FIRST AND FOREMOST I offer my sincere thanks to my agent, Rob Dinsdale, who kept this ship afloat despite my best efforts to capsize it on more than one occasion. This one’s for you.
To my publishers, I extend my gratitude for their patience during the writing of this trilogy. A special thank you goes out to Mathilda Imlah, who first took a chance on the manuscript, as well as Jess Wade and Chris Lotts, who fought so hard on my behalf on the other side of the Pond.
A thank you once again to Mike Brooks, who provided invaluable feedback in his no-nonsense style. Thanks also to Mark Lawrence for advice and words of encouragement at a particularly challenging time.
To my readers, I am filled with gratitude that, with all the fine books out there, you chose to invest your time (and quite possibly money) in my little world! I hope to return to it one day.
Finally, to Yesica: I’m sorry, for everything.