To the two most influential women in my life:
My mother, Mildred Robinson MacDonald (1901–2002), first introduced me to movies and to music at a very young age; through her I became an avid moviegoer at the age of seven and a regular player of the piano by age eight. My mother’s love for the classic MGM musicals was a big inspiration for me as I began playing her repertoire of songs on the piano. Her ability to hum Strauss waltz melodies just days before her death at age 100 continues to haunt me ten years later.
My wife, Rose Ann MacDonald (1938–2012), taught me to believe in myself. She also inspired me through her persistent drive, whether as a watercolor artist, an avid reader, a creative thinker, or a sympathetic listener. Rose Ann was a devoutly spiritual person who prayed daily and saw good in everyone. She was also a tireless defender of the democratic process. Our mutual love of the arts was a vital part of our marriage of almost fifty years. Without her constant support I could never have written this book.