As is the case with the Quarry novels I’ve written for my friend Charles Ardai at Hard Case Crime, this book stays within the original time frame of the Nolan series. I consider it a novel written in period, not a historical novel, though I doubt that distinction matters to anyone but me.
The action here takes place six months or so after Spree (1987— to be republished by HCC as Mad Money).
As my dedication indicates, I am grateful to longtime readers who have been after me for some while to tell more of Nolan and Jon’s story (and Sherry’s). I am also grateful to the late Donald E. Westlake (aka Richard Stark) for allowing me to turn a novel that had been intended as a one-time homage (Bait Money, 1973, republished by HCC as half of Two for the Money), into a full-blown series. As I reminded Don many times, “homage” is French for “rip-off.”