages you will receive. Again, time and practice are key; the ego is one huge monster with incredible shelf life, and it does not take kindly to knowledge it cannot scientifically classify. I have been working with the intuition for years and I still find myself ignoring it at times. Oddly enough, though, I am consciously aware of ignoring that voice … and then of awaiting the outcome. It is like I am testing the system. Trust me when I say that those occasions were huge refresher courses for me and I even found myself laughing at the audacity of Universe, for some of the lessons were quite funny—Universe has a sense of humor, no doubt! What an exhilarating discovery that was.
Symbolism and Omens
Another element of daily life presents itself in the language of symbols that relate to the very real signs surrounding you every day. This is applicable in dreams as well as in waking life and is very simple and very personal in that what a frog means to your neighbor might not be the same as what a frog means to you. Your neighbor might view it as something to kiss in hopes of finding her prince while you might think of it as something gross and slimy that will give you warts. Very personal. Dream books can be helpful in an overall kind of way when applied to the symbols and contents of dreams, but you are the only one who can read the symbols accurately, whether they occur while in a dream or while walking down the street.
Daily symbols come in a variety of shapes and forms and styles. They can appear as cars that won’t start (where were you headed?), watches that stop (has time run out for someone or something?), phone numbers that don’t connect (who are you trying to reach and why?), words caught in passing (what were you thinking about?) and thousands of other things. The key is becoming conscious of them and of how they connect to things in your life, especially ones that are of particular importance at that moment.
Let’s say you are strolling downtown thinking about your trip to Boise, Idaho. For whatever reason, you are worried about the hotel you just booked. Approaching you from the opposite direction are two businessmen who are chatting up a storm. You vaguely notice them and keep worrying about the hotel. As they pass you by, you catch a snippet of their conversation and they are talking about a hotel. One says to the other “it’s great—you’ll love it!” and their voices fade abruptly.
Do you hear the message in there for you? That is the core of symbolism: recognizing messages, wherever they might pop up, whether through conversations overheard, signs appearing in apparent answers to your unspoken questions, or odd occurrences that seem to fit into your circumstances. It is becoming aware of things around you in a whole new way. If the Universe is a giant matrix of energy, and you are a part of it, then it makes sense that a whole other level of communication exists around you and is there to assist you if you choose to hear or see its messages.
Omens are more closely connected to the intuition and occur when a funny feeling combines with something you see, hear, or experience within the parameters of your daily life and usually on a repetitive basis; read together, they present a message of something amiss.
Let’s say you have been seeing someone who seems nice, but you have an underlying weird feeling about this person, like a “beware” kind of feeling. So one morning, you stop in for a coffee at your regular spot, grab a paper, and settle in for a good read. There is an article on the second page about a person who did something awful and whose picture reminds you of this person you have been seeing. Not only that, but there are other similarities between the two—same age, same career … just a coincidence, you say (even though you don’t believe in them, right?). You leave the cafe and the article becomes lost in the events of the morning.
Later, you lunch at a local deli with your buddy and there on the table, spread before you like a welcome mat, is the exact article you read that morning over coffee. Again you are struck by the similarities in the picture, but this time, you notice the name of the journalist, and the first name is the same as the person you have been seeing.
That could be called an “omen” and not an overly positive one, either. If I were you, I think I might consider a background check at this point. And I bet you wouldn’t be overly surprised if you found something. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Energies that move with the flow of energy instead of against it will naturally experience synchronicity. Let’s say you have been thinking about your aunt for a few days and finally make up your mind to call her. You haven’t seen her or spoken to her in months, so there you sit, phone in hand, trying to drum up the nerve to dial her number (she always frightened you as a kid), when the phone rings. Three guesses who it is.
How is this possible? Very easily, actually—by thinking about your aunt, you were sending your thought energy waves to her; she picked them up (subconsciously) and started sending her own back to you. She might even comment that you have been on her mind a lot lately and you might think “what a coincidence” since she has also been on yours. But there are no coincidences. There is only energy, and when it flows in the same direction or towards the same goal and upon the same path, it produces synchronicity. You and your auntie were momentarily “in sync” with one another.
Or imagine you have been looking for a particular book, one that is out of print and therefore hard to find. You run into an old friend in one of the many bookstores you have haunted in your search and fall into an exchange about good books. You mention the one you are looking for—and he just happens to have a copy of it at home, which he will be happy to lend you. You go the short
distance to his house, share a cup of coffee, and leave with the book that just hours before seemed beyond your grasp in every way. This is an example of you and Universal energies being in sync.
Ever had stuff like that happen to you? I’ll bet that you can come up with at least one example from your own life. The more aware you become, the more synchronicity will occur and the more in tune you will begin to feel.
Déjà vu … or Reincarnation?
Have you ever had the strong feeling of having been a particular place before despite also knowing that you haven’t? Perhaps you have experienced the odd sensation of having lived through a specific event or moment before? I think we all have. We call it déjà vu (from early 20th-century French meaning “already seen”), puzzle over it for a moment or two, shrug it off, and go on our way. Is this another form of sense-memory or is it something more than that?
You have undoubtedly heard of the concept that each of us travels through different incarnations, which is where the term re-incarnation comes in. This is a highly controversial topic, but I do find it worthy of note that despite this controversy, reincarnation does come up in almost all religious and belief systems in one way or another. Some believe it is an “end run” around God’s final judgment, while others believe that only the extremely bad people must come back (to make amends). I stand with the group that believes reincarnation is an accepted element in acquiring esoteric knowledge and achieving spiritual development: how we do in this incarnation is directly related to how we will do in the next and so on … and our performances will dictate how often we experience physical form on this Earth plane and how long it will take each of us to “graduate.”
So to my way of thinking, all the information that is available to us to improve our standing is worth looking into. We have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain by actively seeking knowledge from every “book” in our massive and ever-growing library of life. Chaldean numerology is only one such “book”—there are many others just waiting to be found. Metaphysically and spiritually speaking, knowledge is power, and, in addition to making your life more fulfilling, it might just be the ticket to attaining ultimate victory and “graduating.”