The way forward is dark and long.
A dragon gold is only the first price you’ll pay for Pern.

Fort Weyr, second hour, AL 507.11.18, Second Interval

Lorana sighed wearily as she glided silently down into the Fort Weyr Bowl in the dark of night.

Four coughs between. The same as when she’d brought Ketan back to Drith to make their offer and again when Drith had accepted. And again when Lorana and K’tan had arrived at the wherhold with the vial she’d retrieved from High Reaches Weyr. While she’d explained in private to Nuella the purpose of the vial and had sworn the half-sighted woman to secrecy, K’tan and Drith had rolled in the gold-flecked waters of the miner’s river. In the distance, with the sun in the right position, anyone who had merely a brief glimpse of brown Drith would easily take him for a bronze, particularly when the rider was wearing the Benden Weyrleader’s distinctive jacket.

It had taken only Lorana’s word to recruit a ready wing of Istan dragons willing to follow K’tan unquestioningly: J’lian had more volunteers than they needed, even though all were sworn to secrecy. She watched, from a distance low to the ground where she wouldn’t be seen as K’tan first saved M’tal and then again, with the Istan wing, had saved T’mar—and sacrificed himself.

And now, there was one thing more to do.

First though, she had to say good-bye. She couldn’t do it in person, so she chose a different way, going back in time—here, to Fort Weyr, a little less than nine months before. On the day after the Hatching, after Fiona had Impressed Talenth.

In the distance, a dragonet creeled.

Lorana stretched her senses to the quarters where Kindan had just woken, startled by something he couldn’t identify. She sent him a warm thought and turned her attention toward the queen’s quarters.

Fiona, she thought quietly. A touch of a smile played across her lips. She shook her head, I’m sorry. I know what I must do, I understand now:

The way forward is dark and long. A dragon gold is only the first price you’ll pay for Pern.

Beneath her, Minith trembled, as if sensing her fears.

Lorana pursed her lips tightly and shook her head in determination.

We’ve been here long enough, Lorana told the queen beneath her, let’s go.

As you wish, the dragon responded. With a great heave of hind legs, the dragon leaped into the air and went between.