Fort Strother, February 6, 1814


“No, Colonel, he isn’t here. General White left with General Cocke’s militia a month ago.” Andrew Jackson scowled. “Good riddance to the lot of ’em, too, except that their departure left us woefully short of men. Why do you ask?”

“Well, sir,” explained Colonel John Williams, “I promised his family that I would inquire of him as soon as I arrived here and try to expedite his return home. He is a little aged, I believe you’ll agree, for this duty. The family is worried about him, especially Judge White and my wife. I must confess, General, that General White is my father-in-law.”

“I see. I mean no disrespect, but you are right. His age should have disqualified him for this campaign. And, too, why he would ever want to serve with that pompous fool, Cocke, is a mystery.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Judge White, you say? I take it that Judge Hugh White is your brother-in-law? General White’s son?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I hadn’t made the connection before. According to the letter you brought with you, Judge White is responsible for your regiment being here.”

“I believe he is, sir.”

“Then I shall forever be in his debt. And in yours, Colonel. Quality fighting soldiers have been at a premium around here and our junior officers have been mostly untrained volunteers on short terms of service themselves. Your regular army fellows will do us proud, I’m certain.”

“We hope to justify your confidence, General.”

“Now let’s have a look at your regiment.”

General Jackson and Colonel Williams strode across the stockade yard and out the front gate. The Thirty-Ninth had begun to establish camp at the far end of the clearing. Soldiers busied themselves around campfires and newly pitched tents as they attempted to purge the mud and dust and fatigue of a week-long accelerated march.

Colonel Williams and his regiment of more than six hundred army regulars had arrived shortly after noon. While Colonel Billy Carroll had guided the company commanders to appropriate campsites, General Jackson had conducted Colonel Williams on a tour of the fort and briefed him on the status of the Fort Strother garrison.

Now, hours after the Thirty-Ninth’s arrival, Jackson and Williams walked slowly across the clearing, surveying the newly arrived regulars before them and the militia infantry and cavalry quartered to either side.

“Regrettably, Colonel, our force had fallen to less than eight hundred total men, and before the last contingent of militia arrived, to less than fifty at one point. Very few are real soldiers and, like most others we have had with us, many will soon leave for home when their enlistments expire. Yours is a most welcome arrival, to be sure, but I’m afraid we still need additional reinforcements to defeat the Creeks. Did you receive any word from Governor Blount, or perhaps from Judge White, regarding fresh militia?”

“Not directly, sir. But Judge White insists that the Governor is continuing to recruit new units as a high priority. I would think, sir, with confidence, that you should soon have adequate troops.”

“And adequate supplies, I should hope. We aren’t far from starvation here. It hasn’t been a kind winter and we were ill prepared for its privations. I would appreciate an inventory of the stores you brought, Colonel.”

“I’m afraid they are sufficient for only a short time. They didn’t spare us a surplus, but did promise to ship down additional stores as they could muster them.”

“Ordnance? I notice that you towed no cannon.”

“No, sir. We have two full wagons of shot, powder, and new muskets. Also, having been told that you have a six- and a three-pounder, we loaded on cartridges, round shot, and grape shot. I hope we were not misled.”

They had reached the end of the clearing and stood watching the soldiers. Many were as young as the average militia recruit, barely out of their teens if that. Most had doffed the tall shakos with the loose fitting chin straps, and other items of uniform. The few that were still fully dressed wore coarse cotton pants of a light color, calf-length boots, and blue waist jackets. Over each jacket were draped crossed belts suspended at the shoulders and fastened together in the middle of the chest with a large brass buckle. Suspended from one of the belts, hanging at the soldier’s right side, was his kit containing shot, paper powder cartridges, loose powder, spare flints, and tools for repair and cleaning. On the soldier’s left hip, fastened to the other belt, was a leather scabbard containing a foot-long bayonet with a triangular blade tapered to a point, a formidable weapon in close combat.

Muskets were stacked in front of the tents, three and four clipped together at the middle band of the upraised barrels, stock butts to the ground. Tents were aligned as the lay of the land permitted, and those of squads and companies grouped together. Jackson’s ill-trained militiamen stood watching from a respectful distance, grudgingly admiring the efficiency and discipline of the regulars.

“Begging the Colonel’s pardon, sir.” A tall, sturdy officer, fully dressed, snapped to attention at Colonel Williams’ side. He saluted smartly. “General.”

“At ease, Major.” Williams returned the salute.

“Sir, I’m pleased to report the regiment has established camp. Our state of readiness remains immediate. Your orders, sir?”

Instead of answering, Williams turned to Jackson. “General, permit me the pleasure of introducing a fine soldier. This is Major Lemuel Montgomery. Major, General Andrew Jackson.”

Montgomery clicked his heels and saluted. “My pleasure and honor, General Jackson. At your service, sir.”

“Major,” Jackson acknowledged.

“Major,” instructed Williams, “I trust your discretion to see to the organization of the encampment, set sentries as you deem appropriate, and issue orders as necessary. Subject to the General’s approval, of course.” He glanced at Jackson, who nodded favorably.

“Yes, sir.” Montgomery snapped another salute, about faced, and strode away.

“General,” said Colonel Williams with an obvious tone of pride, “you have just met my best soldier. I would dare say further that Major Montgomery is probably the finest infantry soldier I have encountered in my years of service.”

“He is indeed impressive, Colonel. He seems well-spoken and to have much poise about him.”

“I should like for him to serve only as my adjutant, but he is such an extraordinary combat commander that I am compelled to also place him at the head of my most able company. The men look up to him and, I dare say, would storm through the portals of hell should Major Montgomery lead them.”

The two continued their tour. General Jackson showed the colonel his militia forces and their equipment and weapons, many of which were aged and in various stages of disrepair.

“General Coffee’s cavalry regiment, as depleted as it is, is my best unit. Has been from the outset. However, in the wilderness, where fighting is most often tree to tree, cavalry is limited. One must have expert infantry units to succeed in this country. Cavalry can only support the foot soldier until we can catch the enemy on an open theater. Also, artillery is not as effective as one might suppose. I’m afraid we have knocked down more trees than Creeks with our two meager weapons.”

Colonel Williams smiled at that observation. “Is it the enemy’s tactics to stand and fight, General, line versus line?”

“Unfortunately, no. The Creek warrior is a moving target, often confused with the bushes. They are a savage lot, though. They will face you down and come at you head-on when cornered. Your bayonet may prove to be your best weapon, Colonel.”

“Yes, sir. We are well drilled in close-order tactics. If I may say so, sir, it seems that my regiment may be precisely the kind of soldiers you have needed.”

“My point exactly, Colonel, that I have tried to make with our leaders. Damnit, if they could only be here and see the challenge for themselves.” They had reached the front gate of the stockade. “Colonel, you had best see to your men and to your own comfort. A hut is available to you within the stockade as your personal quarters and your office.”

“Thank you, General, you’re very kind.”

“Colonel, we shall meet in two hours. I and my staff will brief you fully on our progress to date and our shortcomings. You will receive a full status report and your frank opinions and suggestions will most certainly be solicited. It is urgent that we lay out correct strategies as spring approaches so that we may successfully conclude this abominable campaign in due time.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And, Colonel, make certain that your Major Montgomery attends with you. And other officers of your choosing, of course.”

That evening, General Jackson, General Coffee, and Colonel Carroll related to the officers of the Thirty-Ninth Infantry the stories of Tallashatchi, Talatigi, Hillabi Creek, Emuckfau, and Enitachopco. They detailed the tactics of the Indians and delineated what had worked against them and what had not. Jackson chose to focus on the Emuckfau Creek incident.

“We made tactical mistakes, that’s obvious. We moved without adequate forces. We thought we could surprise them. We should have known better; this is their native environment. Our route of march was too long and our withdrawal too exposed. We are determined, gentlemen, not to repeat those errors.”

“Your plan, General?” inquired Colonel Williams.

“That fortress of theirs on the upper Tallapoosa seems of paramount importance. We cannot permit the Creeks to concentrate their forces; we have to keep them splintered. Therefore, as soon as further reinforcements and supplies reach us, and weather is favorable, we must make another attempt on that facility. But not as before. I think we must have an outpost, much closer than Fort Strother, from which to operate. General Coffee and I have been discussing the feasibility of moving down the Coosa and setting up such a post. From there we can cut a trail east to the Tallapoosa. It is still a long way to string an army, but I see no better choice as yet. Also, with an outpost on the Coosa, perhaps we can float supplies down by barge more easily than over land. We anticipate that spring rains will swell the river and make that possible.”

“Will such maneuvers not tip our hand, General?”

“Certainly. But we have learned that it matters little. Since we possess superior weaponry and, perhaps soon, imposing numbers, it is only important that we arrive on the field with the greater force and the greater resolve. Gentlemen, let us prepare.”