Top Ten Riding Tips
Princess Ellie loves riding and can spend hours on her ponies. Here are her top tips for good riding:
- Always wear a properly fitting riding hat
- Wear long trousers and sturdy shoes or boots with a small heel (not trainers)
- Hold the reins gently with your thumbs on top and palms facing each other
- Sit up with back straight and shoulders square
- Rest the balls of your feet in the stirrups and push your heels down slightly
- Keep your elbows close to your side, but not stiff
- Look where you want to go – not at the pony’s mane or at the ground
- Squeeze with your legs or nudge with your heels to ask your horse to move forward
- Remember to breathe. It’s easy to hold your breath without realizing it when you are concentrating
- Lean forward in the saddle when you are riding uphill and lean backwards when you are riding downhill
And last but not least: Enjoy yourself and have fun!