Photo displaying three strawberries.

Whatever is going on in your life you need to find the strength to keep your health robust. Whether you are feeling fabulous already and just want to learn more in order to maintain that, or you have hit a life crisis such as a bereavement, divorce, loss of finances, loss of your job, heartbreak, addiction, etc. Or maybe you have great ambition and wish to climb the ladder of success, and know you are going to need a shedload of brain power and energy in order to achieve such things. If your health is resilient and strong, it’s surprising what you can cope with.

If you have any stress at all in your life – and most of us do in one way or another – you need to raise your ‘health‐enhancing game’ and put all your efforts into keeping your energy and vibrancy high. When your body is stressed it needs all the nutrient‐rich foods it can get. Imagine an intravenous drip of goodness filling your body with the best vitamins and minerals nature has provided. That is what I teach my clients to do daily, and the results are phenomenal. I don’t mean endless supplements and pill‐popping, so you are rattling as you walk down the street. I mean good old‐fashioned whole foods, superfoods, juices, and smoothies. If you power your body with these life‐enhancing foods, it does not mean that you will simply forget about your problems, or that your heartache will go away. It just means you will have the power to deal with them without collapsing in a burnt‐out heap in a year from now.

When you go through an emotional time in your life, your body goes into fight or flight mode. This is OK temporarily, as our bodies are designed to warn us if there is danger lurking. Your breathing will become faster, your body will release stress hormones to cause your blood vessels to constrict and divert more oxygen to your muscles, so that you have more strength to take action. But this raises your blood pressure and elevates the cortisol levels in your body, which, over a prolonged period of time, can interfere with your learning, memory, immune function, bone density, and cholesterol levels. Your nervous system releases a truckload of adrenaline, which sends your body into a hyper overload. With the crazy‐ass pace that most of us live at, this intense level of stress will eventually start to affect your sleep, leaving you feeling depressed and despondent. Your digestion will suffer in all areas: bowel movements, acid reflux, etc. (In Chinese medicine, your digestion is the root of your health and if that goes out of kilter you are in trouble).

This has the potential to send your hormones into overdrive affecting fertility, sex drive, and moods and can cause increased feelings of unhappiness. Your skin becomes dry and ages more quickly, your hair and nails can thin and lose that beautiful shine. Not to mention the extreme seriousness of how it can rapidly weaken your heart. Apparently, when your heart is broken, perhaps in the case of a bereavement or lost romance, it almost doubles your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Emotional stress can kill. So while taking care of yourself might be far down the list as you deal with your stressful situation, looking after your health should be your number one priority!

If you look at someone and they are gorgeously glowing, they have a huge smile on their face, and positive words seem to just flow out of their mouth, how attractive is that? Someone who exudes health and vigour is going to be noticeable. If you wish to change something about your health, your life, and your mindset, you have to put in the groundwork. If you are an entrepreneur, or you want to climb the ladder of success in life/business (and that will mean something completely different to everyone) it is vital that you get your ducks in a row and work out what you need and when. Like anything in life, it doesn’t just land in your lap. Some of us are born with a naturally stronger constitution than others and come from a stock of ‘good genes’ but even you – and you know who you are, because you brag about it over a pint at the pub – are at risk if you don’t look after yourself properly.

My background training was in naturopathic nutritional healing. This means that my learning includes many different health systems utilizing a variety of different treatments in order to get well. I chose that path because I do not believe that one system alone is a cure for all. I like to understand many different elements of health that have spanned thousands of years before us, because although we have the most incredible medical advances that save lives every single day, I have my personal views on why so many people are so sick nowadays and, scarily, my own age bracket (forties) and younger are by far the worst that I see. The forty‐somethings and below have the most toxic bodies I see in my clinics and they are the most stressed and those with the least amount of genuine energy.

What I mean by genuine energy is not the kind that’s fuelled by coffee, tea, or energy drinks. That is fake energy and the biggest mistake you can make when you are tired and exhausted is to reach for stimulants. When I visit companies, if there is a glass office and I am having a meeting in there, the number of people I observe refilling their coffees during a two‐hour period is alarming! I don’t think coffee itself is actually bad. Just ensure, as with all food and drink that you purchase, that it’s great quality, but moderation is key. In my opinion just one or two cups a day is ample if you love it, and there is research to show that it can have health benefits such as positively helping in the prevention of Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver disease.

However, if you are a stressed‐out bunny, feeling like you will hit the deck if you don’t have your caffeine fix, mark my words: you do not need that extra cup. Why? The overuse of stimulants when you are already stressed to the max will weaken your immune system, create cravings for high salt and sugar foods, aid weight gain, and completely crush your ability to handle any stress whatsoever. Even remarkably simple tasks such as deciding what you are going to have for dinner that evening could potentially create feelings of anger, uneasiness, and anxiety and be completely overwhelming. Basically, if you feel like this you are in ‘anxiety overload’ and your emotions will be like a ship in a storm. In that case it would be wise to make different decisions about what you are putting into that preciously fabulous body of yours.

I remember once in the 1990s being on a ship crossing the Atlantic from Portugal to San Juan, Puerto Rico, in 30‐foot waves. Almost the entire ship, including me, had to have injections in their buttocks to stop the continuous throwing up. The lifts were full of vomit, as were the corridors, the cabins, and the beauty salon. It was quite a scene! And that will be the analogy of your life if you choose to stay in adrenal overload. I don’t mean you are literally going to be vomiting uncontrollably in random corridors. But your life will be chaotic and out of control. If you think this is you, do not fear, all is not lost because with the correct balance of foods and nourishing drinks you will bring yourself back into line, and it may not take as long as you think. This is the beauty of what nature gave us. It’s all here, ready for us to take full advantage of to help regain our balance. It’s remarkably clever!

When it comes to helping make a person well, I like to apply all sorts of considerations when dealing with disease. For example, Chinese medicine considers the laws of nature, the environment around us, and the natural physical response of the nervous system to help create harmony. They see the body as a whole: not only defined by the organs and systems it carries, but also as the home of the mind and spirit. Have you ever noticed when you travel on holiday you feel a certain way? Different in mood? Maybe more relaxed? More peaceful or happier? When you are in a different environment your body uses different organs to properly respond and provide for your needs.

Also, when the seasons change, our bodies need completely different types of nourishment. It’s so important to remember that the body is an extremely powerful instrument. Its intelligence works far beyond the capacity of the human brain, and in therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and reflexology, the basic principle is that the body is smart enough to heal, once it is given a reminder of its own fabulous functioning. In acupuncture, for example, when the needle is inserted the reality is that it’s invading your body. Your entire nervous system is woken up and goes into attack mode. The good news is that during this process your body gets a jump‐start and the areas of weakness in your body get a little shake‐up – a wake‐up call to start moving. So areas of blockage, or stagnation, or inflammation begin to heal. You see it’s not actually the needles that are healing you at all, it’s your very own nervous system as its starts to create a natural regulating and healing process from your blood getting a boost and starting to flow properly.

The body is like a gentle river and needs to be constantly flowing freely in order to be healthy and for you to feel your best.

If there is a blockage anywhere it will initially try to come in. At first you may not notice, as it’s just lurking in the background, but pay more attention to it and you will begin to be alerted to the problem. Your body is trying to protect you and the problems come in the form of pain, swelling, acid reflux, nausea, seeing blood or an unusual discharge, or other forms of discomfort. This is your body letting you know that danger is lurking, things are changing, and the problem needs to be solved. The quicker you solve it, the better. If you know you have something that feels uncomfortable and it’s not usual for you to feel like this that’s your body telling you loud and clear something is wrong and you should take notice. In our Western world we ignore so much. We immediately reach for the painkillers, the digestive pills, the blood pressure tablets. All we want is a quick fix. Unfortunately for all you quick‐fixers out there, there is NO magic pill to keep you healthy. Meditation, yoga, regular exercise, practising gratitude, being thankful, eating clean, avoiding processed junk, being kind, seeking herbs and therapies to aid your suffering mind are all part of the picture for maintaining your lifetime of wellness and health.

The one thing that drives me crazy is when people think this type of life is boring! I am not saying for one moment you have to give up all the things you love. NEVER! I am the most un‐nutritionist you will ever meet. Come party with me and I will show you! Drink your alcohol or eat your treats if that’s your thing … but if you know how to rein it in and keep it clean for the majority of each day you are going to feel totally in control of yourself, your life, your emotions, your sanity, your body shape, your body tone, your ageing genes, your greying hair, your spreading midriff, your saggy boobs, your drooping bottom, your eye bags, your breath, your teeth, your bones, and your muscles.

To be fair, the people that usually say to me ‘I would rather die having a good time, than have a life of eating lettuce leaves’ are usually the ones that have the most health problems and need to make the most changes. After all, we are often resistant to the things we need the most. Trust me, when you have been eating clean for a while and removed all your toxic substances, you will understand what I mean. You suddenly have so much energy you literally don’t know what to do with it. What’s that film where the guy takes a mysterious pill that enables him to access 100% of his brain’s abilities? Bradley Cooper stars as a struggling writer who, because of his new‐found intelligence, becomes a financial wizard. This puts him in a new world of success and danger, but also offers considerably more excitement to his life. That’s it … Limitless.

Photo of a woman kayaking on a beach.

If you get the chance to watch it, I would highly recommend it. The comparison I am trying to make here, is that a life with true health and energy makes your life ‘limitless’. When you have enough physical and mental energy you can do whatever you want. All your ambitions, hopes, and dreams become far more reachable. Your every waking thought is more positive, and life becomes a magical journey of untold discovery and bravery. The better you feel, the more you do. Your confidence grows and so does your zest for life.

The Secret

If you are familiar with The Secret you will understand that positivity creates and breeds yet more positivity. This best‐selling book written by Rhonda Byrne was released in 2006. It’s based on belief in the law of attraction, which claims that the thoughts we have every day can completely change a person’s life. It has sold over 30 million copies worldwide and been translated into 50 different languages. Its central idea is that everyone has the ability to create their own reality and that ‘thoughts become things’. The seven laws of attraction are widely used and I talk to my clients about them all the time as I feel they can be massively influential in setting your mind on the right path of positivity. The first is the law of manifestation. This means that anything we focus on constantly will manifest in our lives. So, you negative ninnies out there that think you are down on your luck and nothing good ever happens to you … well of course it doesn’t, because you always think it’s going to be bad. This is the number one rule in our house: don’t focus on your problems, just focus on your dreams.

Fight the Negativity

When I was going through my divorce, I spent three years focusing on all the things I didn’t have. Three precious frikkin years manifesting a shitball of badness. And that’s all I got. Stress, worry, financial loss, crappy dates, awful fallouts, and tears like Tiny Tears on acid! Crying, moaning, hysteria, drama on a loop that went on and on and on. It wasn’t until I realized one day that I was surrounding myself, and just about everyone else that came into contact with me, with endless negativity that something had to change, or my life was going to be this hellhole existence forever. I was going to die in a pool of black sludge called self‐pity!

I rarely have any regrets in my life. I feel like everything I have ever done, good, bad, funny, naughty, ecstatic, sad, horrid, lovely, has all been one big learning curve leading to now. But I really do regret wasting three solid years of my life on something that could have been resolved in a calmer and more pleasant way, and possibly much more quickly. I am, by my own admission, a very ‘passionate being’. When I feel that I, or my family, have been betrayed or wronged, or that someone has behaved unjustly, I’m very unlikely to let that pass. As I mature, the ‘passion’ or the ‘fire’ is lessening, or perhaps I am simply more reasonable. These days I am far more grounded and try with true empathy to see situations from all angles. Now I listen to friends who sadly find themselves in the situation that I was in and try to advise them how little the small things matter and not to enter into the fight. But it’s their journey to learn from, so they may or may not be ready to listen. It’s the same when it comes to health. We cannot force, persuade, or dictate to anyone about getting their health back on track. Even those who can easily avoid suffering may not be ready to hear what you have to say.

The second law of attraction is the law of magnetism. Meaning that we can only attract the same kind of energy that we put out about ourselves. Our personal energy moves outwards from us and connects with others of like resonance, which, according to The Secret, determines both who and what we attract to ourselves in life. The people and situations that are drawn into our lives match our signals. Is it chemistry? Or more of a resonance, a matching signal due to personal vibrations? It’s a harsh reality, but if you don’t like the society, partners, friends, or success that you have attracted so far, or you have found real difficulty in finding your ‘place’ in the life that you desire, you will seriously need to consider what you are putting on your calling card to the world. I guess the good news is that since this frequency is something you produce yourself, it’s definitely something that you can change. Your personal resonance is created through your vibrations and your feelings and your emotional energy. It’s also crucial to change the vibrations of the very thoughts that go through your head every day if you know they are negative. Just because other people can’t hear what you are thinking, doesn’t mean you are not emitting them. Your physical energy and the vibrations of your body are crucial because us humans can pick up instinctively on how we think someone is feeling. Negative thinking is usually based on three fears:

  1. Fear of the future: Even though it hasn’t happened yet, so logically why should we be afraid?
  2. Fear of rejection: That inner voice that says we are not good enough, unlovable, not clever enough, etc.
  3. Fear of failure: Why bother trying, right? We will just fail anyway.

Even as you say all this to yourself, you can feel your body sinking, can’t you? All fear is toxic to the energy of achievement, so it’s clear that when we think this way, we are creating our very own self‐fulfilling prophecy of doom. These negative thoughts destroy optimism and are our greatest challenge to overcome in reaching genuine happiness.

The other laws of attraction include unwavering desire, which is your constant and unwavering passion for a certain outcome. In other words, your total belief that this is what will happen. And the law of delicate balance, the law of harmony, the law of right action … in other words, making things happen in order to achieve your goals. So, for example, not taking action in the right direction for your nutritional goals would be … you have a sore throat and a cold and you feel terrible. To boost your immune system you could juice ginger, lime, oranges, cucumber, and garlic three times a day until your body has soaked that up and feels better again. But instead you choose to eat fast food, drink two bottles of wine, and feel shocking the next day, making your body even more tired and toxic, giving you five days feeling miserable in bed! You see how your choices and actions can seriously affect your outcome.

The final law of the universe is far greater and more powerful than just you, but equally as important for achieving happiness. Understanding that we are all ‘One’ with each other and the entire universe is the foundation law. I am a believer in karma and living a good life that you are open about and proud of. Speaking your truth sets you free and trusting your own desires makes you who you are. The long and short of this is that every area of your life, including your health, your finances, and your relationships, is influenced by ‘like’ attracts ‘like’. Everything you may want or not want to experience is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. The basic premise of the law of attraction is that energy attracts like energy. Whatever you are vibrating out there to the world, you get right back. Things that you long for or desire will not come to you until you are sending out the right vibrations for that to happen. So, don’t blame, simply change. Change your thoughts, your visions, your mindset, your negative chatter, your beliefs, your needs … and see what happens.

The more we, as human beings, understand about the way we work, what we need, and how things unbalance us the better equipped we are at really making a difference to our lives, our health, and our overall well‐being. Not only does this understanding have an impact on our own minds and bodies, it also helps us to understand and have more empathy for others.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic medicine (developed over 3000 years ago in India) is another favourite of mine that really helps a person to understand what they are and why. It shows clearly that if you slip out of balance your life can really spiral out of control. The theory behind Ayurvedic medicine is that good health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily humours or doshas (the three energies that define a person’s make‐up). Each human body is different and the way Ayurvedic medicine explains this is that each person has a unique blend of physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. Because of our body type, each one of us has slightly predisposed weaknesses or strengths, and if we know and understand this and can feel ourselves getting out of balance, it is easier to correct. The three body types are vata, pitta and kapha. I am going to outline the main traits of each one, just so you have a basic understanding of what you need.


The vata‐type person is generally speedy. They are vibrant, quick‐thinking, creative, fast‐talking, dynamic, and slightly airy people, but they can also be very sensitive as well as spiritual and are often running late. (Stop shouting at the book, anyone that knows me! Yes, yes I have a lot of vata qualities!) Vata‐type people can be fidgety, forget to eat, and generally routine can feel awful, boring, and overwhelming to them. They are usually thin in appearance, with delicate bone structure, low body fat, and they often find it hard to gain weight. On the flip side when this person is out of balance, they can be indecisive, stressed and prone to what I call ‘burn out’, exhaustion, and fatigue. They can have thinning hair, lots of gas and bloating, and can be very unfocused and spacy. They can also have dry nails and skin and are the types that need to wrap up as can feel the cold easily. They suffer from sleeplessness, excessive worry, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

I think it’s useful to understand this concept because it gives you more empathy as to why some people act the way they do. Without doubt, it has helped me to understand my clients better and may help you to understand yourself and what your needs are in order to maintain balance. What a vata person needs is constant nourishment of the nervous system. They need to take extra special care of their digestive system, as well as looking after bone strength and protection. Vata types need to stay away from low fat foods and must be careful if vegetarian to stay grounded and nourished. They need warming, heavier foods to stay calm, good quality oils and good fats, and strengthening foods like mashed sweet potatoes, root vegetables, black and wild rice, lots of fish and eggs and heavier grains such as buckwheat. Vatas can get great results from exercise such as weight‐lifting, Pilates, and yoga.


The pitta body types on the other hand, tend to be very fiery, determined, confident, and can at times seem aggressive. When out of balance pittas can be dictatorial and easily angered. They have a medium body frame, are well‐proportioned and can be muscular; they tend to have good genes. They are compelled to accomplish things and can therefore be extremely focused and organized. You will not find a pitta type missing a meal, purely because they can actually be really cranky if food is skipped, and most pitta types will know this about themselves and try to avoid this situation. They can be workaholics, and don’t always do well in hotter humid climates. Emotionally they can create problems that don’t really exist, and sometimes even when they are feeling too balanced! They have the capacity to work until they drop, which is not advisable, as they then spend time and effort picking up the pieces. Pitta types are ridiculously organized, energized, enthusiastic, and sharper mentally than a vata. However, out of balance they are easily agitated, irritable, and desperately over‐competitive. Physically they can suffer with diarrhoea, skin rashes, burning eyes, increased appetite, perspiration, and have a greater need to nourish their livers, gall bladder, spleen, small intestines, and blood than the other body types.

Foods that will be beneficial to a pitta type are sweet tasting spices, cardamom, fennel, and proteins such as chicken and fish. They need lots of dark leafy greens, and peppermint tea. Fresh limes are particularly good for them, and they need to be careful and make sure to reduce excessive spices that are too heating. Heavier red meats are not great for them at all as they dampen their energy. They need calming and relaxing physical exercise such as yoga and Pilates, and from an emotional perspective, they need gentle relationships. This is very interesting if you are married to a pitta person. They won’t respond well to ranting!


The kapha types are generally larger bodies, not necessarily overweight, but they can have a tendency to gain weight easily. They are usually strong and robust characters and when in shape can be powerful and athletic. They are usually very grounded people, who are solid and stable and clear about the ways of the world. They are strong sexually and have a slower metabolism. They can miss a meal, unlike the pitta types. They are much more resistant to exercise and are generally slower moving, often trying to lighten up, both physically and emotionally. They are reliable types, dependable and calm and can be peacemakers, even‐tempered, loving, and affectionate. However, when they are not in balance, they can hold onto emotions, bear grudges, and feel depressed and despondent. They can sleep too much, lack enthusiasm, feel dull, sluggish, overweight, and congested and can be the least enthusiastic of the types if they allow themselves to live incorrectly.

The organs which most need to be nourished in this body type are the lungs, stomach, body fat, and lymphatic system. Heavy and high fat foods, dairy, gluten, red meats, and starchy vegetables are all a no‐no for this type of body. They are best suited to beans, quinoa, spinach, salads, cayenne pepper, ginger, and heating spices. They need positive affirmations daily and good amounts of cardiovascular exercise.

It’s interesting when you read this information for the first time, because in your head you are now categorizing everyone you know. I would just add that you are not necessarily going to be only one body type – it is very common for you to have a combination of two. For example, I am a classic combination of vata and pitta and have those exact traits if I go out of balance. What helps, though, is that when you understand a little bit more about the differences between us as human beings, it can make you look at people in a different light, with far more love and understanding for what they are and what they need.

Many of my clients who are fifty‐plus years old seem to have better health than the generation below. I am generalizing here, because of course there are very healthy people in the younger age category too, but from what I have witnessed the oldies are generally cleaner! Internally! My generation and below have been exposed to far more junk and processed foods than ever before. Ready meals in some families can be the norm, as can fizzy drinks and diet foods. The quality of meat is not so good, our fruits and vegetables are laden with pesticides and other chemicals, and sugars are everywhere, in everything.

Alcohol consumption is at an all‐time high among teenagers and some of my clients in the professional and corporate world drink excessively due to the nature and socializing aspect of their jobs. Many of my clients (and friends) are, perhaps without realizing it, functioning alcoholics. Drinking too much alcohol on a daily basis has all sorts of effects on your health. It can increase your chances of developing cancer, cause stomach distress, thin your bones, change your coordination, alter your behaviour, distort your mental clarity, shrink your brain, damage your heart, cause pancreatitis and infertility issues, not to mention creating malnutrition, increasing diabetic complications, and severely battering your poor, very important, liver. If your liver is damaged it can prevent the removal of harmful substances from your body, leading to a backup of excessive toxins, undoubtedly leaving you feeling PANTS!

Health should be your most prized possession and you should treasure it. Look after it every day. Do not take for granted that it will always be there for you, running in pristine order, because I have seen all too many times how devastating it can be when something goes seriously wrong.

I have given many talks in corporate settings about health and well‐being. I can always tell from the outset who has been forced by their boss to come to my ‘well‐being day’ and who is happy to be sitting in front of me. I can see the almost childlike look on faces when I start to talk, as they are looking at their watches and thinking ‘I have got so much to do and don’t want to be sat here listening about how to be healthy!’ These people normally have the body language giveaway … they are slumped in their seats, heads down, perhaps biting their nails or fiddling with their hair, looking out of the window. Hand on heart, I actually love seeing these people turn up under the boss’s orders in an attempt to get the whole company interested in how to live healthier lives. To me it’s a challenge. As I talk, slowly but surely I can see something that I have said finally resonate in their brains. Perhaps I have made a connection with a disease that their mother suffered from, or talked about a client who has turned their life around from severe challenges to vibrant health, or spoken about mental health issues and they feel exactly the same, but just haven’t told any of their work colleagues yet. Their body language begins to change. The posture straightens out, their necks elongate like a peacock looking for a mate, they start to make eye contact with me, maybe even raise a little smile, their heads tilt to one side as they wonder how they are going to make a difference in their own lives, and maybe even those of their family. It is the people that looked the least interested at the beginning that are the ones queueing to see me at the end with a list of questions so long I could be there for years giving answers.

When I first started out, I was always very nervous to be in the ‘corporate world’ giving health presentations. Everyone seemed to be so powerful and super‐successful. But strip that back, and client after client revealed to me that it doesn’t matter what you do, how high up in your organization you are, how many promotions you have had or how many bonuses you’ve received. Take your clothes off and stand there naked, remove the title and the flash car and mansion house, and we are all the same. Everyone has their own insecurities (and if you say you don’t you are telling porky pies). Everyone has their life scars, their emotional baggage, their fears, phobias, and health issues. Everyone has wobbly bits, or too‐skinny bits, or more cellulite that they would like. We are fundamentally all the same. It is best for us all to create good health in order to enjoy life to the fullest, and enjoy doing all the things we want to do. So let’s keep it simple and keep it real. We need good food in order to feel amazing, and of course a whole heap of other stuff thrown into the mix.

Photo displaying the three speakers of a women’s entrepreneur conference.

Maybe you are stuck in a toxic relationship or surround yourself with negative people who suck the life out of you, or you’re with someone who thinks its clever to make you feel utterly worthless, in order to elevate themselves and their own ego. What do you do? You, my friends, need to work on yourself. You need to build your strength up in order to get out of the kitchen (so to speak)! Well, hopefully you are going to be in the kitchen doing a lot more preparations, as you need to get super‐strong in order to create and raise your vibration. You attract exactly what you are putting out there. It’s as simple as that. In order to know how much you are worth, or to change yourself to be a better version of you and get rid of any life‐sucking vampires or change your own negative thought patterns and behaviours, you need to get in control of yourself, your life, and your health … pronto.

Life is very unpredictable, people come into your life, situations change, challenges occur … so be ready and fully equipped. Whether you have a family or not, the person you need to take the most care of and rely on is yourself. You are far better for all your loved ones if you are in a good physical, mental, and emotional state of being, and the chances are you might be a much nicer person to be around too. Put in the work and the rewards will be magnificent. The stronger and more robust you can make your body, the better you will be in every way. The more vibrant you become, the more you can cope with, so when you are faced with a stressful situation, or a complicated dilemma, or a heart‐wrenching blow to your trust in humanity, you are ready to take it on … head on!

The glory comes from daring to begin!